Virtual Machines

So Jow Forums for what do you use your virtual machines.
Tell everyone your setup of VMs and why you are doing it this way.

Draw some primitive pictures in GIMP to show how you have your VMs setup if you want.

Attached: VM.png (596x522, 243K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Host machine runs Win 10 1607 LTSB with its role being basically nothing but running Hyper-V, primary Win 10, Kubuntu, and whatever else I want to fuck around with live each in their own VM.

Attached: Hyper.png (1920x1080, 318K)

running a windows program when i need it

I just keep a Windows XP VM around for an obscure Japanese program written in Adobe Air, or when I need to extract Japanese files, since 9/10 times it fails on Lunix.

Attached: qubes (2).png (3840x1080, 634K)

>a windows program when i need it
>for an obscure Japanese program
This is understandable.

I was expecting some super hardcore VM shit.

I think I tell about myself.
Basically I'm not big into VMs.

However lately I started using a lot of them.
Basically its for /torrent/

For every thread that interests you clone a VM.
Have a browser opened in the thread.
Simply save the state if you want something else of the VM and never close it.
copy past new magnets from posts into the client.
No need to navigate to some folders or keep it organised.

See exactly what content from the thread stopped getting seeded so you can request it.
So comfy.
So organised.

After the thread dies simply transfer all files to your archive.
Or select the ones who are good and discard the garbage (even during download).

Its a bullshit task however it keeps things so nice and organised.

Attached: How to organise.png (858x1036, 1.27M)

A few Server 2003 (don't fucking ask) VMs for IDEs, because their debuggers are invasive.

OK why?
You did not state the reason for you using it this way.

Used to run 7 in a pci-passthrough VM, and it almost worked great, but some games had a weird microstutter and after failing to fix it I gave up and went back to dual-booting.

Oh, for the primary Win 10 VM, it's mostly for privacy and security, keeping invasive software off the bare metal.
The second Win 10 VM is a sterile environment I keep set up with all the tools for online account creation, and I just roll it back to the checkpoint when I'm done.

Linux is for when I'm feeling masochistic.

Android is for certain services that are mobile only.

I never recommend using VMs for games.
Dual boot.
>run 7 in a pci-passthrough VM
7 VMs or 1 VM Windows7 ?

Personalty Jow Forums talked a lot about VMs all the time and for my torrent control its perfect.
Its some star trek shit.
>Computer stop downloading all torrents related to X
>Computer only download torrents related to Z
>Computer add the download of torrents related to A and B

Its really handy.

Attached: Enterprise-E_LCARS.jpg (403x218, 35K)

Windows 7 of course.
It was comfy, if it wasn't for the odd stutter I'd still be using it.

Why Win10?
What possible reason can you have to want to web brows in win10?

>Linux is for when I'm feeling masochistic.
I'm the exact opposite I dual boot into win7 if I need(applications etc) to and often basic tasks feel like I have my hands cut of.
Especially the file management.

win8.1 is for ironic OS use.
File management is fucken in the ass in the extreme.

After you go cinnamon you never go back.
>Windows 7 of course.
>It was comfy
The graphical shell in all windows versions (you can excuse XP because its old etc) is today for me like booting into dos.
I only use the shit to start the applications that require this OS.
If you want to manage files in it you are fucked and feel like a cripple.

Attached: luke-skywalker-hand-cut-off-bespin-625x350.jpg (625x350, 65K)

The only thing I use VM for is to play Space Station 13, since it's the only game I cannot stream using in home streaming.

>If you want to manage files in it
Where did anyone imply that

>What possible reason can you have to want to web brows in win10?

Because it has a better UI than 8.1, and 7 is so old that it's missing too much shit.

So for what on earth are you using windows10?
Web browsing?
Same on linux and everything.

Windows only programs?
Why work in win7.

>is so old that it's missing too much shit.
Name these magical things that are not in classic 95/98 UI or cinnamon.

I'm actually interested.

What are you talking about?
I explicitly mentioned some games were stuttering. I tried having it in a VM for the same reason I dual-boot, which is games/software that only works on Windows.
And 7 is still enough(if not better) for everything in that regard.

>I dual-boot, which is games/software
>And 7 is still enough(if not better) for everything in that regard.
OK this is understandable.
More power to you.

>What are you talking about?
The joys of discussion when everyone has the name
I was asking
>Linux is for when I'm feeling masochistic.
>Oh, for the primary Win 10

10? maybe because my multibillion dollar corp uses it. stay assblasted linux poorfaggies

>MS gave Windows 10 away for free for a year
>still only ~30% marketshare

>maybe because my multibillion dollar corp uses it
Are they retarded?
For what possible purpose?
Letting everyone know your trade secrets (windows spyware sends every file and keylogs everything to other corporations servers)?

Enjoy your (win10) systems bricking themselves.
Not so multibillion dollar after that.

Attached: 1524755113943.jpg (540x359, 24K)

>my multibillion dollar corp uses it
Meanwhile in the real world.

>windows 10 update
>Computer is bricked.
Brick yourself before you check yourself.

Yes, there's stuff that's important to me that 7 just doesn't have natively, that subsequent versions of Windows do.
Native mounting of VHDs, a better task manager, virtual desktops, Storage Pools, ReFS.

Nigga, we're talking about Windows, not Linux.

Is a UI/DE so is the one forced with a specific windows version.

I no longer like any windows DE.
>we're talking about Windows, not Linux.
I keep all my files(photos, video, music) in cinnamon.
The windows machines are basically like game consoles used to start up windows only programs.

Some are basically forever like my XP the eternal OS, who is used to operate machinery that works only under windows XP (disconnected from the internet so no problems).

You list of reasons is minor and one entry is factually wrong:
> virtual desktops

"virtual desktops" where available for over 15 years (!!!) on linux (maybe its because linux is the king of DE innovation).
And since 1999 on windows with a simple program.

So do you want to comment on the fact that my XP machine has virtual desktops?
How is this fact making you feel?

You want to wait another 20 years for windows "inviolate" by stealing from linux the improvements it has today?

>Native mounting of VHDs
Not something related to the DE.
Is this like EXT4 for hobos and retards?
(because MS is to retarded to simply use EXT4)
Try Btrfs
Not something related to the DE.

Do you even know what these things are?
Or do you even use them?

Attached: 1999.jpg (2185x8671, 1.13M)

Again, I'm specifically talking about versions of windows, and their feature sets, here.

As for Linux, I don't hate it, but I find it a time-sink, when it comes to getting what i want out of it, not to mention it more often than not, being a physical manifestation of Murphy's Law.

>and their feature sets, here
However you realize its like having a discussion what pop-station version has the best games?

however you can not stop talking about Linux.
>As for Linux, I don't hate it, but I find it a time-sink
Why and how?
Get Linux Mint Cinnamon.
Literally better then every windows DE.
Yet you keep saying
>REEEEE we are only talking about windows versions.

>when it comes to getting what i want out of it,
What do you want out of the OS?

> I'm specifically talking about versions of windows
So do you want to comment on the fact that my XP machine has virtual desktops?
How is this fact making you feel?
You ignored this little fact.

>So do you want to comment on the fact that my XP machine has virtual desktops?
Yes, I remember that utility, they were very poorly implemented, though.
>You ignored this little fact.
No, as Virtual Desktops were not the sole consideration, however the win 10 implementation of the concept is one of the better jobs doing so, in my experience.

It's true. Windows Explorer is uncomfortable to use and operations involving lots of files and folders tend to deadlock. (looking at you, node_modules)

If you want real workspaces (who even uses the word virtual desktops? this has nothing in common with the desktop) get cinnamon.

What is so good about win10?
Dith the thing for personal use and only use on machinery that needs it or start program that work only under windows.

>Windows Explore
More like shit that turned only worse after XP.

Cinnamon literally gives you :

select loads of folders
Congratulations you now have every folder in a tab inside of the window
CTRL+TAB = move to next tab
CTRL + Page up / Page Down = setting to the left or right tab.
CTRL+W = close current tab (if there is 1 tab you will close the window)

I can not tell you how you feel if you don't have this functionality in windows GUI.
Its like someone amputated your arm.
I can not say enough praises of this. If i get loads of folders and I'm trying to see into them or what is in them I will do this.

CTRL+W the ones who don't have interesting stuff.

Why don't you make the challenge and give cinnamon a try.

Running Win Server 2k16 on an old laptop inside a VM
use it for a web server
makes backups pretty easy

>makes backups pretty easy
Elaborate how exactly.
What are you doing on the OS?

>What are you doing on the OS?
err... running a web sever
>Elaborate how exactly.
not hard to create regular snapshots in a VM
if the web server gets nuked, recovery is dead simple

>err... running a web sever
Why are you using windows for this?
>snapshots in a VM
However I think a simple copy operation will basically get the same things.
Did you know: All snapshots are simply copies of the VM file.

Windows is better suited to what I want to do with the web server
>Did you know: All snapshots are simply copies of the VM file.
Yeah, I wasn't born yesterday
It creates differential backups of the whole OS, which is all I need
If due to my inexperience someone breaks in, it's easy enough to reverse any damage. Only have http/s ports accessible through the firewall so it should be fine though

Whonix for danknet.


Its more a requirement of the technology then a legitimate use.
PS: you can have the same thing or even better if you use a router that automatically forces all connection over TOR.

Where can you buy something like this?

I like to setup Windows Server based mock companies. I usually use one router, server, client. Here is a great guide to setup Windows Server as NAT Router:

Else the usual, some Linux VMs that I lose interest in after a few hours, a Windows sandbox to install lots of crap in, etc.

Fences is still alive ? Oh boy.

>one windows 10 on the latest insider version so I can see how it's like
>one windows xp for old gaymen and software
>one remixOS for android apps since I don't have an android phone

>one windows 10 on the latest insider version so I can see how it's like
While I like looking at what MS is up to.
I have to ask.
I hope you did not give MS money.
Because that would be wrong, giving MS money for win10.

I hope you pirated or abused one of the
"get trial version of Windows10" programs.

don't worry, user
the only piece of software i've ever bought is mount & blade warband

I'm happy about this.
Do you recommend I pirate or abusde the trial system to ironically use win10?

You know the pirated version might have all the MS "spyware & bullshit"®™ disabled and I'm not getting the true horror that is win10.

if you really want to get windows 10, just download the ISO from microsotf's website then run KMSpico or any other activator of your preference
honestly there's not much difference between windows 10 and 8.1 besides the spyware itself and UI

I wanted to ironically use it like i uses win8.1 ironically.

Want to start the computer.
Win8 needs to install the updates.
[computer unusable]
>You muter fucker!
After using the computer.
want to shut it down
Win8 needs to install updates before shutdown.
>OK I literally used the computer for 10 minutes.

I wanted to experience the win10 system bricking updates.

Just install clover file manager (older versions) or QTTabBar to get that functionality.
I use both, QTTabBar has hover zoom and hover play videos, very useful to me for webms but obviously not the most lightweight way to use a file manager.

How can i get Expo view in windows?
Of all my workspaces?

Also is there even a way to do this in widows:
While watching a video file, music file, picture ... etc
You can actually delete it from the HDD and nothing will scream.
Not only this you can still watch the movie, even after the file is deleted(!!!).

What do you think bout this?
Meanwhile in windows:

Watch movie.
Close the application.
Try to move the file
>This file is currently in use and can not be moved

By who or what no one knows.
Me to the OS

I don't think this is possible in windows and no extension will ever fix this.
Systemically defective OS.

>keeping invasive software off the bare metal
>host machine runs windows as well


I meant the tab options for windows explorer.
Not quite following, it depends how I launched the video in windows 7. I can delete a torrent of a video while still having the video loaded up and continue watching the video. Think it may be stored in ram or the temp folder.

-Debian GNU/Hurd: I keep an eye on Hurd development. The sid version gets updates as much as the GNU/Linux version of debian
-Windows XP: for Windows XP things
-Windows 2000 server: I was bored one day.
-ReactOS: I install ReactOS once in a while to see how development is going
-various other systems I try out like, latest noobuntu, DragonflyBSD etc.

>Not quite following
you have a file named
You start a player and open this file
you are watching anime.mkv
While watching you decide to delete this file anime.mkv.
The file no longer exists on the HDD.
You are still having anime.mkv play in the player.

Try the same on windows.
See how it will not let you delete the file.

The same is true for moving some empty folders, windows bitches that something is still using the folder.
Oh how many times has this happened.

Well these are the benefits of running a server OS, bullshit like this is simply unacceptable.

>Not quite following
Its from the win-fag challenge to see all the benefits in linux for humans (linux mint cinnamon) give it a try and test all these things.

>I meant the tab options for windows explorer.
Yep i got that and thanks for informing me about this extension.

However can you get Expo view of all workspaces in windows?
With any extension?

I've just tested opening a video, deleting it in windows eplorer and emptying the recycle bin then playing the still open video file. It played and I completed the process.
(win 7 btw)

>Not quite following
>Its from the win-fag challenge to see all the benefits in linux for humans
Ah! I'll check out the thread, wasn't aware of it.
What's expo view? It might be something I've done but the name isn't ringing a bell though.

Interesting how is it going?
Also what will all the people who don't say GNU say if some distros are switching to GNU+Hurd?

>its linux only it lacks the linux kernel
At this point I want Hurd simply to rub it into peoples faces.

While I love the idea of more GPL OSs I think we should concentrate the development on the working ones.
(write more drivers)
(write more and better DEs)

ReactOs only exists for me to explain to people what UNIX and GNU are.
You see MS made windows.
Other people made another OS that is practically identical however completely written from scratch and under the GPL and named it ReactOS.

GNU+linux is like ReactOS.
UNIX is like MS Windows.

I also don't think mimicking the windows registry and its fucked in the ass restrictions in filenames is a good idea.
For example you can never use ? in any file or folder name under Dos/Windows.
I like using ? or have file/folder names that include them.

This is the VM's i run. openSUSE Tumbleweed is the host OS. FreeBSD VM is just for playing around with Nextcloud. The Debian VM is just running the Unifi Controller for my Ubiquiti stuff. WIN10-LTSB is so I can connect to works teminal server. The WIN10-PRO is always at latest build so i can prepare for what Microsoft is breaking in the next builds

Attached: neofetch-2018-05-01-06-22-18-28926.png (2560x1080, 1.93M)
>Toggle Expo

Also try it out in a VM to see how cinnamon behaves.
It gives you a grid of workspaces (virtual desktops (name deprecated because its not manipulation the desktop))
You can add more workspaces by pressing a add button or delete entire workspaces by pressing a X next to them.

You can also drag windows between work spaces (I do'nt really use this; only from time to time)
and you can give names to your workspaces (i never used this in my life and see no point.)

I use it for the overview.
Why not simply make the win-fag challenge and play around with cinnamon?

Ive run a virtual machine in a virtual machine

For all of you who go "just use PCI passthrough bro it's easy just be urself", what CPU/mobo combo do you have? Kinda weird to see how so many people on Jow Forums have a K series Jewtel CPU, yet act like PCI passthrough is available on virtually anything.

Attached: catserver.jpg (480x640, 208K)

>I've just tested opening a video
interesting i will need to test it on my windows machine.

I like knowing what is going on and that I'm not telling outdated information.

Because i use GNU for the GPL and freedom not convenience however its nice to tell normies about the sweat features in some DEs.

I rent an E31270v6 on 32GB ECC and two 480GB SSDs in raid 1. It's running a Debian host with a Windows 10 guest for stuff that only works on winshit. Also running a fuckload of lxc containers doing a variety of things. Nextcloud, Sonarr/Radarr, Nginx, VPN, whatever. Thinking of moving to something with more storage and a better CPU since re-encoding Linux ISOs takes forever on anything but the ffmpeg veryfast preset. Also thinking of using Proxmox to handle some of the admin tasks. I'm currently doing everything by hand and it can get tedious.

I wish I could get Epyc on 4 4TB disks with like a 120GB nvme ssd for something under $500/mo. I'd do it myself and build a homelab setup, but fucking asymmetric internet and its 5mbps upload bandwidth.

>Windows 10 guest for stuff that only works on winshit
Why not win7 ?

>Toggle Expo
Ah yes, I use third party stuff on windows for that.
I've used many distros before including mint varieties. Probably haven't used some of the shortcuts you posted in that thread.

I use dexpot on windows 7, it doesn't have inbuilt virtual desktops so have to use a third party. I only use it for a hot corner when viewing multiple image files I can move my mouse to a corner and see all my open windows. Pretty fast way of using an image viewer doing it that way.

I use VMware because I like seeing computers get destroyed by viruses and malware spectacularly.

AMd/Asrock boards should work

Herd good things about X370 with Ryzen 1700
Have personally tested 8320

Any other suggestions to what to install on windows to make the DE better?

>mint varieties. Probably haven't used some of the shortcuts you posted in that thread.
The win-fag challenge is basically a quick use of some of the best features in cinnamon.

Think of it as a turbo manual.

Mostly I use them to play video games.

Yeah it's useful for a short learning curve, I like shortcuts n stuff. So thanks for the thread.
Everything for faster search results is probably a must. Windows green search bar can be one of the worst things about it

I've recently found a new piece of software called winthumbspreloader, I'll probably install it on any future fresh installs.
All it does is preload all the thumbnails in a folder. Very convenient for a large image folder.
it adds an entry to rightclick menu with the option to preload.

revo uninstaller to remove installation leftovers.

Potplayer as main video player. Loop segment options is better than VLC's, much better all around.

WinDirStat to see what's taking up the most space on your hardrive/s

I have other go to software that I always install on a fresh install of windows too.

I didn't really consider it. I went to Microsoft's site, got a 10 iso, and installed it. It's fine really, except automatic reboots are the work of Satan. On my next build I'll probably use server 2016.

Have you thought about using VMs for organizing?
1 VM = 1 /torrent/ thread

Is useful.
Fun fact mint has a similar tool preinstalled by default.

>I have other go to software that I always install on a fresh install of windows too.
I love you to give me the complete list.

I seriously don't like rewarding MS with them seeing more win10 users(from updates or from internet browser statistics).

Use win7 it keeps MS salty.

>Fun fact mint has a similar tool preinstalled by default.
bretty cool, it's always good if you don't have to look for third party to get the functionality you seek.

Here are my main things I like having that are valuable to how I use my pc:

7+ taskbar tweaker (great tool for the taskbar with many little useful tweak options)
freemake video convertor (quick easy video editing for clips)
4k downloader (youtube downloader, download whole channels and playlists too)
7zip, (free zip/rar unzipper.)
speccy (system overview)
Honeyview for images, especially good for gifs, isn't super light on the ram though.
Sysinternals is always a good one to have if you have any strange memory leaks or whatever, to hone it down.
JDownloader 2. (internet scraper. Download someones instagram all pics and vids for instance.)
Notepad++ (brilliant, I have 70 tabs of diffent text documents open right now all in the one window, auto saves your session when shuting down pc)
CCleaner, just for the clearing internet browsers up and finding duplicate files options.
That's my main ones covered I think. Plus the ones I mentioned b4.

>(quick easy video editing for clips)
On Linux you can download KDEnLive its basically a full blown video editor with layers and shit.

I use the mint repository and did not have problems.
However urban legend says that every second version the program is bricked so be warned.
Never did have this problem myself.

>4k downloader
>youtube downloader,
Let me introduce you to youtube-dl for all systems.
(also for windows and linux)
Its Linux CMD integration is great you can simply right click -> open in command line-> type in "you" hits TAB -> right click to past the URL of the channel or video to download it into the folder.

You can also use it in windows.
Personally I have scripts to auto download the channels i like into the folders I want.

Also nice program, i use it on windows.
Mint has some archive program build in from the start into the OS.
You can also install 7zip via wine (I did this to get fast access to VDI files; I feel dirty)

>JDownloader 2.
Also 100% native under linux.

I also use it under windows.
Mint has some nice text editor however its more limited then Notepad++ I did not look around for better replacements.

Cool stuff man. I'll remember that every second version thing lel.
I have sony vegas pro and wondershare filmora, freemake is quick to splice up stuff without output being bloated. That's why I use it. I don't get a loss in quality from source. But yeah it isn't for visual effects etc.

youtube-dl been meaning to check that out, seen it mentioned as the one to use.
Thing is is that, I have no real reason to not keep using the software I have. Does everything, downloads subs, is stable etc
Do you have scripts for when there is a new upload by a sub it just does it and stick it in your folders yeah? That's pretty great if that's a thing.

I'm the type of person that loves well likes trying every software for any usage I'd need. I like playing around with stuff.

>I only use the shit to start the applications that require this OS.
>If you want to manage files in it you are fucked and feel like a cripple.
Wait... Are you assuming that only way to manage files is using boundled programs like windows explorer or windows search? Cause that just sound completely retarded. Literally OS user level: Stacy


>Wait... Are you
Since I'm on mint and it just werks with no need to install extra program and wasting time on installing extra programs is something you should take in account. YES.

>windows explorer or windows search?
I like you to suggest everything you install for file management in windows.

Tell me all your programs.
and workflow.

The Windows file manager is legitimately good, only lacking tabs which are apparently coming. With a few things hooked into the context menu for zipping and opening relevant programs it's very nice.

I have a few VMs to fuck around with obscure OS's
I have a Windows vm (boring), a Debian/Hurd vm, a Gentoo vm, a TempleOS vm and a ReactOS vm.

Seriously just use a third party for your multiple tabs and Everything tm for searching for stuff I have a few hard dives so searching within windows explorer takes too long.

>I like you to suggest everything you install for file management in windows.
>Tell me all your programs.
Here you go Picrel i basically my setup
1. Total Commander (floppy diski icon) - absolute productivity monster in file management. I believe loonix has it's clone called doublecmd which is almost as good.
2. Voidtools Everything (orange magnifying glass icon) - unbelievably fast file search based on some ntfs indexing magic, regex support, great integration with TC
3. Zett42 FlashFolder- pretty obscure but very helpful enchancement to Open/Save dialogs integration with TC

>and workflow.
dunno how to explain "my workflow". There is no typical "workflow". Hit me with some use cases that cause you trouble and maybe we'll figure something out

Attached: Pulpet.png (1920x1080, 335K)

>Do you have scripts for when there is a new upload by a sub it just does it and stick it in your folders yeah? That's pretty great if that's a thing.
Simply run the same command and it checks the channel from newest to oldest.
it skips the already downloaded videos.
For example in the folder
I have a sript
cd channel
youtube-dl -ci -o "%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s" --no-check-certificate --write-all-thumbnails

There is of course a channel/ folder.
All you need to do is activate this script periodically or with something in a infinite loop.
You can have another script file who will activate all the channel specific scripts in every folder in 1 go.
You can even set it into a infinite loop if you like.

Its all in bash and after using youtube-dl you start loving the command line, I mostly use the command line for youtube-dl.

you start to get into a lot of bash scripting.
>is a new upload by a sub
you don't need to sub to anything simply give the channel URL and it will suck the channel regardless if you are subscribed to it or not.
The only exceptions to this are
Deleted videos = DUH
Region specific blocking.

You get age restricted videos no problem however.
I practically never have the problem of
>WA WA WA some DMCA/YT-bullshit-policy deleted all videos on this channel and/or this channel.

I have no idea about windows and how youtube-dl integrates itself into it (i remember using it and i needed to have the EXE of it in the same folder where he command was run), the script is in bash(can be rewritten into other scripts BTW) and windows is killing the CMD and .bat files are pants on head retarded with no functions only GOTO statements.

I also used some GUI commercial cancerous (because every new freeware version was getting more gimped) YT downloader then I switched to youtube-dl. once you start playing around on linux with the thing you are simply not going back

I recommend creating a bash file with the
youtube-dl -ci -o "%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s" --no-check-certificate --write-all-thumbnails

Line because it has shit loads of useful parameters enabled.
Then simply add the URLs on the end like this
youtube-dl -ci -o "%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s" --no-check-certificate --write-all-thumbnails

You can also chain lots of URLs (will be executed after one another)

youtube-dl -ci -o "%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s" --no-check-certificate --write-all-thumbnails

It can download playlists etc.
Also works on shit loads of other websites.
If you can even use bash to start lots of sententious(in like multiple separate files at the same time) youtube-dl downloads for websites who restrict the speed at witch you can download from them the videos.

Like this using 2 files:

while read line; do
eval "$line" &

>Total Commander (floppy diski icon) - absolute productivity monster in file management
I never got all the rage over it.
maybe if someone demonstrated to me how it is used.
I basically simply use WIN to position 2 explorer windows next to one another and use copy commands this way.
On mint i can even make a 4 division position.

1) did you try installing it under wine?
This can actually work.

2) I have seen TC similar programs in the can try to install it from the repo in mint. Give them a try.

>Voidtools Everything
First time I see it.
> unbelievably fast file search
Is it faster then locate32?
Because locate32 is basically instant.
>on some ntfs indexing magic
cute other peopel have switched to indexed search a long time ago, locate32 uses indexed search.
You can install locate32 using wine.

Or use
Catfish from the mint repo who is basically like locate32.

Did you try using CatFish?

>WIN to position 2 explorer windows
I'm talking about using WIN_Key+Arrows to position a window.

Thanks man that's really helpful, I'll save it for future reference.
This is getting more advanced now lel, it's about time I learned about this script stuff with the amount I see on Jow Forums.

I do want a linux install, been putting it off, I want to get a new hard drive just for linux.
I did a test out of about 10 distros in vm a few weeks ago.
In fact you've got me psyched because I was intending on moving over to linux for my general use, like browsing, watching vids. I'm going to install it fully tomorrow on one of my auxillary internal hardrives. I worry about the grub menu fucking up my main SSD.
You love cinnamon mint don't you? I had my heart set on Xubuntu.
Is Mint that much better? Because of incorporated functionality or personal preference?

I like the font rendering on Linux plus it makes you feel cleaner using it.

>Total Commander
>maybe if someone demonstrated to me how it is used.

It's pretty simple it has tons of features out of the box, directory syncing, mass renaming, advanced search (using everything service), regex, FTP client, multiple archive support, etc... And then a lot of ricing potential with great cofigurability and huge plugin base.
like said doublecmd is closest loonix clone. Give them both a try and you won't ever go back.
>Voidtools Everything
>Is it faster then locate32?
>Because locate32 is basically instant.
don't know locate32 but yes, everything is basically instant

>Did you try using CatFish?
Doesn't look appealing or useful over stuff that I already have

>I basically simply use WIN to position 2 explorer windows next to one another and use copy commands this way.
Comparing this to working with total commander is a joke.

lol mailing lists still exist? noice

>So Jow Forums for what do you use your virtual machines.
For different shiet. I've recently had broken my USB zip disquette, so I needed Windows XP SP 0 ('Gold') to fix it.

nice deflection
that mailing list is used by some of the most recognised infosec experts.

>You love cinnamon mint don't you
Mint because it gives working drivers with zero bullshit.
All you need is to never forget to check the
>YES install proprietary drivers.
Checkbox when you are installing it.

cinnamon because its super comfy.
You can use mate however cinnamon has everything mate has and more.

I don't recommend XFCE for a DE.
It looks like win98 brother who was fucked by macOS.

I mean I have installed XFCE on mint its not that hard its in the repo + little googling.
You really want cinnamon for the DE.

I have no idea what they are doing however Ubuntu is the win10+win8 of the linux world.
Has build in spyware (now removed because mint was taking it over in popularity):
And for this canonical an burn.
It tried to turn its repo into a app store.

Did push (win8 style) its toy tablet DE named Unity (Gnome 3 is also full retard btw).

>Is Mint that much better?
Mint is good because
1) It has no drivers bullshit

2)It comes pre bundles and ready on the go cinnamon.
Only make sure to get the cinnamon version (they also have a mate and XFCE version)

3) Its the most popular distro on distrowatch(see picture)
Meaning you can find lots of support on it if you need help.
Its also a fork of ubuntu (when ubuntu turned evil) and shit loads(if not all) of ubuntu commands work in it.
apt-get install

for example.

how to make something work on ubuntu mostly translates to the same in mint, however to be fair you have the same thing in Xubuntu.
Xubuntu is on place 33 FYI.

I'm also using cinnamon mint for a year and I'm perfectly happy.
I recommend it for first time users its interface is familiar form a windows perspective.

Attached: 2018-05-01 21-15-14.png (383x796, 52K)

I use VMs to try out different operating systems. I've tried out Haiku, ReactOS, several DOSs, and a couple Linux distros in VirtualBox.

>nice deflection
not him. i'm surprised people still use mailing lists is all.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-05-01 22-22-43.png (1366x593, 241K)

>In fact you've got me psyched because I was intending on moving over to linux
Thanks its always good to see a difernet user try to embrace the GNU way of life.

And I'm happy to get another person trying to try the GNU lifestyle.

>over to linux for my general use, like browsing, watching vids
And these are the areas where its spot on.

>Comparing this to working with total commander is a joke.
I like to see what is the work you are doing exactly.

>multiple archive support
you realize most operating systems and this includes linux will simply automatically open a archive if you double click on it right?
How is TC better at this?

>FTP client
Explain to me why this is useful for you in your day to day use.
BTW I don't have anywhere to FTP to.
I would also try to simply locally mount a remote folder so that it functions exactly like every other folder and I can use every tool on it.

>mass renaming
Now this looks useful.
I personally simply right click to get the command line and use bash to rename.
What are the renaming operations you are doing?

I'm simply curious.
For example I have a sweet script to change every filename to the MD5 checksum of its content.
Can TC make something like this? I seriously doubt it.

Give me the specific examples of what the renaming is.
You see my point of not getting what makes it so magical?

Hopefully my usb drive behaves better this time, I had issues installing kubuntu so just ran distros in VM.
Is there good multi monitor support in Mint? multi monitor taskbar, thumb previews on the taskbar etc?
Oh yeah I overclock my 1440p monitor and I don't think I found a way to do that on kubuntu, but I never looked into it for that long.

I'll give Cinnamon a go tomorrow. It's always exciting having a fresh start and tinkering around.
The font rendering will probably be way better too.