Are OLED TVs actually good yet?

Are OLED TVs actually good yet?

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They still burn faster than anything else.

They are fucking fantastic. As an oled owner I recommend it.

I got the LG 55oledb7a. Absolutely incredible picture bit I'm always uncomfortable gaming on it due to burn in. Don't want to use it as a computer monitor either. Ultimately I wish I had just gotten an lcd, I feel like I can't even use my own tv.

I am waiting for AMOLED gaming screens, only buy QLED for TV.

I regret buying an OLED phone. Won't ever come near OLED again, fuck that trash.
>brighter than the sun
>burned-in to hell
>visually more blue light
>no difference in blacks noted
>colors still look more or less the same, just improved resolution
LCD > LED > CRT > Plasma > Paper > OLED

Its weird how trash display tech is. Literally every technology has huge issues

I'll let you in on a little secret user --
>normies don't care about anything aside from screen size and resolution

>brighter than the sun
If only you could somehow adjust the brightness...

But why should I pay a premium price if I'm just going to have brightness on 50% all the time anyways?

what did ever happen to plasma anyway?
10 years ago I kept hearing about them like nobodies buisness, now the most I ever see is a glimpse of 50' plasma TVs on craigslist for 30$.

Already deprecated by MicroLED.

For when you are competing with the ACTUAL sun

Laser projectors are coming back it would seem.

They came at a bad time. They were good at the time, but I suppose you could compare slightly to the different audio disks thing.
>good product
>created right after the decline of its predecessor
>suddenly a new successor takes over too quickly before the present technology has time to spread
>it dies a silent death with nobody to hear of it ever again

Show me where I can buy a uLED display RIGHT NOW you fucking retard.

Actually, I forgot to add them. Projectors are great, I'd like to get one when I get the money.
>don't have to rely on the fucking backlight burning your retina through
>comfy and non-radiating method of display, relying only on reflective technology
>variable size, display can be as big or small as you like
>every parameter can be changed like on older CRT displays

My parents still have a 720p 40" Samsung plasma tv in their living room from 2006 that gets used 3-6 hours a day every day. It's honestly pretty impressive.

>he goes outside
Heh user, I thought you knew better than posting that here.

Obselete technology as in you weren't really getting a better picture compared to newer led back lit LCDs which were way cheaper to make. So they got phased out of the market.

Working sucks, but at least I have money.

Yeah, the exact one you just posted is 'good'. Fucking idiot.

You wouldn't want to game on it due to the lag either

LED + quantum dots will always be superior to OLED

I have a 42" Panasonic that I've used since 2009. It still looks pretty good although it's obvious it's dulled over the years. The image retention is quite bad as well. It does motion really well though and has low input lag so it's great for games.

One thing that sucks about it is the ludicrous amount of power it draws. It's ~250 for most things but easily goes to 350+ on brighter images. It also gets hot as fuck and weighs a ton.

I'm debating between a 75" X900F and a 65" A8F. I can one for ridiculously cheap.

I'm kind of worried about image burn and the image turning green or yellow over time on the OLED.

If you're not a heavy display user, maybe, but they're far too delicate to abuse like you would an LCD display (leaving it on forever, displaying static images for long periods of time, etc).

Newer Panasonics solved the burnin problem and would blow current TOTL LCDs out of the water, but retarded consumers had their minds stuck.

>no difference in blacks noted
are you blind?
I don't disagree with other points though. Blue shift is annoying as fuck

Owning a TV = normie scum that needs to be gassed

>he's not watching 4k tranny porn on a 55" TV
why even live, user

yes and no.

yes in they are the fastest in response time, they are the best blacks, they are the only tv that can properly handle hdr

no in the sense that they burn in and they burn in fast.

>not using the best displays as a monitor

The XBR49X900F makes for a great monitor though, most computer monitors have shit contrast shit scaling shit panels and poor build quality but this model suffers none of those typical LCD issues (including motion blur, input latency, panel lotteries etc).

It's too bad about the size but you get more screen for free, set of speakers, HDR, inbuilt tuner, smart tv for less than most "gamer monitors" go for, I think its a good buy.

Does the VA color shift come into play at the edges if you're sitting close to it?

Not a thing. Not gonna be a thing anytime soon

T. Brainlet thinks a bigscreen tv is only used for tv subscription content

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I have a 42" Panasonic viera plasma that still works since 2006

Have a Samsung series 9 85" QDOT LED from 2017

I'll like the LED TV for gaming and Netflix. Always amazed by OLED but it's too damn small and pricey. Once 110" oleds come out at under 4k, i'm getting one.

Every display tech sucks ass, I have an OLED, but burn in has become a thing. You need to make constant adjustments, and have a screen saver that activates after 2 min.

Unknowingly gave my mother an OLED phone. A month later some shitty freemium game has been burned in on her screen.

LCD's handle HDR better. They can go a lot higher lumens and they don't blow out the highlights like OLED does. Other than that and static images OLED is king of the roost for contrast which is one of the most important factors for image quality.

OLED is a dead end since they will never ever fix the burn-in issue. Manufacturers can only try prolong a display's lifespan.
I wish they would drop it entirely and focus all their efforts on making MicroLED work.
Or find another technology that can replace LCD but without suffering from burn-in.

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Higher lumen is shit, you want darker blacks, unless your livingroom is like a super bright showroom

I have a 55" B6 and live in the dark. Even so. After getting used to HDR I would have liked to have hung out for that new OLED range with higher lumens and black frame insertion. But I was impatient to get some decent PQ.

I wish Panasonic would go full tilt with their bonded IPS technology (1,000,000:1 contrast), at the moment you can only get it in the Eizo cg3145 which is not affordable or remotely consumer oriented.


>quantum dots
Are the gooks still gone edgy with the names nonsensical?

Any self-emissive element will experience burn in including LED, especially LED. LEDs still drop in brightness quickly. It's just longer than oled for now. The burn in is caused by the fact that when current is run though an element it degrades, and uled and oled can adjust current to individual elements hence each pixel degrades at different rates. There's no way to fix it other than make it last so long it still looks good after about 5 years. Even FALD TVs suffer from this although much less since the fald elements cover larger areas so there's less overall variation over the Tv's surface

>the new IPS panel has achieved a high contrast ratio of over 1,000,000:1 by integrating newly developed light-modulating cells that permit pixel-by-pixel control of backlight intensity. This achieves a faithful and high-grade video display, ranging from dazzling light to pitch-black.
Fug, why did it take them so long?

It's not even the same kind of OLED technology, imbecile.

As somebody who actually has an OLED TV, they're great. Burn-in isn't an issue. In the rare instances that you get image retention, the TV has a compensation cycle that takes 10 minutes and clears up all issues 100%.

I would rather have a display that has a marginal chance of temporary IR than a display that looks like shit 100% of the time, IE every single LCD ever made.

is this the Amazon™ review section?

After owning an LG OLED for about a year, there's no way I could go back. I watched a movie on dad's new Samsung qdot and it was horrible.

I want that oled screen rape my boipucci

it's a name for actual chemical particles, but a brainlet will judge by their narrow horizons

What is this called specifically and where do I buy one

>no difference in blacks noted

You're fucking retarded, my LCD TV has shitty backlit grays for blacks but my OLED smartphone has total back, it's beautiful.

Definitely have gotten image retention on my u2410 ips monitor, mainly from gnome 3's big black bar at the top of the screen. Can be fixed too, with a diagnostic thing in the monitor settings. I'm curious though how bad image retention would be for an oled monitor though? Looking to upgrade my monitor soon but just seems like all the current tech has major compromises.

the thing with hdr is that dolby expects a cd/m2 of 4000, as thats what its masted to, and a contrast ratio of 16000-164000 (I forget what the master rate for this was, when I was originally learning this shit I was looking up contrast for many things)

lcd, the only one that gets close to this is a nearly 4000$ sony,
oled however makes up for much of the cd/m2 with infinite contrast.

I have a 51 incher samsung plasma that I somehow got on craigslist for almost nothing
plasma died a sad death

I have a LG OLED for 2-3 years and yes, there is very visible burn-in of the logos of 4 fucking TV channels in the corner. Colours are amazing tho.

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holy fuck, the absolute state of this board