Besides texting calling and using the internet and listening to music ocasionally what do YOU use your cellphone for?

besides texting calling and using the internet and listening to music ocasionally what do YOU use your cellphone for?

Dont forget that little brick has more technology on it than the thing that landed on the moon. What else can these bad boys do?

Attached: kikery.jpg (1000x683, 166K)

Other urls found in this thread:


thats a jewish trick, not interested

my bank branches close by
taking pictures
shopping item details

land something on the moon maybe

i use the selfie camera as a mirror to look in places i can't fit my head

Install gentoo.

& flashlight too

I use it to post high quality content on Jow Forums.

>besides texting calling and using the internet and listening to music
>implying I use it even for that
I use my phone exclusively for shitposting

My phone certainly doesn't have rocket motor technology.


no u

You could use it to read about why insecure white men afraid of Jewish boogeymen are retards

>that little brick has more technology on it than the thing that landed on the moon
so that little brick has more technology on it than literally nothing?

Attached: lunar.gif (636x357, 2.86M)

I know the moon landing didn't happen but you know what I mean

Pornography fucks your brain you fucking wankerbot

you fucking inbreds will one day look after me in hospital.
Worst generation of fuckwits ever spawned

t. retard
Explain to me brainlet how the magic spaceship from 1969 got off the moon gravity

kill yourself, my man

You want me to go over the most well documented space program in human history?
I'm not doing that you lazy fuck. Read it yourself, its fascinating.
No , you just keep posting about not getting sex, about pajeet stealing your job, and all the other nonsense you complain about whilst simultaneously "knowing" that one of the largest engineering projects in the world was faked with everyone watching.

You are the worst generation and I love watching you earn fuck all, own fuck all and cum fuck all.

>1.62 m/s2 vs 9.8m/s2
gee, i wonder how

Still needs thrust to get out and that tiny thing got none

How is that a jewish trick? I'd rather not salivate and smack my lips every time I see a sexy girl.

it had none?
you sure about that r_donald?


You can't explain it got it grandpa

Horniness breeds confidence, confidence gets you laid

That tiny space ship doesn't even have enough thrust to escape the orbit of a potato sized asteroid

No, horniness destroys concentration and makes you nervous.

How does it feel to know gen Zs would gladly slap your old ass for talking like that?

Fake and gay if u horny u start talking to girls

I don't go to and pay for university to constantly talk to girls and get laid. Fucking Americans.

Getting laid is a duty

Stop masturbating user

>muh reddit
>muh the_donald
>replying to bait
kys newfag

It didn't happen sorry. You were lied to

Getting an education is a no. 1 duty. Getting laid pre-30s is for poor people in shitholes.

Tell me how that tiny thing left the moon without rockets

abstaining from masturbation is religion, not science
nofap is a "mission" (physical noun, an entity, a business owns the name), not a movement

The fuck are you on about?

Masturbating alters the brain chemistry so it's science


Look buddy I am going to do you a big favour.

install Kerbal Space Program.
You seem to not understand orbital mechanics?
I mean you realize at that stage it didnt require much of a force to leave the moons orbit right?

Just play the game it will make it much easier for you to understand what you clearly have no clue about.


yeah like a model rocket ya dingus

I don't give a fuck about your autist game a spaceship that tiny does not have escape velocity there's no thrust. You fell for a stupid lie

Otherwise the moon base they want to build will float away

I don't even understand what you are trying to say. It must be so hard to question rock solid science with little to no basic understanding of the concept you are questioning.

Browsing - Brave
Jow Forums - Clover
Email - k-9 mail
Youtube Vanced
Input device to pc when to lazy to get up
Public transport
Checking weather
Coupons for fast food

> being this dense

Attached: image.jpg (600x600, 231K)

Reading books.

Traffic reports and routing, weather, podcasts, camera, email, and plenty of other tasks. I use it a lot but I’m certainly not tied to it.

I have a full GNU environment on mine with Termux. If those laptop docks ever took off I could totally use my android as my daily driver.

> otherwise the moon base they want to build will float away

American education TM

that's a satanic trick, not interested

Navigation and maps rarely
Weather daily
Mail daily
Calculator/convertor often
Camera often
Music/videos/radio rarely
Updating exel sheets rarely
Alarm clock daily

>Dont forget that little brick has more technology on it than the thing that landed on the moon. What else can these bad boys do?

More technology than what landed on the moon, yet I can't drag a file into its storage using a simple file browser.

Attached: itoddler.png (666x666, 281K)

Smartphones are a meme. Campaigning to bring back payphones are the final redpill.

payphones allowed for too much privacy and convenience, sorry but they're not coming back

I get the feeling you were not around when we had to use the fucking things.

I dunno, the burgers should be asleep.

>not balancing a loving relationship, education and a job

Attached: 5els4msqpvu01.jpg (680x516, 31K)

There's a saying: If you sit on two chairs, you fall inbetween. I would rather specialise at what I'm good at, everything else will fall into place.

feels like those faggotsoyboys would break their delicate wrists if they tried slapping anything but their feminine penises

Attached: CED82580-5D74-4E93-BF5C-0F454E44927E.jpg (1280x1912, 542K)

Yes, yes, we know grandpa. Now sit still while we change your diapers.

fite me irl you little bitch

What the hell drives a person to hold a sign saying he takes it in the ass?

>not being jailbroken

Phonepost at work.