At what age did you grew out of Linux, anime and metal?

At what age did you grew out of Linux, anime and metal?

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Never, my girlfriend and I are children for life

Sometime last summer
I will probably never grow out of it. Wafius 2 op
Eh, i was never really into it

I think I stopped listening metal when I was like 15 or something.
I still use Linux and watch anime though.

maybe in a few years
probably when I get tinnitus

never was into it
I see no reason to "grow out" of anything. There's nothing wrong with being a manchild for life.

Also that's a pretty nice desktop.


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>of Linux
I've grew out of shitting windows, but not using gnu/linux

gib me wall pls

I stopped thinking it was the only OS worth using and now I consider using anything that fits the bill. Windows, OX, BSD, etc

I stopped thinking it was the only form of entertainment possible and now I appreciate more film and literature

I stopped thinking it was the only form of music that was worth listening to and now I've come to appreciate other genres than before I would never ever listened to, like pop and rap.

Happy now?

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Nice taste user

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Thanks onii-chan

Metal was always gay.
Linux is something I grew into during my undergraduate studies, around the time I stopped playing video games.
Anime will always hold a special place in my heart, but I no longer use it as a wallpaper for devices that I bring with me in public.

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fucking subhuman. Tasteless brute. Monster

never been an anime fan

only response ITT that doesn't come from a manchild

>I stopped thinking

I don't like any of these things

Nothing wrong with being a manchild.

I'm only an aspirational Linux enthusiast and have never done more than install Ubuntu on a shitty dying desktop and Mint for my dad's T440p.
It's a form of visual media. No reason to grow out of it, except for waifu, seasonal, mainstream trash which you should never have been into.
Only got into black metal at 26. Grew out of dad metal at 21.

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