Hi, I'm here for the job interview

>Hi, I'm here for the job interview.

Attached: file.png (716x868, 972K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>do you have the skills that we require of our candidates and can you prove as much?

>well, actually i browsed your linkedin and see that despite your diversity and inclusion policy you have no nonbinary employees, so hire me or else i will destroy you

Oh! Good! So, first question. We want you to write a function in any language you want that given a string of lowercase a-z words separated by a single space character, returns a string with the words arranged alphabetically.

Literally the easiest thing you could have asked me
Func: sort-by-a-z (arr: x1,arr: x2) [
(x1(cycle) > x2(cycle))
{x1} -> {x2}

Are you assuming the genders of our employees? This is 2018! Sorry, but we don't think you'd be a good fit for our team (or our doorways). We have a inclusive and tolerant work place, and we can't bring in a person with no skills relevant to the job nor someone that assigns genders to our employees without knowing them.

Uhm, sweety, i'm an oppressed minority. Do you want me to tell my twitter an tumblr followers how you discriminated against me and completely destroy your brand? No? Good! Lets talk salary and benefits.

*takes your job for diversity quota*

*stares in pajeet* kindly do needful hunny

>(or our doorways)

And this is why you do a rapid fire technical phone screen before ever bringing someone in.

Better yet, a screen shared live coding interview.

When they fail it, you have proof, and can 100% justify not hiring them.

As far as their tumblr followers: they won't buy your products anyway. Mommy and daddy only give them enough money for food, rent, beer and internet.

Helo, this is dave.
Please do the needful and open bobs.
Much thanks you have good day.

words = "the quick brown nigger jumps over the lazy cop"

print(words.split().sort(). join(" "))

Was that it?

yes we weel hire u if u pls show ur bobs n vagene pls

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'join'

I'd fuck her

*BraaaAAAAAAAaappp* Yes big titty goth bitch, you are hired! *Braaaaaapp*

Looks like ruby. She won't use ruby, because they refused to go full CoC. They did guidelines which basically say, don't be a dick, and assume good intentions. The fact they say assume good intentions is great, because the CoC gobbling sjws were blatantly assuming (and announcing) that everyone anti CoC was racist sexist and out to get them personally.


zhe clearly prefers node.js


nice edit reddit.

since a = 1
and b =2 and so on in languages like C
you can just use a bubble sort

>can i import javscript,jquery,underscore.js,bootstrap,font-awesome,anguilar and node?

I've only worked with C++ so far. Which language is this?

print(" ".join(sorted(words.split())))

It's python

>we don't think you'd be a good fit for our team (or our doorways)

Attached: 1382947426092.png (800x749, 266K)

In language of your choice, implement tango tree.

> hires her
> puts her in a cubicle answering support calls

she's not a big titty goth bitch.

THIS is a big titty goth bitch.

Attached: gothbabe03.jpg (640x480, 74K)

>bubble sort

Attached: ew-face.jpg (689x516, 33K)


I know how to do this and have only done Python tutorials. Actual work interviews cannot be like this.

That is not a big titty goth.

Attached: 857ee168fb5c486a26c538937e51ba0c--goth-aesthetic-tumblr-gothic-beauty.jpg (736x919, 91K)

>what is (was) fizzbuzz
Dev jobs get many applicants that can't program at all, they can only regurgitate shit they already learned the solution too.

varrr=bla.split(" ")
return var.join("")

>*Your Interviewer: *pic related*
opposite is mostly the case

okay it/they/them. Tell me what qualifies you for the position?

First question. Are you biologically female?

Why? Is producing offspring a job requirement?

I only hire women. It's a feminist thing.

Can you legally have small doors to stop fat people from working at your place?

Attached: 1523250496060.jpg (640x480, 40K)

That's grounds for a lawsuit

What? No way. How?

I don't know, but my office is on the 5th floor of a 5 floor building (the whole floor), I disabled the elevator from reaching our floor without a key so fat clients always show up sweaty and gasping for air.

Doing good work user

in javascript

var str = "a b c d g f h i k z a b c e e k e x";
var myArr = [];
var newStr = [];

for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {

return a - b;


for (var x =0; x< myArr.length; x++) {
if (myArr[x] != 32) {


console.log(newStr.join(" "));

is the way I did this retarded? be honest pls

It directly goes against the equal employment opportunity act.

looks nice



when do i start?

How do you prove to the court that the company rejected your application because of discrimination and not because of lack of skill, assuming we're talking about a programming job?

Attached: spiderman.jpg (801x534, 32K)

wait misread the question lol

var test = "they used to be legit bullet";

function reorder (str) {

str = str.split(" ");

return a.charCodeAt(0) - b.charCodeAt(0);


console.log(str.join(" "));

