It's pronounced "fip"

It's pronounced "fip"

Attached: 2000px-PHP-logo.svg.png (2000x1080, 129K)

Pronounce it as P.H.P like a normal human being

no, it's pronounced "fap"

no, it's pip

A thread died for this sin. Repent!

I use mainly jay ess, fip, and my sequel

Attached: 5f3m2y9ikyu01.jpg (500x688, 31K)

It's actually personal homepage.

pee eight pee

i only code in c hashtag

it's actually pronounced "broken pile of shit"
t. someone who has to use it

3,1415 8 3,1415

C# is pronounced "see plus plus plus plus"

Pronounce each letter independently.

o rly?

Sea hash

My favorite dress code is 'biz caj' (soft j)

its a recursive abbreviation for
>please help, php


C Octothorpe

It's B flat

*D flat, fuck


No, is C numbah

Attached: índice.jpg (225x225, 9K)

it's pronouced jiff, like your mom.