Battlestation threads showing your whole house setup with /guts/ and /desktop/

>battlestation threads showing your whole house setup with /guts/ and /desktop/
>everyday carry threads showing your mobile phone, pocket contents at all time, laptops used, watches, sometimes with your car to show your vehicle
>disk usage threads to show what you got on your hard drives
>system threads
>"rate (x) Jow Forums"
Y'all so worried about the botnet but you didn't realize you give out more information than any social media or browser that exists out there today. You're giving a very detailed insight into every little thing you do and own. The biggest fault in anything is almost always caused by human error.

Attached: cat-shitting.jpg (1461x1429, 95K)

schizophrenia thread

and now you realize that linux is just a meme

And this is still fully anonymous, except for the NSA maybe.

Attached: cat almost uses toilet.gif (588x263, 3.1M)

It's harder and less useful to retrieve and organize information from a meme image board than it is to have people fill out information forums and log browsing history

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>implying hiroshima nagasaki doesnt keep IP logs

>this is still fully anonymous

Tell me where I am from.

who is this semen demon?

Brown eyes and brown hair is almost always best girl.

rich tennis slut

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>your average mint user

I only show them my decoy battle station, phone, and car

>You're giving a very detailed insight into every little thing you do and own.
Yes, but on my own terms

>tfw never poated in any of these shitty socializing threads
feels good man

battlestation, desktop, homescreen and edc threads exists on Jow Forums only because of the redditors that come here.

Baka neko

Nasuno Takamiya

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I don't partake in this autism, OP
t. user

For a thread about us oversharing, why do you bait people to admit that they are into vore?

Fact: they ruined her in that series.

Anyone who wants to be actually anonymous. Doesn't spend their free time shitposting on a chinese cartoon imageboard.

Attached: 1522966059301.png (960x719, 840K)

Dang dude how do I get my cat to shit in a toilet?