Holy shit timeline is fucking amazing.its like a browser history just for your os...

holy shit timeline is fucking amazing.its like a browser history just for your os.i actually wanted to find something i was doing before but i didnt remember the name and i found it thanks to the timeline.thanks microsoft for innovating again while linux does nothing except for package updates for the past 20 years.

Attached: Screenshot(34).png (1366x768, 660K)

Activate your windows you fucking latavian

Those are all websites though?

unironically botnet

what do you think most people on Jow Forums do? they just browse the internet

This! Almost made me sign in to Windows but I remember it sends all my data to NSA so I didn't. Pretty sad desu. It's an awesome feature none the less.

>unironically botnet
you are not interesting no one gives a fuck about you you egoist fuck.

another reason not to upgrade

I'm ok with this botnet. Feels comfy being able to pick up on my tentacle sketch on my laptop, and then when I get back home having all the recent resources right there.

If you only use one device (or if you use multiple devices but different OS) it's useless.

>you are not interesting no one gives a fuck about you you egoist fuck.
Says the kid that started a self-indulgent thread.

You DO realize that MS syncs all of that with their servers, right?

We already know pretty much everyone collects any and all data they can. Why do they do it if I'm not interesting?

>shitty, broken pajeetware that can't even update, not to mention function properly
no thanks

>has to make himself feel better on a taiwanese waifu trading forum

no if you are not signed in to your microsoft account it doesnt get uploaded.it literally says it at the bottom.the timeline data is stored only locally on your computer.

Attached: Képernyőfelvétel (11).png (1366x768, 439K)

it's not latavian language in the screenshot
t. latavian

btw, i wouldn't want a fucking log of everything i've been doing, in order i've been doing, with screenshots stored on my computer, especially when running windongs, fuck

Attached: 1525128900254.jpg (808x1077, 285K)

>Switching windows now takes 2 seconds longer because of the animations
Boy I sure love updates.

I don't see any change in speed.

That's Hungarian you retard.

Arrest you for extramarital sex once the sharia ethnostate gets going.

What's wrong with you?

da fuk

Attached: wut.png (642x160, 8K)

let me guess you also voted for fidesz

of course because im not an sjw communist "LEL XD SMOKE WEED EVERYDAY" faggot like the soros dogs who didnt vote fidesz.

Attached: 30118559_1621075731343166_1955163885_n.jpg (640x446, 32K)

>tfw filter for "botnet" on Jow Forums
>Jow Forums is 25% less terrible

Attached: 1522211199070.png (462x450, 179K)