/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

What are you working on, Jow Forums?

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been using Ubuntu about a year and am pretty comfortable working in it. would I be babby again if I switched to Arch?

Interactive PulseAudio controller.

why C# is not compiled to machine code?

Attached: 1494140780953.png (768x576, 509K)

>studying object-based programming in college (in C++)
>have to make my own classes and iterate new classes based on that
Wow this is fun, I don't get why people hate this
>Okay class, here is a library, use this to make new iterations
>nothing makes sense, have to guess what the logic of the coder was at every single turn
>can't even follow it with a debugger, it has to jump through four fucking hpp files for every single loop
And these are just simple ass lookup and file reading functions, what the hell am I going to do in a real programming job?

Not iteration, inheritance
That's what I get trying to mirror translate shit instead of looking up what it's actually called

As an Arch user of 11 years, please stick to your current system if it works for you; install newer versions of packages from backports or PPAs as needed.
The "mum pacman broke my xorg.conf again" memes are about a decade old at this point, but yet Arch at its core stays a distribution created by a team of Linux programmers which happens to be useful for other programmers.

>what the hell am I going to do in a real programming job?
Spend a few months wading through code from several iterations of people, then take a week at most to implement what's asked of you on top of their mess.
For my last task I even had to resort to partial decompilation of Java and C++ code in Oracle middleware to understand what's even going on.

What language do chads use?

Shit, how to get a job? NEET

But it is. Just not directly in one step.

Because it's propriatary shit?


Attached: chad++.png (2048x833, 776K)

There is .Net native and the AOT option for mono but there are some limitations.

Other than that, C# and .Net were probably designed to run in a VM because MS drank the cool aids from Sun when they bragged about platform independent code. Whatever that means in the context of Windows.

>Your stupid-ass full buffering is going to prevent interactive messages from being shown to the user.
No, that's not how it works, Pajeet. Please read how cout works next time.
"Once initialized, std::cout is tie()'d to std::cin and std::wcout is tie()'d to std::wcin, meaning that any input operation on std::cin executes std::cout.flush() (via std::basic_istream::sentry's constructor)."

Why is it so fucking hard for me to find a remote software job? All the listings I see are either for frontend or devops shit. I nearly had one interview set up after a code exercise, but some fucker got sick and then I went out of town and by the time I got back they had hired someone else. I'm so goddamn sick of programming in a cubicle. I'm a white guy from the US. Do they all just assume that remote candidates are going to be shitters from India with a "degree" or something? I would take a 10k paycut to not have to go into a fucking office. Why aren't more companies taking advantage of this? R E E E

>But it is.

Not really.

If you write it like C, sure, but the second you start using C++ features runtime and memory quadruples

It means you can run it on Windows(TM) AND Windows Mobile(TM)

Only Gentoo works fine. On Arch a lot of packages doesn't work by default because program linked against old library

C is also designed to run in a VM.


It doesn't work if you ignore the second sentence.

1. Compile C# to CIL
2. Compile CIL at runtime to machine code

There you have your indirect C# machine code

Awful toolchain is a feature of every "high level language"

It just works.

which one of these is the best

if [[ -z "${DEPLOY_ENV}" ]]; then
MY_SCRIPT_VARIABLE="Some default value because DEPLOY_ENV is undefined"

# or using a short-hand version

[[ -z "${DEPLOY_ENV}" ]] && MyVar='default' || MyVar="${DEPLOY_ENV}"

# or even shorter use


the parameter substitution

void foo() {

int main() {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++, foo());
return 0;

Attached: 1525294237293.jpg (1000x1192, 141K)

>foo it's like foonction xD
Were 80s programmers autistic?

then what does "bar" mean?

A federated replacement for reddit/Jow Forums/facebook... Live streaming at youtu.be/CcLTHqAqOgE

Attached: terryflip.png (509x414, 154K)

you again :D

>it, like, transpiles to JS, so it has native speed from the start *slurps starbucks*

homosexual slang for "penis"

>bar it's like barista xD
Where did we go so wrong, Jow Forums?

i cant watch due to browser, but know that i appreciate you ken



You just know python coders eat pussy

What are they breaking this time?

Joke's on you, I've never even seen a pussy.

your mom's ass

I guess everything that's not in the C spec is fair game to them.

it is, Just In Time(tm)

I'm working on a Chip-8 emulator right now. I've got it processing opcodes from ROM correctly, I just need to begin actually rendering to the console and working on getting stuff like the keyboard to emulate.

Should I consider writing a disassembler or an assembler alongside this since the instruction set is pretty simple?

a damned game
$1,900,000,000.00 in revenue
(that's 1,900 x $1,000,000.00)
what is YOUR code monkeying worth?

>tfw only starting to learn programming at 29
good thing my livelihood isn't dependent on it

Attached: 591.gif (964x912, 1.08M)

i'm 37 learning this shit
and mine does depend on it
living on ramen i buy with what little i earn from Uber

>tfw started to learn at like 12
>tfw still pleb tier

>living on ramen
surely that's more expensive and less healthy than buying those huge sacks of rice and boiling it with some basic spices/flavors

'ramen' was a generalization, friend.
i also eat frozen burritos, hot pockets, pizza rolls, riced cauliflower.
anything cheap i can nuke. (can't afford real stove)

Can C++ actually ever catch up holy shit

Attached: Screenshot-2018-5-2 TIL Don't use C++ for new projects-1.png (1888x2469, 318K)

C++ is just really hard to learn OOP on. Its much easier to use a more dedicated object language like C# or Java. Then once you learn the basics from that go back to C++. I had the exact same problem as you do now when I was in college. The classes on OOP were hell until I took one that used it in Java. Then it became really easy to do it in any language once the logic of it all was in my brain.

only if you make it

>We have significantly improved debug information on ELF targets using DWARF

std::variant kind of sucks, yeah, but none of that supports his "don't use C++ for new projects" especially since he doesn't really say what he means by projects. I don't have much choice outside of C++ if my project's goal is to be a novel library for other C++ projects.

>C++ is just really hard to learn OOP on
any reason for this?
in the singular CS class I took I learned basic OOP (class definitions + privacy + inheritance) in C++
even implemented our own HashMap class from the ground up
it all seemed pretty straightforward at the time, unless I'm forgetting something

Its just because C++ requires you to perform additional steps and can allow you to do more when it comes to OOP compared to other languages. So it can be easier to screw up and not know what you did wrong.