What software do you use to deep fry memes?

What software do you use to deep fry memes?

Attached: 183.jpg (680x665, 190K)


also nice 2015 reddit meme

It's from this year brah

low quality = funny is a reddit meme

GIMP and fotoram.io

>deep fry memes

Go back to rddit pleb

It started on tumblr tho

kys then

Found the actual redditfag.

Even worse?

You might hate them, but these days reddit and tumblr make more meme oc than we do

And they last for a few months because they have shit sense of humour and ruin everything

How do you do it with GIMP?


none because i don't have aspergers

Saturate + Sharpen & repeat

Just because they are making more it doesn't mean they are good. This is normie trash.



>"but my shitposting is high quality and of superior intellect!"
kill yourself you cringe-worthy piece of shit
Jow Forums especially has the absolute worst board culture