UBlock doesn't actually block ads

>install ublock origin
>go to website
>notice the ads "disappeared" after i loaded the website
>reload the page
>ads don't disappear

so it doesn't block my ads permanently?

How does anyone shill Ublock Origin extension anymore?

Attached: 1495723399658.png (180x180, 8K)

I think you're best of just not using the internet at all

You didn't know this? Jow Forums had threads about this daily when ublock origin first came out.

add more filters dumbass

>not using hosts file and Adguard
You brought this to yourself

Attached: 1515926889515.jpg (714x506, 214K)

stick to adnaus, dumbfuck.

how do this on winblows

`rd /s /q %windir%`

Got his ASS from 2015