Cybersecurity Career

How do the right-wingers of Jow Forums go to college for this, for free (if possible), while avoiding leftist classes?

>Electrician (Trade)
>Cybersecurity Specialist (College)

Which of these would you choose to be, seeing as the average electrician salary is $52,000 but the average cybersecurity specialist salary is $116,000 (and the field is supposed to grow by something like 35% annually)?

I have had a significant interest in cybersecurity for almost ten years, but:
>(1) I have $0 to my name, a GED (and horrible high school GPA, despite being very smart).
>(2) I don't want to get any single bit in student loan debt, ever, even $1.
>(3) I don't want to have to take (((core requirements))) that teach me that it's not blacks being stupid, lazy, criminal, and violent that holds them back, but rather white people who work hard, further themselves, and aren't stupid.
>(4) I don't want to be fingerprinted either in college or during an advanced background check for the cybersecurity employer (never even been arrested; just religious reasons). I'm not sure if fingerprinting is involved though. Is it?

I am so confused; I have no idea how college even works. I don't even know what "major" or "minor" is. Halp.

Attached: Cybersec.jpg (690x335, 35K)

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holy shit op
dont go into college
itll take you several years and tens of thousands of dollars to graduate and youll hate everything you learn because its distilled to the most uninteresting dead contextless garbage youve ever seen and any deviation is punished severely so you have to start getting used to not thinking for yourself.
this kills the security field for you because it requires you to enjoy things enough to do them without being pushed with the threat of bad grades and the creativity is needed to get anywhere

go for electrician so you can get out quicker with some technical skill and no debt and learn the rest yourself on the internet. do lots of impressive fun projects and get hired for security by showing you know how to do things through the fun projects
>t. computer engineering student

Can one be a cybersecurity specialist without college, though? Perhaps a certification--one that is approved by NSA and DHS?

you'll have to go to college to even be considered NSA material.

My college offers a Cyber-Security B.S. They spend less than 4 hours in a lab during the entire program. It is all academic. Just learn on your own and get a OSCP cert if you need paper that bad

Do go to college and learn some other skills though. Learn how to write well, not just essays but other formats, like BLUF format, and how to write a professional email. Learn some maths formerly. Learn some critical thinking skills, a little about business, accounting and finance. Get a degree in something that will compliment the career you want.

fuck the nsa.
every company that exists, exists in a space where it desperately needs a good security team. you dont have to aim directly for the top level meme example of cyber security to live a good life

>(1) I have $0 to my name, a GED (and horrible high school GPA, despite being very smart).
>(3) I don't want to have to take (((core requirements))) that teach me that it's not blacks being stupid, lazy, criminal, and violent that holds them back, but rather white people who work hard, further themselves, and aren't stupid.
you're smart, but you didn't have those 2-3 neurons required to realize that you need a high GPA to go to a decent uni? additionally, you're so smart, that you believe in politics and actually care about the left vs right dichotomy that is only relevant for sore losers who can't think and function on their own?

if you were actually smart, you'd have a 3.8 GPA like I did, or more, you'd go to a top-level uni, at least in the top 20 worldwide, like I did, you'd study some form of applied mathematics, be it engineering, computer science, etc. and have work experience by the time you graduate

however, you seem to lack these qualities, meaning that you are probably a retard

>Perhaps a certification--one that is approved by NSA and DHS?

A list on this page under DoD directive 8570.1

Found the commie.

i feel so good when I think about retarded subhuman shitskins like you, OP

you are such a big, huge, enormous fucking failure that you fill my heart with happiness, I feel so good, so strong, so healthy and young and full of energy

holy shit man, how can the average guy be so fucking subhuman, while I am so intelligent and superior?

I studied 2 weeks for my final high school exams, and I got 10/10 in mathematics and a 9.5 average on all other subjects, I got accepted by the best universities in the UK, without even trying

I wrote my essay in a few hours, on the last day before the deadline, imagine that, and all those Russell group universities accepted me

I get offers just by existing, I had to refuse 2 companies this year and I didn't even finish my degree

holy shit man ahh i feel so good man so good, this is some good shit, thanks for your thread OP

psudo-intellectual leddit users have to go back!

cybersec is the most meme-tier shit possible, maybe after game devs

real cybersec is more about policies, rules, interactions between components, it's stressful and in the end a fucking javascript code monkey makes about the same amount of money, it's not worth it, maybe it is if you're a subhuman ape-man muck-dweller

dear mr muck-dweller, I mean you, OP, you are a failure, you are a human excrement, I piss on your life

No, I meant the course is NSA-approved, just like there are NSA-approved cybersecurity colleges.

Also, for record, I dislike the NSA and think it should be disbanded.

hahahahahha muck-dweller detected, do you feel sad? you stupid little brainlet fuck

yes, it was that easy, you just had to study for a few minutes, err, sorry, a few months (adjusted to your level of retardation) and you could've had a decent chance at getting into a decent uni

you are so fucking funny man thanks for making this day more beautiful for me, I fap, I enjoy thinking about your putrid little life, you piece of fucking shit

What are the odds of someone with just OSCP and no college getting hired for cyber security jobs?

found the muck-dweller that clings to politics, hoping that Mr Generic Politician will make his pathetic life a tiny bit better

no, you'll always be a cretin, have fun with your inferior ape-man brain, muck-dweller

install Kali Linux and deface *.gov site.

You're smart, yet you don't even know how to write.

Slim to none. You are basing your career choices on normie-tier memes, such as "l33t haxxors" and "anonymous, the hacker". How about you spend a little more time actually caring about the IT industry so that you can detect some real career opportunities, you fucking muck-dweller?

Kek. You're welcome. This needs to be turned into pasta.

Attached: Laughing Tucker.jpg (283x281, 14K)

You're a fucking idiot. I failed High-school hard, then dropped out my junior year despite an IQ of 143 and a current membership in mensa. The only people getting straight A's in HS are the people with an IQ just high enough to pass the test but not high enough to not swallow the whole load. After HS I joined the military for a few years then went to college and got a masters. If you think HS means a single fucking thing about life then you are a gigantic fucking moron that needs to grow the fuck up.

you're so smart that you didn't even think of the possibility (a very high one, considering we're posting on an imageboard) that someone may not give a shit about wasting time arraging letters in a text message, where the idea that is communicated can be perfectly understood without needing to adjust commas, periods, letters and other symbols

if I say "fuc you", would it be too difficult for your ape-brain to decipher?

do you need to become a l33t crypto-haxxor purplehat HackMan to decrypt / decode the message?

Do you not understand that the person you're quoting isn't OP, since they both type drastically differently, and one was answering the other, Muhammed?

Attached: UK.png (500x522, 79K)

Like snowden? Oh, that's right.

Those politics that you think mean so little are why Texas is fucking booming and Cali is fucking dying. They matter faggot

It is meme. Everyone user have encrypted /boot + encrypted LVM, also hardened kernel or sel4. Java script disabled. Minimal blob free system. You can do nothing. Network goes on vpn-tor-darknet.

hahahhaha you're a living meme, god damn it

it didn't occur to you that Mensa is making money off of gullible pseudointellectual bastards? that is, assuming you're not joking, because what you said is almost too funny to be true

moreover, let us compare, with our evolved ape brains, the utility of a mensa certification and that of a degree from a respected uni

let's compare my situation with your situation, are you getting job offers from big companies in London? No? uh oh, maybe it is because you're a frustrated pseudointellectual who can't gather that tiny bit of discipline required to get straight As in fucking high school?

think about it, Iq-man, papers, certifications, abstract ideas such as IQ and scores and ideas do not matter, what matters is what you do with them in your life, what matters is life, not what is in your head, you stupid muck-dweller

you are a fucking failure, man, enjoy your subhuman life

continue lying to yourself, yes, you are smart, this is why stupid people have good careers, and that's why you have no career and are begging for help on a fucking imageboard filled with trolls and autists

Texas is going to be blue and just like California in ten years thanks to all the spics, liberals, and niggers.

So I went to college and did a computer information systems degree. I leaned mostly about business processes, application development, a little bit of everything. I'd consider it a mix between a business and comp sci degree. I also took all the security electives. I'll be graduating in a week, with only 12k in debt and moving on to a job in cyber security making 95k.

I have a job, the fuck you think I did with my Masters? Mensa was just something to help me get into the masters program.

Who are you talking to? That isn't the OP

>Those politics that you think mean so little are why Texas is fucking booming and Cali is fucking dying. They matter faggot
they matter if you want to become a little tool-man

these processes, the political process, happen with or without your influence, you useless pig-man, you fucking muck-dweller

Trump was to become president with or without your vote, essentially what you did or didn't do did not matter at all

this leads to the logical conclusion (logical for a non-brainlet) that politics is to be left to the masses

to the average joe who is destined to live an inconsequential life

do you want to be an Inconsequential Joe that does not do anything with his life, besides surrendering himself to statistics, i.e. politics?

Sounds like you are butthurt achmed. Police takedown your pedo-rape ring or something?

oh sorry, I didn't care enough about your brainlet post to read that much, but now I got curious

high school doesn't matter? of course it does, anything you do in life matters, you fucking idiot, you have no idea about how the world works and how statistics work, every mistake adds up, you're clearly incapable of at least being aware of the fact that every little choice in life influences your future

and yes, high school is kinda important, if we think about it from this perspective

moreover it is important to have a snowballing effect from a young age, since from 20 onwards there is a cognitive decline, symbol manipulation, memory, etc. everything starts going down, it's logical to work your ass off as soon as possible, and as hard as possible

Sounds like you're an inconsequential little manlet hoping that by sacrificing time to the Politics God he could obtain some luck and happiness in his putrid little life. I don't know anything about the current memes going around Jow Forums now, sorry. If you're obsessed with pedophilia, try getting some psychological / psychiatric help.

>very smart

>didn't finish high school
>horrible high school GPA
>doesn't understand that he gets to choose which classes he takes in college

You may just want to start at your local community college

Thread over, cya OP. Have fun beign poor.

Hey man, let the guy dream, don't be so mean. He can still consider himself a genius even if he didn't manage to figure out that a college degree can increase your employability.

If you don’t get a full ride scholarship to a good school, you shouldn’t be going to college.

I'm praying to the intelligence god and it isn't working, could it be that people do not respect high-iq people these days? Is the world full of heretics that do not respect intelligence? Blasphemous! Intelligence is holy, intelligence should be rewarded with material gifts!

get a bunch of certs
but your main problem will be motivating yourself to learn the shit ton of information and skills that you will need to succeed
going to college has the effect of forcing you to do shit, or else you fail your classes and get kicked out

You only need certs, some places want a degree.. but if you show you have skills most places will consider you without hesitation.

>right-winger wanting to leech off the system
How does that even work? What kind of cognitive dissonance must you experience on a daily basis? Get a job you fucking bum.

>horrible high school GPA, despite being very smart
Ah, yes, the classic retard claim.

>(((core requirements)))
no one is going to make you take gender studies or ethnic studies you abject moron.

>religious reasons for not being fingerprinted
Why would you come up with this autistic excuse instead of just saying it's a privacy concern?

Don't go to college, you'd just be a waste of my tax money you little shit.

>I went to a shitty uni
>all unis are bad

Or serve your country and get the GI Bill

You'll run into a bunch of minority equal or smarter than you and you'll feel miserable, forget it. The same goes for college so that might have been a good call for you.

100% this.

by minorities you mean asians specifically

Not necessarily, from the sound of it, the bar should be pretty low for OP.

Insult aside, I've met quite a few non-asian minority who know their shit and by God even some women.

Right on the money on all points

Once you get out of the first year or two, the women left over are usually pretty competent, since the reason they're still around is that they actually care about the material.