Speccy thread

Ryzen edition

What is the highest RAM speed / CL you could run? Should I go 3766 CL 18 or 3600 CL16?

Attached: ddr4.jpg (2818x921, 290K)

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Sorry can't help you m80

Attached: speccy.png (725x477, 42K)

Think you're running a little hot there m8i

Attached: a467e9bee6c2b604bf5b6fbd1e5d14aa[1].png (658x523, 38K)

Gen 1 Ryzen/Threadripper can run 3200CL14 for 8GB sticks (up to a kit of 32GB) or 2933CL14 for 16GB sticks (up to a kit of 128GB) with default XMP voltage of 1.35V. Samsung B-die required.

>Gen 1 Ryzen/Threadripper can run 3200CL14 for 8GB sticks
It can do 3200 14-14-14-34-1T @1.35v for 64GB (4x16GB sticks)

It should be obvious that Speccy reports the wrong temps.
I can run 3766 but 1.45 V, I'll test lower when I found the lowest timings.

>It should be obvious that Speccy reports the wrong temps.

Speccy reads the wrong temps on "x" series ryzen chips, they can't do the +25*C offset. Reads all others just fine.

3766 / 15 = 209.22
3600 / 16 = 225

so 3600 16

do a benchmark on both.
use the one that gives better performance.

>seagate ssd

>benq gl
>tn panel
ya dun goofed. if you go benq you go va.

Eh, I didn't feel like dropping £150 on each monitor, got them both on sale for £65 each anyway.

Any fellow AM4 user knows if the long boot times have been fixed?

My boot time is 17 seconds, which is insanely long.

Attached: file.png (1063x148, 5K)


What benchmark? AIDA is just a fucking trial
Maybe because of the missing drivers, I can't install the chipset drivers
Windows 8.1
Always says "missing graphics hardware" error 173 for a fucking CHIPSET driver

It's all right, dudes?

Attached: Speccy64_2018-04-30_13-51-25.png (671x517, 41K)

is my 4gb stick bottlenecking my two 8gb ones?

Attached: Screenshot (148).png (1595x788, 342K)

this doesn't show up on my task manager, how did you do it?

what the fuck do you need that additional 4gb for? stop lying to yourself, throw that out
>inb4 some idiot posts chrome with 1269 tabs that hasn't been closed in 2 years

>Maybe because of the missing drivers
What does that have anything to do with the boot time? I'm talking about POST here.
Are you replying to the correct guy?

I did nothing. It was already there. What OS version are you on? Is your bios UEFI capable?

Used to be 2933, but with few bioses back I could bump it up to 3066. 3200 is now also bootable but based on short testing I did it was too unstable under load for my liking. The kit is 3200CL16 (double sided non b-die)

Attached: new.jpg (767x552, 91K)

Speccy is wrong as shit anyways I'm not sure why this isn't just a CPU-Z/GPU-Z thread but we are on Jow Forums afterall I guess what can you expect

Why did you link me to that? It seems that guy can't even boot at all.

Attached: 2700x.png (1368x789, 90K)

I bought an extra 8gb for my pc that came with two 4gb sticks (one of them was defective), that's why

>shit ram


Did you even read the thread?
He's taking a long time to boot and the OS takes minutes to load. Same problems I have and I assumed, you.