What have you done this week

to diversify the tech industry?

You have been helping bridge the gap havent you user?

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>What have you done this week
nigga, it's only tuesday!


diversify THIS
*whips out penoor*

You need a larger group to diversify.

wow rood

This. Jow Forums welcomes a broad range of backgrounds, recognizing that often a helping hand is required to lift those who have suffered prejudice historically based on nothing but their gender or race, to the point they can contribute.

You can post on Jow Forums without providing any kind of identity at all. I am a cross-negro trans-cracker FTMTFTM.

I’m not into Asian girls but I fucked an Asian girl on Friday night stayed the night over and talked till like 5am. Told her what major I was and told her she should take a basic programming course before she graduates. So I like to think I’m helping out the minority community.


Jow Forums recognizes that race exist and pajeets, jews, niggers, woman, muds, and chinks are all fucking over their technology.

I gave a private lesson of calc II to some CS undergrad girl.

[spoiler]She was a pretty qt[/spoiler]

>private lesson
hmmm i recognize this scenario...


You are a dinosaur, the riches and opportunities in tech should be given to all without barriers.
Brogrammer culture is a cancer and desu I am sick to death of the posts I see online about affirmative action when its the one concept in the world today genuinely working to correct the errors of history by opening doors instead of placing barriers.

4k pays what? A month?

>4 grand
That's barely 3 3-credit classes at lower-tier universities. What good is that gonna do, other than lower their debt a little bit.

go fuck urself
the monkeys in op did jack shit
they stole someone else's github repo and won because coloured monkeys

Cool story, but not an argument.

nice pocket change

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>it’s a “my feelings about brogrammers”-episode
No thanks.