Does she have a point?

Do tech companies need to do something?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I will force her to have sex with them the moment I find out
t. CEO

this is so fucking badly worded it's like she's hinting that there should be sex initiatives

>there should be sex initiatives

who would want that hahahahaha orgy porgy

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I was sure this was going to be a fake tweet, but it isn't.

Threadly reminder that Jow Forums is an Incel board. Chads and Stacies are not welcome.

I doubt half the companies even know what this buzzword is.

I want my work to pay for my sex robot.

>required, 3 years of relevant experience: sql, nodejs, angular, sexual intercourse
>please provide evidence

Coming to a job listing near you Q3 2018

Threadly reminder that it's not hard to get a girlfriend. Just work on improving yourself and have patience. Also >giving a fuck about stupid shit posted on tweet book.


We want 2D girls with 3D sexual orifices.

>so user this says you havent had a gf
>we're going to pass

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Sure you do

There should be training for adults on how to approach and interact with people they are interested in dating, or even just people in general. With real professionals and no PUA bullshit. It should be a benefit just like health insurance or a gym membership.
Could solve a lot of problems in the workplace. It's very difficult to catch up on that sort of thing once you've missed the boat as a young adult, and society should recognize and address this issue.

Is this like a new way to make fun of virgins for being virgins?

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>Just work on improving yourself and have patience

This is bullshit, non-incels never have to "improve" a damn thing about themselves to get relationships. I've seen it with my own two eyes.

honestly its more about not wanting a gf
I have a terrible and boring personality so I'm quite happy being alone because most people just annoy me and I can't tell why
I do hire hookers sometimes though

>that font

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>go to a restaurant
>sir it appears you on the are on the 2 months without sex list, please leave.

stop being a cry baby

Free open source prostitutes?

just bee yourself

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Nigga I was 350lbs and single for 7 years. I lost 50lbs and started to work on interpersonal skills and now I've been getting sex on the reg for 2 years straight. And I'm still fat banging a 6/10 that if she really tries, is a soft 7.

everything is going according to plan.

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Hiring some company whores is the real answer here.

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Only if yourself isn't an entitled dick with shit interpersonal skills.

Deep down you were always a normalfag

ok but what is wrong with being an incel? what the hell is an incel?

Nigger, I've had a very noticeable severe skin disease for 15 years and I've been single for maybe 6 months total of those years. You have no excuse. Man up you fucking crybaby.

get them laid? hell yes!

>improve myself.

no, fuck you, i dont need improvement you dumb cunt

More like she wants them fired and make them commit suicide

What ever you gotta tell yourself to stay where you are. I know that you can find someone who makes you happy and I know you can reciprocate it. There are a lot of shitty girls out there, man. But I really do believe in you, random-guy-on-mongolian-basket-weaving-forum. Also, relationships aren't endgame. Being happy and responsible will just make life easier.

wake my up when i can get a loli foxgirl gf

id fork that

i highly doubt if the company cares whether or not their employees are getting laid, or have ever gotten laid.

Why would this bitch even ask a company what they would do about the virgins on their payroll?

when youre in. cel..

>what the hell is an incel?
Involuntarily celibate.

Essentially they can't get laid.

What exactly is she trying to say here?

I'm thinking it could be either of these -
>incels are a problem and a cause of conflict and discord in the workspace, incels must be sniffed out and removed
>incels would have higher productivity and contribute to a better workspace if they could get laid, thus it is the employers responsibility to make that happen

feel free to explain it to me though

>rape is bad
>not having sex is bad
it seems like the solution is obvious, females need to fuck a larger variety of men

Yeah, they need to start hiring prostitutes to service their employees.

Company sponsored hooker fridays?
sounds like a good idea to me.

that makes no . sense..

ok? and this deserves homelessness and unemployment why?

If the Incel espouses the belief that he DESERVES sex simply for existing. Sure.

If you honestly think that, you're mentally deficient and should be excised from the gene pool, and women take it in their own hands to not fuck you because of it.

you are clearly not passing down your genes to the next generation, so there is no need in waste resources on you.

It doesn't, it's the new boogeyman. Incels and AR-15s

these people don't understand what happens when you corner a desperate animal

What's the point here

I don't get it

Are they going to fire people for being virgins now?

Isn't she the girl who sued a former employer for discrimination after her husband racked up a huge fine for fraud or something and they needed to repay it?

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>sexual intercourse
Well, I'm (not) fucked. I'm married...

>ceo try hire prostitutes to end incels in companies
>they are to expensive
>hire thai trannies
Welcome to the capitalism, user.

>Do tech companies need to do something?
No, we don't need to start witch hunting for every person who deviates from the norm in their personal lives, even if it's something shitty like incels. If it's affecting their work or their colleagues, or they're openly incel in the workplace, sure. Otherwise, it's irrelevant to the job. Sort of how we should be hiring people based on their merit instead of their race/gender/etc in some thinly veiled attempt to make things "equal."

It's not difficult, stop trying to make it difficult. Hire people who have the skills for the job. Fire people who are not doing the job well and/or are not conducive to an effective work environment. Anything else is superfluous.

I'm going to assume she means the first one.

Adding onto this:
It's not hard to find a girlfriend. It's only a matter of being at the right place at the right time to find your qt gf. By putting yourself out there, you increase your chances of being in the right place at the right time. Until then just improve yourself and have patience so you're not wallowing in your own self pity and have the self confidence to shoot your shot when it's time.

Being incel is a mental disease, and we're all here to help my fellow anons.

If you don't think it's number one, I have bad news for you.

It's dumb shit like this that gets screen capped and put on CNN.

t. White people. How do I improve being a short Indian? Should I use skin whitening cream and shoe lifts? or "lol go back to India" a country I'm not a citizen of and can't live in legally?

Good, finally someone is going to do something about those creepy beta virgins who keep looking at me in a weird way just because I'm a female programmer.
I hope all beta virgins lose their jobs and are thrown in concentration camps.

the real solution is to chemically castrate incels

>fires all incels

>loses over half the workforce in tech

But seriously..anyone who refers themselves as an incel should probably jump off a cliff.

Nigga please, me being white has nothing to do with me having a gf. I bet your a smart man and I'm sure you can be a nice person. Just work on your attitude and your victim mentality that you definitely have shown here and you'll be chilling with a nice vagana in no time. The only person holding you back is you. Plus there are tons of short chicks out there and I know they're lookin for that curry dick. I belive in you, nigga

Improving yourself is stupid advice. What you need to do is be a good person to have around. That means having skills that are useful to other people, as well as having an open mind and the ability to step into another person's shoes.

Rip, my girlfriend says to you guys i would count as a Chad, i gave her the clover app after she asked what website i was always on, id show her some greentext stories here and there but jeez she knows the whole subculture now, its pretty funny, thought you gotta would like to know more girls probably lurk then you think, and actually cringe at you guys (she shows me stuff from Jow Forums and other boards) she only browses Jow Forums because she sees I'm on it and is curious ,

thank you friend
not made up but i could care less if you guys believe it or not, either or it plants the seed that you now know girls lurk, and i mean actual girls, not girls(boys)

You guys have fun

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And how do you get that if you don't have those skills? Improve them? Oh, thanks for agreeing with me.

they've been on the news lately, for being psychotic and killing women

Yeah... And you get those soft/hard skills by improving yourself.

Are you retarded?

Don't you have an Indian community or something where you live

I am not a native English speaker and I am having a hard time figuring out what she is trying to say. Is she complaining that we are virgins?

what are incels

China has shown us the way.

virgins who are so angry about being virgins that they gather in groups to complain about women.

>Being virgin means you're not allowed to work anymore or interact with other humans.

Great, one more thing to be bullied and maybe count as a big NO when trying to find a job and stopping to be a lonely suicidal depressed NEET.
This way I will never afford FFS or eat anything better than maruchan with the complimentary spiro pill.
And the worst part is that this area was supposed to be the most inclusive one with the least amounts of social bullying.

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What exactly is an incel? Is it just someone who does not reproduce, a MGTOW or what? I never understood this shit.


just a "nicer" (read: obfuscated) way to say "virgin neckbeard creepazoid".

involuntary celibates

Not everyone wants to have sex with every person they meet faggot. What happened to marriage, a stay at home wife, and the man actually get work done with his career?
In the tweet is just a slut, and in this thread are people way smarter than that. Act like it please.


lmao how about normal people, or is everyone either a pathetic loser or a "Chad"

For real, Twitter is visual noise that people can't seem to look away from.


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Oh. I'm a virgin but it's definitely not because of women. Are you still an incel if you don't bitch about it? Can't I just be a "sad piece of shit" instead?

Just don't live in CA and you won't have any problems

Yes, sadly now women are allowed freely around here. The >tits or gtfo rule isnt really valid anymore.

I'm gonna need you to fill out that bf application, prior experience is required or the date is off.

incel is literally involuntarily celibate which has become a sub-culture (primarily forums) where they gather to complain. So if you don't identify with the subculture you're cel (or volcel), not incel.

Well I'm Kinda safe, even when I'm a Wizard, I am one because when I realized I didn't had sex it was too late so I retired myself from the market.

I live more freely and I don't really desire something I don't know anything about.

Hey man, free time is the ultimate end game. That's the one thing I miss the most about being single. But I have a great gf who plays games on the TV while I play on my pc or shoots guns at the other table if we're at the range. You'll find someone someday who shares you're interest and you will peacefully coexist together and bump uglies together when you retire for the evening.

I mean if it wasn't like that incel would just be a different word for virgin

Hire programming "motivators"

Alternatively:Who gives a shit go kill yourself

I've heard of tech companies paying escorts to become girlfriends with incels of another company. Voice recording every encounter and trying to bleed that secret intellectual property out of them.

It happens with prominent Men as well (just look at the news lately) but it's 10x easier to do it to virgins in the tech industry.

>What happened to marriage, a stay at home wife, and the man actually get work done with his career?
That's why professional help should be made available for people who have trouble with this.
The other part is helping spergs deal with
>Not everyone wants to have sex with every person they meet faggot.

you forgot:
>left with pajeets and SJWs
>software goes to shit
>company dies

>Can't I just be a "sad piece of shit" instead?
this. why cant i just watch my 2d in peace without someone bitching that im a liability cause i dont have sex?

Shut up Ellen you miserable cunt

>chink with murrikan name
>always not their real name, just made up

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You're incel.