What does Jow Forums think of python?

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Non poisonous snek that squeezes their prey instead.

retard proof language that actually get shit done

best programming language, easy to learn which means its gonna be popular which means more shit added to it also future proof.

Shit ecosystem, shit package manager, shit developers who feel superior because of math machine learning and shit
But nice syntax


ecosystem and packages are what got me into it but the paradigm and syntax are clumsy for me

Literally the opposite of what this guy said

good developers who feel inferior?

bad syntax?

I love it for web scraping.

Good programming language, bit slow - it's matter of evaluating technical debt.

its literally used on AI and computer science where being fast is the most crucial objective

I think having the AI be intelligent is more crucial than speed.

python is only a frontend for C-based backend

makes me proud to be dutch.


i'll learn it later after i master bash c make lua c# d m68000 and qbasic

I want to fuck python

Python is kind of like bell bottoms.

add fortran to that list

still i'll probably learn it before bothering with haskell

another issue with python is tge GIL

Couldn't decide between python and rails but the new humble bundle pushed me over the edge desu

None of the "heavy" stuff is written in pure python. As an example, numpy is written in C/fortran. Python is great for numerical science because of its syntax and packages, but for any heavy number crunching, you have to resort to a more efficient language.

Python as a wrapper for quicker languages is the true masterrace.

There are quite a few times where performance isn't that important and dynamic typing can help, and in those cases Python is one of the best choices.
Jow Forums hates it because they hate useful things.

Reminder that languages are tools, nothing more. Don't wank over them.


it's a piece of shit and like all shitty script languages has to have it's own separate package manager

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Here's kinda the problem I have with learning Python as an introduction to programming:
It's the lack of punctuation and syntax that is somewhat common to most all other languages.

We all know you gotta be versed in a few languages, and we all know the ingrained habits of nesting in curly braces and never, ever forgetting the semicolon. These are things that are drilled in from day one. We have all become anal about pristine syntax punctuation. It's mandatory across so many languages to have that skill down so solid.

So somebody learns python *first*. They go to learn a second language, trouble; the habits just aren't unconscious and automatic. bugs, stupid remedial problems, bad nesting, wasted time at the intermediate coding level on going back to see what's wrong.

That's what gets me about python as a first language. If difficulty is an issue, I'd much rather suggest JavaScript or PHP, something not too challenging, but is useful.

I just believe a first language should ingrain proper syntax punctuation skills. This will be critical in a coder's career, whether webdev or backend.

Attached: curly-brace-rt.png (2000x7149, 129K)

i find it hard to get into python after learning { } languages. it looks kinda boring and too much like basic.

the community is inversely proportional to the greatness of the language

me too m8


Great arguments as always.

well the language is not great, but at least the monty python jokes are fun.

Decent for some quick scripting, but I wouldn't use it for anything bigger since it's not statically typed.

It is an incredibly useful language that has a shitton of built-in packages and it is easy to make quick and dirty programs with. It is slow as fuck, so it limits its use to non-time sensitive applications. That is about it. Use it for simple shit and it is great. Use it for anything crazy and you will have a bad time. It is a tool in the tool box. To use an anology, Python is the microwave of coding. It is quick and can make something decent, but you do not use it if you need quality.

Attached: Harambe.jpg (644x604, 90K)

print Hello, World!

This should summarize the language to you. It is simple to do simple shit. It sucks for complex stuff. That is about it.

It's easy to use so I don't like it

It doesn't really excel at anything because the creator(s) didn't have a clear idea towards which it was designed.

Have you tried Brainfuck?

It has pretty much the most concise syntax out of all the mainstream languages. That is why it is used as a learning tool. Name one other language that can create its Hello World in less than three words. It is kind of nice how simple it is. Very cozy. Other than that though, it is pretty shit, yes.

>Name one other language that can create its Hello World in less than three words.
literally almost every other scripting language.

Gets shit done, slow.


>python is merely a scripting language!1!!1!1!!
>the fucking state of Jow Forums

Python is a protocol based language which actually lets you hook into itself and manage the inner workings of it. It’s got some shit you wouldn’t believe

>it’s not statically typed

You can MAKE it a statically typed language with less than 100 lines of set up. Even more, you can make up types to statically enforce and throw them into the core!

Python 3.6 is the most powerful language ever written.


>implying anyone here knows even basic coding to fix the issues

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Is it worth looking into .py to .exe?
Are python GUIs worth looking into?
Everything I've ever written with it was just a console window.

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>Is it worth looking into .py to .exe?
Depends what you plan on making. For simple scripts, no.
>Are python GUIs worth looking into?
What do you mean? Do you mean GUI creation in Python or GUI-based application creation like Visual Studio? Python is great for creating object-based shit, so yes for the first and for the second...well unless you already use it, no.

>i'm fucking retarded so that means all of Jow Forums is too

Kivy and Pyinstaller, my friend

I'm glad that got changed in python3

before i get too deep, should i stop deving a game in python?

would it really be better to switch to java or something?

>>> print Hello, World!
File "", line 1
print Hello, World!
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

>not know how to H.W. in python


>Shit ecosystem, shit package manager, shit developers
But still gets the job done with absolute minimal effort

Thats why its so damn poplular

fucking 2.7 subhuman

Literally only use 2.7 because you don't have to type as much to print.

coming from C/C++,it feels dumb-proof

Going from python to C: "And if you type this wrong it can corrupt your operating system"

You are not using the 2.7 version of Python, faggots. This is valid, numbnuts. That is the point.

It's not, even in 2.7. You tried to look smart, but failed.
Off yourself.

Finish it, develop a similar one in Java, then decide for yourself.

...it...is. Look it up. Clearly you do not even code in python...I get you are retarded, but you can literally look up the syntax. In 2.7, they dropped the need for the parenthesis.

Yes, but not the need for quotes.

:D I like your thinking. Everyone says python will fail if the game is "too big" but I'll see first hand for myself!

It's the best prototyping language of the modern era. Very easy to do simple tasks but very difficult to do difficult tasks.

Definitely has a place in modern computing, but it should be treated in the same manner as shell rather than something that is all you need as it is sold now.

Python is used for batched jobs not real time stuff. That is all done in Java/C++.

>Definitely has a place in modern computing, but it should be treated in the same manner as shell rather than something that is all you need as it is sold now.
This, Python is often effective as a cleaner, more structured shell. I much prefer writing a small Python program than shell scripts to automate stuff most of the time.

Beautiful svastika logo

Its used for AI because having to make all the neural networks and all the other bullshit is a massive pain in the ass on C.

but its not as slow as people like to pretend, its still not a top contender.

>t. writes 'great atention to detail' in his CV

>It's not, even in 2.7
The current state of Jow Forums

Tbh it's alright. It has lots of useful packages and tools like jupyter which can be pretty comfy. Wish it had the option of typing though (like typescript/JavaScript)

I had the same problem. Put it off for years. Was forced to learn at my last job and now I really enjoy it.

Python is extremely good for simple scripts

>Python is a protocol based language which actually lets you hook into itself and manage the inner workings of it. It’s got some shit you wouldn’t believe
It's actually part of the reason why it's crap.
>You can MAKE it a statically typed language with less than 100 lines of set up.
The way that works enables almost none of the benefits static type checks have.

I'd like it more if it ran faster so I could crunch big numbers, but it's still my go-to language for getting shit done if it doesn't need to be super efficient

Try it, and see for yourself. It won't work in any Python version.
Post results, I'm waiting.

>javascript or PHP as a first language
please no, it would be worse than learning python since those languages (especially PHP) are so broken. i'd unironically suggest C or something instead.
t. learned PHP as a first language


q/Hello, World!/

The fallacy of this argument is that - unlike in your opinion - syntax is a rather simple thing to learn once you are aware that a language is made of syntactical rules and not arbitrary punctuation like in a tax form.

its lit, f a m

never mind, i forgot you still need a print statement in perl lol

This fucking post again, I've seen this post three times a day for the last week. Fuck.


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noob to python, which tier should I get

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It's been my go-to language for scripting ever since I had to learn it for work. Bash hasn't been able to replace it completely just yet, although bash has become more important. Now I am learning FreePascal for my next job and that looks like a good replacement. Still like Python though.

>FreePascal for my next job
There are jobs for it?

You must have a shitty operating system if it lets you write over the OS.

How has no one made a compiled version of python yet?

Don't. All the crap here you either don't need as a noob or you can find for free, perhaps even superior in quality.

Why do you constantly desire validation?
Every single language has its own application. C is used for fast and efficient programs. Python is used to make something quickly. VB.net is used to help poeple learn programming. PHP is used for backend crap. Every language is useful in one way or another, now stop seeking validation for the language you use because there will never be a single "best" language.

As far as I know, all snakes are non poisonous.

The parts where you require high performance can be written in C. So, what's the problem?

There are Python compilers, moron.

If you want a good book, I'd suggest "Diving into Python 3". It's also available for free online.

There's several things that qualify - depends on what counts for you as compiled Python.

Basic-ass CPython technically *is* compiled. That's what .pycs are. It's not really what most people count as compiled though.

Then there is stuff like Numba, which generate code actually compiled to machine code, but that's per-function, wherever you can and want to apply it, not the whole program.

If you want something *like* Python except compiled, check out Nim. It's a babby language, but appears to aim for just that. Didn't look much into it myself though.

Cython/Nuitka probably is the thing that comes closest.

Good books to learn Python?
