Terry is back. Living in the streets of Portland, OR

Terry is back. Living in the streets of Portland, OR.


Attached: current year terry.jpg (320x240, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Kenster gave him a handbag
Great guy

Which one of you met up with him in this vid?


So he got kicked out of his fucking car or what?

Someone stole his van.

He crashed it a few months back


It wasn't actually his he stole it and abandoned it once cops started coming around

What's his fucking problem?

He's seen some shit

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I like the songs he keeps writing. Lyrics are very Metallica-esque

Attached: STOP RIGHT THERE.png (1440x1440, 827K)

A serious mental disorder.


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God bless this magnificent man

What a bum.
Creates useless software, dies homeless.


Is he after Linus?

He's making his way up to Washington.

Attached: bill.jpg (1910x1000, 146K)

Kenster, Terry said your getting him a laptop. It better be a fucking X220 or a T420

Being racist isn't very nice, certainly not approved by Christians or God.

He's literally schizophrenic.
He needs to be fucking hospitalized before he actually harms himself or others.

Terry is atheist but have some hallucinations about God.


He will escape from the hospital as usual.

He's just carrying out God's will

Fapping to ugly youtube celebs and broadcasting it?

Heathens such as yourself wouldn't understand

He's trying to find physics girl isnt he..

>reeing jerusalem intensifies

Attached: 1446084963679.webm (1280x720, 993K)

Then why did God create different races with different attributes?

From having lived on the W. Coast (specifically the Pacific Northwest) for a brief period of time, I can honestly say it's one of the better areas to find yourself homeless.
Compare cities like Portland and Olympia and Seattle to urban, rustbelt hellholes like Detroit or Chicago.
The rain is a bummer, but at least you don't have much in the way of snow or violent crime. Homeless communes tend to flourish on the W. Coast, especially near Puget Sound. He's probably exploring the coast and finding a decent, safe place to rest his loins.
Best thing he can do is get his hands on a laptop and eventually find a new vehicle. A car or van is living large in his present situation. You can lock yourself away from the street vermin (don't invite balding she-goblins instead), take refuge from the elements. Get a generator and you've really made it.

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>that $100 suit

maybe he is a reddit user, because he sounded like a nice guy.

God made man in his image

Probably got it at Target lel

>t. CIAniggers

I'm so worried for him

Fuck off you cunt. You could never create anything like he has so fuck off

ken, some redditor basedboy from another video, they interviewd terry

That's not kenster

He deserves everything he gets for being a racist piece of shit.

>my feelings

kys cianigger

oops nvm, didint see the whole video lol, that was some other goy


This crazy fuck is living close to me? Shit

He's mentally ill and he should be hospitalized, not have a following on the internet.

You deserve a psychosis, see how well you handle it.

go visit him

Does he still get his disability check?

/our guy/

> You deserve a psychosis, see how well you handle it.

Yeah, but at least I wouldn't be racist.

fuck off retard no one cares

I honestly can't tell if you are trolling or not so good job if you are. It's funny how basically any weird beliefs from communism to actual satanism are treated as acceptable by society. But God forbid someone prefer their own kind, that's the most evil thing imaginable.


He knew too much, so the CIA niggers gave him a lobotomy.

>writing a C interpreter with flashy moving text is hard

Is TempleOS the first bicameral OS?

Terry will personally hunt you down and execute your glow-in-the-dark ass!

God is le 56%?

so are you niggers gonna help him out or what. fuck's the point of these threads

Have you done it?

Bless you Terry. We all miss you. Literally one of the most underrated programmers of our time. You deserve better senpai.

He's sounding more and more like the groundskeeper everyday.


Can't he teach high school math or some shit?!
Upgrade to a motel.


>Yeah, but at least I wouldn't be racist.
Boy don't you sound confident.
What if god TOLD you to "pretend" to be racist (for whatever reason, it wont really make sense anyway).

he sounds optimistic

That should be interesting. I'd advise staying out of the Olympia area, lest something bad happen...

his head looks so big compared to his body in this video

>Terry's Catholic now



the truths come flying at gatling gun speed

Terry is black? The eternal mutt

You read that weird book too eh? I never expected it to come up on Jow Forums.

you cant know how youd react.

Comfy pic

> let's pray for the Linux atheists and their gaylord leader, Mr. Tovalds

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stop posting this. it's pathetic



>deserves better
nah he deserves to be homeless

>heh I replied to everybody now what.jpg

Attached: Mad-Murdock-the-a-team-37384706-420-280.jpg (420x280, 122K)

We should crowdfund enough to get him a small patch of land out in the mid west

All he needs is a small wood cabin with solar, some chickens and a few dollars to get essentials from a dollar general

Help him become Ted Kaczynski 2.0 but instead of bombing he keeps developing templeos

fuck off

you are talking about the only man in history to create a fully functioning 64 bit operating system entirely single handed

ring 0

take him a sandwich or a cheesburger and $20

what he did was nothing special. any competent programmer bored enough can do the same.
also, this piece of shit is a racist, and records himself masturbating.


Apparently it was impounded in a Mexican neighbourhood


He's ill man.

>uploading videos multiple times a day
>is the philosopher king of our peoples
>lives on the literal floor outside
>compiled a kernel
>calls niggers out
>fucked a bald meth addict in his van
>told his dad to fuck off
>smokes a half kilo of tobacco a day and doesn't even stick the papers together

how can one man be so goddamn based

He's on a mission from god

mods please remove Terry threads

>fucked a bald meth addict in his van
please tell me that there is a video of this

Attached: 133039588948.jpg (510x509, 228K)

For about $1100 we could get Terry a new home
pic related

Attached: van for terry.jpg (873x859, 166K)

this. for his sake also

Hello user, Kenster here and I am going to gift him the best device on this planet called macbook pro. So fuck you

dude it will just get stolen by beaners and niggers

get him an old thinkpad and if he loses it get him another for the same cost of a macbook

oh yeah for his sake let him be forgotten, nobody donate 5 bucks to his paypal and let him rot on the streets

It's so nice watching Terry interact with another human being without calling them a dumbfuck retard nigger monkey.

Very underrated Terry clip


>Creates useless software

All software is inherently useless, programing is just one gigantic meme for autistic neets.

I’m going to go ahead and blame Jow Forums for this entire situation. It’s like the butterfly effect, one user posts his videos and it started gaining interest (they had like 10-12 views each). Then, it became more and more popular until reddit and newfags decide to interact with him and led him down this path. If only we could go back and not post his videos here things would be fine.

>teaching high school
>american high school at that

Why would you wish such a horrible fate on someone?