
God, I hate this garbage. The worst part is that it's getting more and more popular.

Attached: Electron.png (1230x1246, 130K)

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Javascript is the future and there's nothing that you can do about it.

chrome should be an electron app

Attached: 1523570726320-gif.gif (512x807, 469K)

>chrome should be an app with a chrome browser inside of it.
This is gold.

Yo dawg...

I want to see this now
I bet there's a way to make this sound like a good thing to electron devs and make them actually implement it

This is very sad

>A world filled with code monkeys who think that 128gb of RAM isn't enough for a simple messaging app
>An app made in a framework that's actually a wrapper for another framework that's been made from another framework of JamalScript
>Everything is obviously wrapped in Electron
>Electron is going to be based on a Chromium version that's even more bloated
>VR support enabled in Electron, even though the app doesn't use it at all
>Something doesn't work in the app
>Doesn't try to fix the bug, just uses another framework
>When you ask a pajeet how to solve simple tasks using C++ they will just reply with
>"What's C++?"

I want to rewrite the essential software I use daily in APL

Get a better PC you fucking old grandpa! What's the matter? Can't even afford 8gb of RAM you fucking RAMlet?

You should be thankful people even bother with Linux at with Electron you fucking 3% market share losers

>being this retarded

Attached: Low Quality Bait.jpg (600x600, 16K)

Why do third worlders love this crap so much? It uses up so much resources. Use less ram -> use less electricity -> save the planet

so... why do you hate it?

Asking users or customers to upgrade their machine because you're too lazy to develop a proper cross platform solution just goes to show how much of a retard you are

there is no more advanced or effective way to develop UI cross platform desktop applications than Electron. Eat shit or simply get a job.

Let's be real, the reason why Javascript is so hated is because it's a language that allows slop. It's loosy goosy equalities and a range of other minor things means that you can do something the least effective way possible and still get from point A to point B.

BUT, if you actually study the language and do things in the most effective way possible, it's not a bad/bloated language at all.

The issue is the millions of pajeets and code kiddies using bandaid solutions for everything under the sun. That's what's giving JS a bad name.

Web Assembly when?

I could tolerate JavaScript if it could be compiled straight to assembly, just like C/C++/C# and other languages, but the problem with it is that you can't use it without a browser. Basically if you want to develop an app with it you have to have Chromium constantly open in the background. Since more and more apps use Electron you're going to have more and more instances of Chromium, and this browser is a monster when it comes to RAM usage.

Isn't this basically what Vivaldi is?
>I was about to say Opera too but I understand that Opera is a Chrome reskin while Vivaldi uses html, css, js and a bunch of "frameworks" to render the ui
Maybe if blink wasn't a bloated html engine, js wasn't the only allowed scripting language, html wasn't a hyperlink document description language and js "devs" weren't so keen to pull in all the dependencies and use disgusting patterns like promises, it wouldn't be such a bad idea...

Only shit things get popular. All popular things have a superior, not popular alternative

>but the problem with it is that you can't use it without a browser
>what is node.js

Okay, good point, but when you build an app with a GUI then JS is used with HTML and CSS - try to use those without a browser.

nobody stops you from doing that. there are qt, gtk, and even wpf (github.com/richorama/node-wpf-calculator) bindings for node. it's just that nobody gives a shit about them because html and css are much superior for ui authoring. they're even used in games now

This is why programmers should only be allowed to use ancient thinkpads (and have access to a powerful headless server for actual hard problems).
It would keep them from producing horrible inefficient crap like this.

I wonder when chromium will become self-hosting

you all are fucking plebs.

headless node webkit is powerful as fuck

isn't mozilla planning to have their interface being rendered in their renderer?

Even if you follow best practices, JavaScript is still a steaming pile of shit. Sure ES6 made it at least somewhat tolerable but it still has a ton of retarded fucking idiosyncrasies such as:

- An ass backwards function based name space and scoping. The const and let declarations help some what, but you are still going to run into a shit ton of code that doesn't use them because some developer couldn't be assed to read up on ES6

- The const keyword that is supposed to create an immutable object but instead creates an object that is still actually mutable. Holy shit that is fucking stupid!

- Fucking awful syntax when it comes to functions and an absurd over use of anonymous and call back functions. This is one of the things that kills JavaScript for me the most. The whole idea of an anonymous functions is fucking pointless, but JavaScript forces you to use them instead of just having a block statement.

- A god awful dynamic typing system. I'm honestly opposed to dynamically typed languages. I just can't stand a language like JavaScript that massively managed to fuck this up. Python does a much better job of this, hell bash and AWK got this right more 30 fucking years ago.

I could go on all day about this shit but it wouldn't matter because so many people cling to JavaScript since it is all they know and my previous points seem normal to someone that only knows JavaScript. I think this is where my frustration with things like Node.js and Electron come from. These frameworks are pushed not because they are a good solutions but instead because so many developers these days only know how to work in a JavaScript ecosystem.

Attached: 1507666466025.jpg (352x360, 18K)

Yeah, but they're also rewriting their renderers.

Moving from XUL to HTML

Javascript 2 will be an amazing language, though

i don't have an opinion of javascript but i'm moving my app to electron because fuck learning qt. i've actually made a qt app already using qt creator, but i was trying without it & using python.

i don't even know that much HTML but my experience with it is so much better than gui libraries.

If I want ez mode cross platform desktop app with a passable UI what I should use instead?

And because of you everyone's going to need at least 16GB of RAM by 2020, just to do simple tasks.

My apps aren't for poorfags.

mmm yes our world needs your 100MB hello world tier app.

electron devs can update it to use native os chrome stuff, saving 99% of that memory.

Great gif

how old are you kid? do you really know anything about javascript?

- const doesn't intend to even make the object immutable, it intends to make the reference to it immutable, use typescript's readonly and make the entire object immutable

- you don't have to make your callbacks unnamed, you can just add the name to your callback

dosomething(function muhcallback() {})

even though it's pretty useless in many cases, some still do that to ease debugging

- use typescript to define typese for everything, it just your javascript experience look like c++


Year 2050.
C++ becomes the new COBOL.
The "everyone should code" meme has never been stronger.

I was offered several COBOL jobs last weak. I looked at the recruiter and asked "seriously?", he told me all the COBOL develop-... programmers, all the COBOL programmers are getting retired so they need people to take care of their mainframe stuff. I was curious, so I asked what was the starting salary. It was less that the worst JS or JAVA codemonkey so I told him I wasn't interested with the position and left.

This is sad. They want people to learn pseudo-useless shits and they don't want to pay them for it.

not happening. microsoft, apple and lennart are not going to ship libchromiumcontent with their systems

Doesn't Chrome already use HTML for the UI?

I like Javascript because it allows me to prototype very quick solutions that look/work amazing.
Until any other language or framework can do that, I'm not gonna stop using javascript

>it allows me to prototype
>using a fucking prototype as the final product

>prototype works better than other solutions