That's Billion. With a "B"

That's Billion. With a "B".

Attached: java.png (519x396, 89K)

>3 Billion of devices that exploitable in daily basis

Attached: 1516550902942.jpg (800x450, 154K)

They have Android, in no small part, to thank for that.

Attached: android_w_java.png (250x250, 29K)

>3 Billion devices run a shit-tier programming language with vulnerabilities and piss-poor optimization and performance given the hardware it runs on.

We should be ashamed of ourselves.

is java really that bad

And every Blu-ray player and PS3 and PS4 since they're compatible with the Blu-ray spec.

Yeah well they should have paid for their license, and in the wake of the appeals court decision, they will

It is not THAT bad. It also is not that good, either.

Blame IoT: your microwave and your thermostat run java and are currently part of some hacker's botnet.

Most of the negative opinions of Java come (incorrectly) from Android.
People think "Android is slow because of Java" when the fact is that Google just produces absolute shit code that would be slow regardless of language, and Dalvik doesn't help it any.
Oracle even did an experiment where they ran Android on the Oracle JVM instead of the Dalvik JVM, and they saw dramatic improvements in memory and performance.

The other group of people that bash on Java do so because of the ENTERPRISE software (see Enterprise Fizzbuzz as a facetious example).

There are more people using Java than all of the people using toilets in India altogether.

Alright I'll bite.

If java is so bad why is it one of the most popular programming languages?

It is so easy a pajeet can do it.

>5 word horror story

Java: The elegant simplicity of C++. The blazing speed of Smalltalk.

Roses are red
Volcanoes erupt lava
3 billion devices
Run Java

name one thing that is popular and less than 10 years old and also good.

>oy vey remember the 3 billion goy!

I hate Java due to how much they fucked up date and time. Took them c!ose to two decades to get a date class that wasn't completely retarded.

More than one person uses Java, got it.

they killed billions

Thats zillions with z from Zionists

Attached: jews.gif (519x396, 39K)

>americans think a billion is a thousand millions instead of a million millions
Why do they have to fuck up everything?

oy vey.
where did the other 3 billion go?

>a million millions
That's called one trillion

>not "run by jews"
>not "burn jews"
missed memeing opportunity

i'm phoneposting
i hate these stupid portable image editors

please don't do this

A trillion is a million billions.

A million billions is one quadrillion.

why is this a gif?

But hey, on the bright side, Most programs that are made with Java aren't intense enough for the slowness of the interpreter to be an issue.
And it means programmers can be more productive because they don't have to make versions for every system, and the headache that entails.

Wait, why the fuck am I defending Java, I hate java.
Yeah, for game development, and anything that requires more power than notepad Java is pretty much worthless, Use C# if you want power, but can't be bothered to learn C++

There were more than 50 billion ARM chips three years ago. When you add all other architectures, 3 Billion devices is literally nothing.

Pretty sure I remember reading that exact same number like 10 years ago from the Java installer.

Is that American Billion or British Billion?

they've had that same thing for like 20 years
so it hasn't grown at all?

Oy vey! Remember the 3 billion!

Attached: 1525060011941.jpg (960x960, 119K)

>literally had that message before smartphones existed

Did you know that whatever runs java also runs C?

Attached: kejrjs.png (242x250, 90K)

3 Billion people used to live here... Now it's a ghost town.

Attached: asdasdd.png (1280x720, 511K)

Wrong, Java was hated WAY before android was even a thing, because of browser applets and because it really was dogshit slow.

because it's so old it was already in the computer science curriculum of most institutes, so you already had a a "modern" language with a workforce readily available. That's what made it a popular choice for android.

Android isnt that slow anymore, albeit you need phones with 4gb+ ram and like 4/8 core processors to run it properly, which is admittedly completely ridiculous. Although I guess theres nothing wrong with pushing hardware limits, it stimulates innovation, it could be a lot more streamlined/stripped down. The only problem is you alienate regular every day users when you strip away features and force people to download them separately as apps/modules/etc

That's 3 billion too many.

*thousand million
with a t and an m

Attached: 1475615210498.jpg (510x384, 25K)

> Although I guess theres nothing wrong with pushing hardware limits, it stimulates innovation

No it doesn't, limitation promotes innovation. the whole java mantra of RAM is cheap, who cares is beyond retarded. That is the exact philosophy that got us to where we are today, crap built on crap by lazy people because "the hardware will catch up".


just stare on it for a while

Why does Java get so much shit?

There are two kinds of languages:

1. The one people bitch about (PHP, Java, C++)
2. The ones nobody uses

>what is Java ME

Billion with a ₿

>million millions
do americans really do this

it's actually a jif