

Attached: logo.png (192x192, 13K)

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submit any bugs here: github.com/Floens/Clover/issues

I said apologize.

Apologise* :^)

Whatever man, clover is still a clusterfuck one way or another. I'm only using it because my x86 vm emulation runs really slow on my phone.

>I chose shitty tech
>This is floens fault

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Does floens have a donation account? Maybe he could start a patron?

Floens for president 2020

Clover v3.0.0 off of fdroid works fine for me



Thanks :3

How can I delete an IB on Clover Dev from the sites menu? I added a few besides Jow Forums just to test them but now im done with it, how can I delete them? ..I mean there has to be a way, I dont want to reinstall it.

i never doubted him nor the project

3.0 is pretty sweet
Thanks floens

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I love the Neon theme so much. I wish it was available on 4chanX.

I won't. He knows why.

Same here.
Big thanks to floens

Goodbye Oran.

Wheres my (you) counter?

It's more responsive after the update.
Also, I finally figured out where the spoiler button is.
It's practically perfect now.

Attached: 1524094388356.jpg (300x300, 22K)

>spoiler button
it doesn't appear when I try to reply in threads, but it does when making a new thread.
Don't know if it should be like that, flooooens.

It doesn't appear on boards with no spoiler support.

based floens

Actually, is there some sort of immersive mode for viewing images? Like, where the title bar and status bar go away?


you are awesome

floens i wanna kiss u and im sorry

I didn't realize I was looking at this thread but the board was another, that's cool.
Good job, FLOENS.

for a dirty phoneposter like me Clover is great, I should shoot floens some shekels

I'm sorry I called you a lazy faggot floens. 3.0 just werks.


Changelog says there is a scroll bar now, but I can't interract with it... help

Good job with the 3.0

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