I'm a habitual drunk driver

I'm a habitual drunk driver.

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go away Hillary, you lost no one cares

fuck you!
I still have more money than you.

cool make sure you get a dash cam so we can all watch you die or kill someone

you got it

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If true please kill yourself.

why because you stupidly think that drunk drivers kill people?
And do not have enough knowledge to know that it is speeders drunk or sober that kill people?

Go get help. You have a drinking problem.

Lada + Slav = indistructeble

Why? Just get an uber you moron. DUIs are no joke not to mention the risk you're putting others in.

yeah I know that .
Anything else you would like to add captain obvious?

ubers cost money and it is the wanna be race car drivers are the ones putting people in danger.
9/10 of them are sober when they crash and fuck up themselves and others.

Based volvo

I can only hope that you suffer a horrific death WITHOUT hurting another human being. You are subhuman trash and I wish that police had the right to shoot drunk drivers on sight. Fuck yourself.

i cant imagine being that fucking deluded but with any luck you wont be around much longer

DUIs are way more expensive than a fucking uber.

lol awww someone needs the pacifier.
Once again dick head speeders kill.

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Hey I lasted this long fuck you and your wishes.

The fucking dumb cunt cops never know you are drunk unless you are obviously so .

Drunk driving is unironically fun. Keep it up user

Yes, speeders kill. So do drunk drivers. You are completely fucking delusional if you think otherwise and you insult anyone who has ever lost a loved one to a drunk driver. I am one of those people, and you need to fucking kill yourself before you kill another if you think driving drunk is okay.

Also dick head that is from first hand experience. I was an EMT for 5 years in New York.
The really bad accidents I was dispatched to were for speeders. Drunk or sober it was the speed that fucked things up.

thank you kind sir.

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>"I'll never get caught you're all bitches and the cops are dumb lol"
>2mo later
>"Guys fuck the police just because I had 6 beers they pulled me out of the car and arrested me fuck the pigs"
calling it now

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>inb4 ill never get caught lol
that's what everyone says

ok so dumb dickus tell me would you rather be on the road with drunk drivers who are driving slow and being cautious or sober drivers who are diving like they are in the Daytona 500?

>do you want a shit sandwich or a shit sundae, and no you can't choose neither

I know I wont as I do not swerve nor stink of booze but can pass a field sobriety test . Unless it is the breathalyzer bullshit.
Yeah ok above 0.08 is impaired.
lol GTFO

do you want a large dog in your room that aggressive or a large dog that is cautious?

Alcohol inhibits judgement, which includes the speed you are going in a car. Drunk drivers tend to speed more often than sober drivers. It also inhibits reaction time. Even if you are going the speed limit and driving carefully, that doesn't mean you're going to be able to avoid that person crossing the street that your brain didn't notice until it was too late.

You are delusional.

Do you ever fall asleep drunk in the car with it running? I have a friend who does that. I'm sure he's going to kill himself any day now.

>drive drunk/high all the time
>literally just go slow and you won't ever fuck up

how you guys give everyone a bad name is beyond me

my fuck if you suck at drunk driving just pull over and take a break

but cuz of plebs they gotta ruin everything

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Meanwhile most horrific accidents are caused by sober drivers who are just wanna be race car drive dickheads.
Hey what about other things that impair judgement while driving.
Lack of sleep? Something on your mind? You are sick?

You WILL be caught and/or kill yourself or others. Its only a matter of time.

LOL!! Keep thinking that shit, asshole.

and when they bring out the breathalyzer what are you gonna do, refuse it? Because either way you'll be in the back of that cop car

Hey man I never fucked up.
I had 3 accidents in a 7 year span and each one was caused by the other person.
I was stone cold sober when they happened in each one.
Yet I have driven drunk up to 1000 times since I started driving.

I hope you don't hurt or injure anyone. Why do you feel the need to put yourself and others at risk by driving drunk? Why not just drive sober? Or walk? Or get a taxi or an uber?

You're a grade-A asshole and I hope you kill yourself.

Why do you care so little for human life?

Yeah because I am above their bullshit legal limit.
OMG he must have had a whole 3 beers look ta the breathalyzer read out.

getting into accidents when your stone sober and not buzzed is like the worst thing ever

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I'm a porn addict.

Yeah and wait until some sober speeding asshole 18 year old kills you loved ones .

Take it from me , op, what will happen is some other fucknut will run into you and it will be their fault but the pigs will still make you blow.
Tld r. Cager crashes into me on bike, I get DUI

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I was walking on sidewalk and got hit by a drunk driver. They threw the book at him and money at me. Can't wait till your turn ;)

you totally missed the point.

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Kill yourself with booze at home you selfish asshole. Why are you such a worthless cocksucker?

It was lol
More paper work and bullshit.
Hey I was sober the other drivers were sober.
Sober clueless drivers are the fucking problem

^this guy is going to be caught by cops in a month or less. Cops know if you're drunk, idiot.

unless you look or sound or stink drunk they would not have a reason to test your breath.

Yeah but when I run out of booze I need to go out and get more?

Wrong. Oh, I am sad that I can't see your face when you're put into jail and then realize that your life is ruined forever.

>people are actually responding to this

Fucking newniggers. GTFO.

No sorry cops are dumb as shit.
Unless you are apparently drunk they do not know anything.
Kind of like showing a calculus book to a chimp.

Just kill yourself. I mean it, more than any other time. People like you are the reason why I fear for my family and friends when they go out driving. I don't even care if you go to Hell, it's better than you murdering an innocent person with your drunkenness.

lets see over a decade of driving drunk and yeah you will have to keep waiting.

Those Ladas are neat cars.
OP still a fucking moron.

>people are actually responding to this
Like you just bothered to .

It is a serious topic btw faggot.
Drunk drivers!!! We will rise!!!!

Pick related try it.

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>No sorry cops are dumb as shit.

ooh your hubris is going to get you. Every caught criminal thought the same thoughts as you. "The others are stupid, but I am smart and will be the first person in the history of driving to get away with it 100% of the time."

Just end your life, you know you want to. Don't use a gun, though, bad optics. Go into "da hood" in your city and start talking shit.

You are a scumbag loser who will regret making this stupid thread when you either:
1. See your life flashing before your eyes as you meet your untimely end because of your poor decision-making skills.
2. Are sitting in the back of a squad car, where shit heads like you belong.

Either way you are lower than dirt and should promptly return to whatever subreddit it is that you crawled out of.

I'm going to meditate on your getting caught and it will work. Just remember your bragging and remember me when you're rotting in jail. :)

I am not staggering slurring or stammering when I am drunk.
I have known many cops and they really are pot belly pension pigs.
Dumb and lazy .

I wouldn't say that. They can smell alcohol and that alone gives them probable cause to administer a sobriety test.

wow look at all that sand in that vagina!!

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>I am not staggering slurring or stammering when I am drunk.

You are, but you don't realize it, dummy.

lol unless you reek of it they wont smell shit.

>I'm a habitual drunk driver.
Stealing your dad's beer and playing with your hotwheels in your parent's basement doesn't count OP.

>he actually survived that

fucking russia

no I know I am not. been drunk and over a friends house at 9 AM and he had no idea I started drinking 3 hours earlier.

About the caliber of response I would expect from a brain dead, useless alcoholic.

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Yeah try several liters of Chianti and then go for more.

>been drunk and over a friends house at 9 AM and he had no idea I started drinking 3 hours earlier.

>My friend is totally not an idiot like me
>I'm safe to endanger others

Literally what even goes through your head? You're sitting there with a piece of cake in hand. Your inner voice:

>*slight discomfort*
>"...mmm... So tasty. Another bite"

>repeat x infinity

Why? This is NPC territory, your inner voice isn't able to call you into awareness. Why? Just stop!

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I love how r*ddit gets triggered into hysteria over drunk driving. The post-menopausal spinsters over at MAAD really did a good job.

>I'm safe to endanger others
>still miss the fact that assholes who speed kill way more people then drunk drivers do.

Oh wait since the advent of MADD there is a new truth for idiots to hug.

What will you do if you get randomly breath tested?
Please don't hurt anyone else.

Duuuuudee beeeeeeeer looooololololol

So your parents let you stay up late to watch Silence of the Lambs. Good for you kid on raiding your mom's stash. Do you also play with her dildo? Post pics.

I pray that the only one hurt is you.

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>The post-menopausal spinsters over at MAAD really did a good job.

You see faggots? Someone gets it.

>The post-menopausal spinsters over at MAAD really did a good job.
this. For every DUI the convicted have to pay them money. Are they run by Jews by any chance?

Do they do random checks in britshit land?
They do not here.

You're not making any sense at all here and you want us to believe that you can operate a vehicle while drunk with any degree of accuracy?

>You see faggots? Someone gets it.
There should be a difference between drunk and just having a couple drinks. The penalties are absurd.

Yes "hurrrr your mom and your dad."
No sorry as the point was made but your failed phonics brain could not hold. I usually drive drunk when going to buy more wine.

Yes and people pray their child wont die of cancer.
How how well does that work each time god boy?

I used to do everything drunk..I lost interest and haven't drank in a decade

People like you are the reason for them, future prison inmate.

Prayer works when I pray because I truly believe in God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. You will be caught soon, unless you repent of your selfish criminal ways.

Or it just works by random chance.

I drove drunk the other day and went 200km/h blasting Angel of Death with 3 friends on board. Good times.