Interview questions that filters out pajeets

For C++ programmers:
>What is the copy constructor? The move constructor? When are they used?
>What is an lvalue reference? What is an rvalue reference? How are they related to the copy/move constructors?
>Why do we typically place a function template's definition in the hpp file? What would happen if it was moved to a separate cpp file and why?

Post your own questions as well.

Attached: critical_interviewer.jpg (1024x576, 77K)

>What are JVM, JRE and JDK? Can you explain the purpose of each?

>we typically place a function template's definition in the hpp file
Why haven't they fixed this?

Do you have a github? What’s one project you’re particularly proud of that you’d be willing to go through together right now?

If their answers are: I don’t have a github, I haven’t worked on anything lately, I don’t code outside of work.

Pajeet or straight from the Caucasus - I don’t want to work with them.

To be clear: I’m not asking for them to work for free, make something for yourself. I don’t care if it’s a granny fucking simulator, just make *something* show me you’re learning/useful codewise.

Mind if I use bitbucket? My professor didn't want to worry about groups stealing code from each other.

Interviews always fuck me up. How do I improve?

I do well in public speaking and am not a complete brainlet.

>I don’t code outside of work
Pity your company isn't family friendly, Sir.

Nah, I don’t really care what kind of version control they use just that they: a.) use it b.) have something to show

Go be a teacher if you want family time.

I'm still learning C++ and I don't get the lvalue rvalue thing.

Can someone explain to a brainlet?

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>Go be a teacher

I'd rather be a porn star

I’m sure it’ll be just like weekends at daddy’s.

>Where do you shit?

did you know C before you started learning C++

My company has claim to my 'moral rights' and therefore ownership to (or rather, right to deny me working on) any software I am involved in.

Most companies have such clauses, but people don't bother to read the contract stay current with their local employment laws.

>If their answers are: I don’t have a github, I haven’t worked on anything lately, I don’t code outside of work.
>Pajeet or straight from the Caucasus - I don’t want to work with them.
You're pure cancer who wish for a disgusting homogeneous culture.

>What happens before a program executes?
>What is the return value of constructors and destructors and how can you access them? (trick question)
>Are you from India?

>I don’t care if it’s a granny fucking simulator
You might not, but your candidate probably will. They're not going to show you anything that might be morally or legally questionable enough to make a more prudish interviewer unhappy.

You can want to exclude one group without wanting to all other groups.

I'll answer since you posted a cute anime girl. lvalues, rvalues, and other related -values are a bit of a complex subject once you dig deeper, but wikipedia provides a decent (yet somewhat simplistic) explanation:

"An lvalue refers to an object that persists beyond a single expression. An rvalue is a temporary value that does not persist beyond the expression that uses it."
One simple test is to see if you can take the memory address of the value. You can do so for lvalues but not for rvalues.

I don’t see any company envoking those rights outside their immediate field. Such as finance company probably wouldn’t care if you made a video game, most aren’t looking to pivot like that. It doesn’t have to be work related, I want to see that they have made something not leaked company software.

I don’t see how this is wrong. I’m not excluding anyone on culture just on their drive.

It’s up to them what they want to show. If I see granny_fucking_sim on their github but they wanna show me a c++ compiler they wrote I won’t question it. But you’re right, but it’s ultimately up to them to make wise decisions and to set repos like that to private or at least anonymous.

Wow easy.

1. I double click it
2. The pointer to the new object. You can access them by typing in the class name followed by parenthesis.
3. Why yes. I'm actually there right now.

>I don’t see any company envoking those rights outside their immediate field.

All software is all software.

It's not a question of whether they will enforce their contact rights - as an employee the only respectful thing to do is honor your employment contract, renegotiate or leave.

Thought I suppose a company looking for that SV uber-style 'get it done at any cost' philosophy in employees would more appreciate ones that ignored such parts of their contracts.

That's a double-edged sword though.


Sorry but I don't program outside of work, I'm much too busy to spend my own free time making a hobby project for a prospective employer.

Why? Other than the salaries, it's a secure job and a pleasure to teach college level.

Then the vast majority of employers are too busy to hire you.

A business can sustain making its salaried employees work weekends long enough to find someone who will work the way they want.

Then I wouldn't want to work there anyways. They can ask me any whiteboard question they want, they can give me 4 hours in a room with a computer without internet access to drum some stupid shit up for them and I will. Not going to slave my free time away writing shitty code for some retarded hiring manager at a shit company. (If you're forced to work more than 40 hours a week your company is shit)

OP, with just a few simple questions you have easily shown why C++ is shit. Good Job.


This. Only decent languages to work with in a big company are python, JS and Java. Everything else lends itself to extreme spaghetti code, unreadability and no reliability.


the joke your head.jpg

Becoming a teacher doesn't require proof that you've successfully taught a kid and that kid has gotten a job in that field. You just need a degree and will be sent to training (to get your first experience, if you don't have).

But becoming a programmer requires not only a degree nowadays, but also proof of 5+ years of the same job at another company, a git hub full of projects in the required language, and a boatload of tangential certifications nobody gets in their spare time because they're only needed in that specific field.

Now that I have explained the joke it suddenly isn't as funny as it was in my head.

>If their answers are: I don’t have a github, I haven’t worked on anything lately, I don’t code outside of work.
I don’t have a github, nor a LinkedIn, Xing, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or StackOverflow account. I regularly code outside of work, but putting my own code or data into the botnet cloud? Not going to happen. It is safely stored on my own redundant systems.

>Making an employment contract dependent on whether the employee has a private contractual relationship with an independent third-party.
Picture related.

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it would require more or less and entire rewrite of how the compiler and linker functions

>I don’t have a github, nor a LinkedIn, Xing, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or StackOverflow account.
then you don't exist.


Are you a pajeet?
if yes pls GTFO

brainlet-tier analogy:
- lvalues are the type of shit that can be on the l-eft side of an assignment (global, local variable, array+index, struct+field specifier, etc)
- rvalue is the type of shit that can be on the r-ight side of an assignment (2+2, sqrt(3), fag.balls)
Kinda sorta, I may be wrong on whether rvalues and lvalues have some overlap.

Add golang to your list (Google's house style is enforced by the compiler forfucksake).

And honestly, literally any language up to and including brainfuck can be tamed as long as you have the tooling and culture to do so. Putting autopep8 in your CI chain will eliminate about 95% of Python spaghetti. The rest is hiring devs who aren't pajeets.

You must be German.

The resume on the desk of my last employer tells otherwise. It is even in this magical physical form called "paper", which cannot be removed from the screen with a click of a button. It is sitting on the desk, nagging from corner of the eye at the consciousness of the recipient to finally write a response.

>what is the agile methodology
>what is scrum
>what is ORM

>You don't clean your butt with your hand, do you?

so how do you prove that you can write code with showing your GitHub, LinkedIn, etc etc?

do you print the code on paper and say

> i made this


rvalue can be on "left side", though it won't do shit
some compilers will tell you that this has no purpose
for instance:
double muhSqrt = sqrt(3); // fine
sqrt(3); // fine as well, but for what purpose

My referral from inside the company vouched for me because of work we did together in the past.

not an assignment expression tho

Please post the github, LinkedIn, Xing, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or StackOverflow account of Jim Keller.

Contrary to popular belief these things are not necessary; the result is a hidden champion that is not found on the internet, just moving from company to company.

Having any repository is just "plus sign" for them, as it is most likely you develop your skills outside the workplace.
Worse, if majority of candidates does have it though.

You can just upload the source code to you own web space as an archive and send them the link. Has the additional benefit that you can see who accessed the file at what time. Most companies judge the ability to write code onsite.

>It is sitting on the desk
No, it isn't. It's on its way to a recycling center/landfill as it was immediately chucked into the nearest trashcan right after blacklisting the name written on it for being unable/unwilling to comply with a digital resume only requirement.

Keller is an actual engineer, not a programmer.

>Too stupid to put a link in your resume PDF to you own webspace (with an source archive) instead of a link to your github account
Yes, editing one URL is really difficult.

He could still upload schematics to github, or have LinkedIn, Xing, Twitter, Facebook and Google+ accounts. And he could still have an account on the EE stackexchange.

He does not, and that should really make one think.

>all the public projects I'd say I'm proud of involved reverse engineering old games
I'm not sure if that would hurt me more than it helps, I had fun and learned new things working on those projects but I imagine the reverse engineering part doesn't fly with prospective employers even if it's technically legal

He doesn't need those because he is famous.
If you'd have the same track-record, you wouldn't need to present yourself in such a way either, but we are talking about noob-positions here.
So to see if you can do the job, showing that you can helps an employer decide.

Breaking news! Employers look at different things in potential employees of different disciplines

And if this is ACTUALLY news to you in any way, you're retarded and need to kill yourself.

Still does not answer the question why you could not self-host this stuff?

Copy constructor copies an object into a new, non-constructed value (or over an existing value when used with placement new). The move constructor *moves* an object into a new, non-constructed value (with the same placement new caveat), *possibly* leaving the old object in an undefined or invalid state. Note that this is up to the definer of the object, a move constructor could theoretically do anything to the old object, be identical to the copy constructor, or something else. They're mostly used to implement move semantics, which are things like unique pointer.

An lvalue reference is a reference to a named object. An rvalue reference is a reference to an rvalue. This is actually more complicated because there's glvalue and xvalues and such, but the named/not named semantics are fairly important. An rvalue reference is used to implement move semantics as you can only use it explicitly (with std::move) or on objects that are about to be destructed anyway (rvalues).

Template function definitions are placed in an HPP file so the compiler can make an instantiation of that template when it is used with concrete types. If it were in the CPP this would be impossible as the compiler needs to know the full function definition to make this instantiation.

What stuff? I don't know your question.

The stuff you would put on github. The argument "he does not have a github account = we cannot know how good he is at coding" is pretty bad.

What does this have to do with Keller?
If you have personal projects, then show them, even if it means hosting them yourself.
If you don't show your personal projects, employers can't know much about your work apart from your work history, and/or fame.

It has to do with Keller in that said "No github account? Then you don't exist". Keller is a counter example for that. Also self-hosting is a counter example for that. So just two counter-examples.

Congrats, you are certified non-pajeet. You probably shit in the toilet.

Can you explain why one would need this shit?
I program C mostly, and just don't understand why one would do this

Value semantics make it possible to create classes with identical behaviour to primitive types, for example a custom numerical type or a string type which completely manages it's own memory allocation internally.

The problem with this is that C++ is about zero cost abstractions, and inexpensive abstractions can often leak implementation details and/or be difficult to implement.

find another career m8, something that you'll enjoy.

I enjoy getting money.

I unironically don't code outside of work, but I work 345 days a year (15 mandatory holidays, 5 optional leave days) so it's never been a problem for me in 11 years of dev work. vOv

don't you have hobbies ?
Are you always programming 24/7?

I think it can only help you, as it shows dedication, understanding and experience (if you're trying to apply to a job that requires reverse engineering)

>googlable trivia
This is how you end up with a pajeet. They study study study memorize memorize memorize, but they can't do shit because they have no true passion.

Check out youtube. Millions of pajeet making videos explaining these minutia to pad their resume.

Regardless, any company that marks him down for screwing with reverse engineering in his free time is probably a living hell to work for.

that was the most nigger tier answer you could have given. You're clearly smart enough to do some type of engineering / science related shit. Why stick around for something you don't care about, is money that important to you?

>what does this macro do?
(defmacro foo ((&rest names) &body body)
(let ((gensyms (loop for n in names collect (gensym))))
`(let (,@(loop for g in gensyms collect `(,g (gensym))))
`(let (,,@(loop for g in gensyms for n in names collect ``(,,g ,,n)))
,(let (,@(loop for n in names for g in gensyms collect `(,n ,g)))

I really only care about video games. Programming pays the most.

It's trivial enough to ask someone to expand on an answer to see if they really understand the underlying concepts. Truly understanding C++ concepts such as copy control and templates is not something your typical pajeet can do by memorizing some stack overflow answer.

lol wat?

>They study study study memorize memorize memorize, but they can't do shit because they have no true passion.
I fell victim to this
I don't want to come off looking like that girl that failed fizzbuzz on her interview and then posted an angry rant on tumblr, but I got filtered out during an interview recently because I forgot some technicalities that I could look up in the documentation in like 30 seconds, then they asked me about software design patterns... I mean, fair enough, I guess I should have that memorized by now since I end up using some of them sometimes, but how does not knowing that make me a less desirable programmer? Many of them are natural to me and I don't even know them by name.

I love programming, I love maths, I don't even care how much I get paid as long as I can afford to pay my rent and bills, but no, better hire some guy who requires high pay and works with 0 passion because he memorized the standard set of interview questions

Utter bullshit

Looks overcomplicated. Doesn't it just create a fresh closure, copying globals?

>I got filtered out during an interview recently because I forgot some technicalities that I could look up in the documentation in like 30 seconds, then they asked me about software design patterns

They had a shitty interview process, and there's no real way around that. Even if you got those questions right, they could have easily rejected you for some other inane reason.

but how do you filter pajeets using PHP?

Attached: 876706dc3cb5cd3e010a1853297cff82.png (555x664, 129K)

Good programmers are interested in programming as a hobby as well as a profession. It's a passion.

People who only code as a means to an end are usually terrible at it.

Simple. If they don't use PHP, they are unqualified for the job. If they do use PHP, they are even more unqualified.

I said I don't code outside of work, so yeah, I have hobbies and kids that take up my time outside of the office. I don't even have a computer at home aside from my smartphone. Totally wire-free house has been great for keeping the kids playing outside or doing their homework.

it's not complex at all, don't flatter yourself, brainlet

how about you go and study something more complex than the first 5% of an intro to C++ book and then come back to us to "impress" us with your pajeet knowledge?

This entire exchange is actually exactly what happened to me and now I'm training to be a machinist.
Even outside of money, the programming sectors have other benefits like short(er) work hours, less physical demands, and higher job security. I do enjoy the good parts of the machinist's job more, but it also comes with the kind of bullshit that a programmer almost never has to deal with (coincidentally, some of them were created by programmers - specifically the ones who make cad/cam software).

That's a load of shit. You can be a passionate developer at work and shed that when you go home to your family. I do male notes from time to time when I'm at home, but there's no reason for me to do a side project when it's home time.

to become good at something, you must expose yourself to it to learn its underlying patterns and master it
to do this, you must spend time
to spend time, you must be focused, you have to be attentive
to be attentive, you need to:
a. genuinely enjoy the subject
b. be very disciplined
c. trick yourself into wanting to focus on it

do you understand?

There's nothing wrong with wanting to hang out with people like you, who have not only experiences in common, but even the common mindset.

To give an example - in unigraphics, the interrupt function does not use the interrupt OS/hardware feature. From usage thus far, I surmise that the program starts multiple threads/child processes, then it sets a flag for whether it should stop a current operation after said threads/child processes exit, as opposed to using the OS level function specifically designated to interrupt a process. It's dumb as shit and it means I can't stop my computer from calculating IPW when I select the wrong option for a toolpath. This wouldn't be a problem for a programmer - this is essentially the phase of development where you can essentially say "dude it's compiling", but the machinist sector has far higher demands for how quickly you get something done because those are real physical parts that you have to start machining by a certain point or you don't meet customer demand. And I can't switch to being a programmer because I use my PC as a PERSONAL computer and felt no need to upload every single line of code up to git - I understand this isn't fucking conductive to largescale programming projects but holy shit if you want me to do something myself for fun let me do it my own way.

Old game RE guy here, I guess I'm fairly lucky that my current employer didn't ask to see my Github and they've treated me well; it'd be nice to get out of my current location (small town in PA) and make more use of what I learned through those projects though I tend to be overly cautious about the risk of jumping ship from a stable job after getting laid off out of the blue a few times before

>while you were spending time having a life, I was mastering the block chain

I garuntee I'm better at my job than an autistic twat who enjoys spinal and carpal injuries from never standing up more than thirty minutes a day. Part of discipline and enjoyment is knowing when to do other necessary parts of life like raising kids, getting exercise, being socially active, cultivating other talents, and knowing your neighbors.

I don't know about mastery, but I'm damn good at what I do without being an autistic incel. Master life and your professional career will follow young man.

some people do it involuntarily, some do it voluntarily, but I don't think you're "cursed" to be a brainlet if you aren't born genuinely interested in programming or w/e

the most you can say is that you're statistically predisposed to being a worse programmer if you aren't involuntarily attracted to the field, since for the average guy it's more difficult to care about doing something if they don't like it

but I wanted to say that you can also do stuff like, work hard for it since working hard can bring you money afterwards, so you can treat it as an investment

This Pajeet just BTFO all the Jow Forumstards in this thread. That is why they're ignoring him.

You realize the guy could've already had his passion programmer phase during his college years/early career then gradually wound down as he took on family life without becoming any worse at his field?

You do realize, with your shriveled walnut brain, that I did not say that what you mentioned in your comment was not possible. I simply said that to become better at something you must invest some time in it. Wow, big surprise there, you stupid fucking faggot. I'm sure I'm the first guy to tell you this.

One of the anons said that you need to care about the field and spend some of your free time practicing, but I said that you don't need to genuinely care, you just need discipline, and some people have it the easy way, by being born interested and curious.

This is an archaic explanation that is misleading and not even accurate anymore.

>Interview questions that filters out pajeets
You identified a quality that you associate with a certain degree of competence and want to test for those qualities in job applicants. No need to make it a race thing, my guy.

Your job is to hire people who will bring your company money, not to hire undesirables just because they look like you. You're just as dumb as an SJW demanding more women in tech for the sake of having more women in tech.