here's mine
>have job
>be recognized by coworkers as a good worker, technically speaking
>kinda tired of job after less than 2 years at it
>have dumb personal problem with coworker. coworker thinks I'm harassing her
>somehow bosses find out and ask me to not go back to the office for some months, offer me alternatives
>decline say alternatives, and after talking for some days, I decide to ask them to fire me
>do so after some drama
>have some potentially commercial ideas
>think I'll be able to do some shit by myself to make more money than what I made at said job
>barely do any shit for 2 months
>turns out I won't do shit if I don't have social pressure
>procrastinate a lot
>anxiety, laziness, depression
I should kill myself.
you can laugh at me now, OP
Story time!
Not really sure where this is Jow Forums at all related tho user
aha, you are right, this could easily pass as a generic work story.
guess I'll explain anyway. I'm a programmer, and I thought I'd program some shit to keep my ass alive. turns out I can't, I lack balls for that, being a wage slave is more comfortable for me.
Don't push yourself too hard but always find a way to challenge yourself
I can relate. If I have a teammate that will do it early or no deadlines, I won't feel the pressure or need to work. Its not like im without passion, I just am hard to motivate.
>work with a two of ex-mapping guys.
>the one guy is giving the other directions to the christmas party
>they break out google maps
>I tell them to screw the map and follow a star
>they tell me they aren't wise men
ESRI has literally ruined the industry