What do you guys put under skills ?
What do you guys put under skills ?
My skills
nunchuk skills
i bet my left nut that nerd has never used UNIX
I can bet all three of my nuts that nerd has never used UNIX.
I'm applying for lots of financial services jobs so I've put 'professional discretion' but it looks a bit weird.
>Windows 10
Why would you specify version of windows here?
>languages I actually know more than basic syntax (i.e. the ones I know the standard library well enough to answer simple algorithm/data structure quizzes)
>frameworks I have some experience with that use said languages (Spring, Angular, Django, etc.)
>workflow related tools I know how to use: Git, Mercurial, Gulp, Jenkins, Docker, Webpack, SaSS, shit like that
>Other relevant Software I've worked with and are relevant to the job I'm applying: Operational Systems, Office package ones, shit like MATLAB, R, Photoshop/GIMP, 3ds Max/Maya
If you're applying for a frontend job your MATLAB knowledge is basically useless, but knowing Photoshop, for instance, could be relevant, so pick the ones that actually seem to matter.
Ideallly you should also have a link to your github or some other repository somewhere in your CV where you have projects showing you using the skills you said you have.
Hmm good catch, I was thinking it might make me seem familiar with the modern micosoft tech stack but I didn't notice that it was the only OS release I'd mentioned explicitly.
I personally put in anything I had even the slightest amount of experience with. Use PHP once in a vulnhub ctf? Add it to my list of languages.
Honestly, most of finding a job is just getting past HR filters. Most jobs in tech are waaaay easier than they lead on, unless it's actual backend software development.