Was it (((them)))?

Did (((they))) shut it down?

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Other urls found in this thread:


kek the birthday hats still on

Only schizos believe anyone in power would waste their time fucking with Jow Forums.


Is this site up or down?

>it was just maintenance goys

Yeah, don't pay too much attention to it. I'm really tired guys, I think I'm gonna take a nap.


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Its still down for most of us

What did you do?!

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Jow Forums throws so pretty heavy weight around bruh


8ch is also wonky now

This Jow Forums has been in the headlines quite a lot. Regardless of whether the stuff is true or not, the yellow journalist dont seem to like it.

it was niggers eating the server infrastructure, sent by jews

You're right user...Man, it's already 11PM? Time to go to sleep...


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the jews did this

fuck off leftist scum

>Jow Forums creates insane amount of value in the past 15 years
>shitskins are attracted to value they never had any part in building like flies are to shit
>shitskins come here but get severely triggered by stuff white people talk about when there is no censorship imposed on them
>for a shitskin this must be the first time they get confronted by unfiltered white opinions
>the cognitive dissonance they experience is SEVERE
>sometimes they can’t sleep for days(I’ve spoken to several pol-shitskins)
>they get addicted to this place because all these things they hear make sense and explain many things in their lives
>they do not admit all of these things, but become incredibly angry at white people and think irrefutable facts posted here are just a "game" to make them feel bad
>they think the world only revolves around them so (again) the irrefutable FACTS posted here must just somehow be anything other than reality.
>so they start to playing a game that they think is being played here
>Not realizing this isn't a game but facts about them and their people

>start posting things explicitly designed to trigger whites
>white purity spiral (causes division in the whites)
>racemixing threads (causes divisions between confident whites and ones slightly less confident who would settle for a mutt wife/husband)
>white women hate (causes whites to hate their own kind)
>nigger dick posting (triggered white people’s sexual
>anti-Christian threads (either attacking Christianity or promoting atheism/heretical idol worship)
>attack representatives of white interest (politicians and e-celebs)
>Not once do they take a moment to consider how backwards, factually wrong, and inept they are and how their own degenerate and chimpish behavior is the cause of all the problems in their life

Diversity needs authority in order to make sure all the disparate groups with different sets of moralities can get along. In the long run it never works out.

to be fair - most e-celebs are garbage - but I agree otherwise.

It’s something clear to most high IQ lurkers they just never verbalize it

Q predicted this

If Jow Forums was a threat it would be gone already. Don't be naive.

Jow Forums have doing its 15 years on the web cause so many problems I really believe those in power need us to exist

Attached: aiEJH-1.gif (500x275, 763K)

Fuck off Mossad!

they need us to do their dirty work...by they I mean the left and the right.

Double checked.

stop it jews

Attached: (((hi))).png (814x354, 104K)

that or this?

Attached: (((coincidence))).png (1054x457, 142K)

This greentext should be stickied on Jow Forums IMO

everything, and I mean EVERYTHING you post from now on will be used against you any trial. You will get Kavanaugh'ed like his yearbook was. Tread carefully.

>missing chance to say Thread carefully
shamefur dispray

after this election I fucking doubt it

Attached: SUPER ARYAN VEGETA.jpg (900x698, 84K)

What’s wrong?
Your comms were disrupted?
Plan on more because
Q predicted this

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Exactly. Plausible deniability. Let us run wild, and if it helps them, then great. If not, then they deny involvement. Classic FBI/CIA/DOJ way to do business.

Is that your fetish mohammed??
We shitskin come here because in our countries we neither can discuss the topic we talk here. Keep in mind that all third world countries lean to socialism (yes, even Chile, if you are far right you are mocked as "morenazi").
So, its all about political incorretness than race and muh whitey dick in asian puss.

Attached: Chilean-reporter-flash.jpg (691x405, 43K)

Happy late birthday!

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Yes, they were probably DDoSing. Kikes are vile fuckers.

Because even shills are starting to wake up to the kike cum spittoon-in-Cheetos

Attached: shut_it_down's_kike_cum_dumpster.jpg (666x430, 101K)

Here's what happened:

Disney's branch of the Jewish Illuminati shilled a bunch of news websites that the reason people hated on The Force Awakens was because of Russian Bots according to a PHD student in University of California. Disney then went and paid someone to do a DDOS as the news broke to prevent alternate theories and cut the service because Jow Forums was hosted in California. Moot got word, moved the site to another server in Phoenix and the Feds found out what they did, told Disney to cut it out because it would spawn terrorist attacks, and buried the whole thing.

t. Insider.

Attached: disney.png (1016x1520, 436K)

I just came from there. It's definitely playing up.

Who else got banned from cripplechan again?

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