/pcbg/ - PC Building General

>Assemble a part list
>Learn how to build a PC (You can find a lot more detailed videos on other youtube)
>How to install Win7 on new CPUs

If you want help
>State the budget & CURRENCY for your build
>List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM, Work
>For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)

>R3 2200G - Bare minimum gaming WITH/WITHOUT a graphics card (Low end)
>R5 2400G - Consider IF on sale & closer to 2200G price
>i5-8400 - Good gaming performance, but niche and not on as good a platform as AMD
>R5 2600X - Good gaming & multithreaded work use CPU (Mid range)
>i7-8700k - Best for gaming, but most expensive when factoring in delid, high end cooler, etc.
>R7 2700X - Best high-end mixed usage on a non-HEDT platform
>TR 1950X/Used Xeon - VM Work / Streaming / Video editing (HEDT)
>Use Precision Boost2 offsets to overclock Ryzen2000X series!

>8GB - enough for glorified gaming use
>16GB - for heavy PC use
>32GB+ - if you have to ask, you don't need this much
>Current CPUs benefit from fast RAM; 2933-3200 MHz is ideal

Graphics cards
>Crypto-Currency miners have driven GPU prices up
>MSRP of standard 1080p cards: 1050Ti, 140USD; 1060 3GB, $200; 1060 6GB, $230; RX 560, $115; RX 570 4GB, $170; RX 580 8GB, $220
>GTX 1070 if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates & you have a CPU + monitor to match
>GTX 1070/Ti or 1080; currently overpriced
>GTX 1080Ti if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates & you have a CPU + monitor to match

>Consider StoreMi; it actually works.
>240GB minimum for a storage drive
>2TB HDD are barely more $ than 1TB
>m.2 is a form factor, NOT a performance standard
>Consider getting a larger SSD, instead of small SSD & large HDD; add HDD later when needed



Attached: AMD river.jpg (225x317, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/MSI-Performance-GAMING-X470-PLUS/dp/B07CF31C1Q/ref=sr_1_2?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1525389667&sr=1-2&keywords=x470 motherboard&refinements=p_36:-15900

Almost perfect. Remove the delid shit, most don't even OC.

>new thread before bump limit
4/10, at least it isn't as bad as the last shit OP recing fucking dual cores

How about removing the cpu that needs deliding

Anons, I am planning to get a new PC.
My budget is around 6000 PLN (1500$).
Main purpose is multimedia with some casual AA gaming. Are gaming laptops a vailable option? Cost of GTX1060 laptop is similiar to PC together with monitor (which iam planning to buy).

proof of amdshills, everybody

You do realize you put in $500+ for a 7700, motherboard, and cooler, and a $760 GTX 1070?
Dunno what you want us to comment on besides tell you that you're stupid.

>Main purpose is multimedia with some casual AA gaming. Are gaming laptops a vailable option? Cost of GTX1060 laptop is similiar to PC together with monitor (which iam planning to buy).
Well they tend to be bulky and have low quality screens and keyboards in that range, but if you're okay with that than yes.

Sometimes people get very high temps on 8700k even at stock. Same thing happened with Skylake and Kabylake though they seem to have improved their quality control considerably. So someone should always factor in the possible need to delid until Intel completely fixes their QC.

Isn't bump limit 310? 309 isn't much of a trigger pull.

gaming laptops will always be gimped

get a good desktop to do all your heavy lifting and a cheap laptop and remote desktop in or something when you need the oomph

I never said to remove the 8700k you dumb tribal shit.

Everyone is a AMD shill in the eyes of a Intel shill

I'm building an emulation rig that can output component to my CRT. Which makes for a clearer/lower latency conversion: VGA or DV-I?

No money for such a thing.
Are today laptops especially mid range like GTX1060 really that much gimped compared to pc counterparts?

Yes. Look at the power consumption of a laptop vs a desktop components. What do you think all that extra power is doing?

Attached: Internet.jpg (271x234, 13K)

Also, I would be upgrading from gtx570 and core2quad soo that's that


Look at it this way. For a given architecture the amount of heat/noise/watts needed for a given amount of processing power is pretty linear.

A 1060 allowed to use 125W will turbodunk one that's forced to run at 25W.

I didn;t have enough money for the 8700k, I was planning on getting an i5 first but I got a good deal on this one.
The cooler i got for free, I am planning on getting a better one a bit late.
The ssd is actually a crucial mx300 M.2 SATA 500gb but I didn't find that one on pcpartpicker so i chose something else and what's wrong with 3tb drives?(i didn't buy it yet)..

Will a 2400g bottleneck a 1070ti with dual 1080p displays? (bought the APU to tide me over until I got a good deal on a dedicated GPU)

60hz btw

Refer to this handy pic related

Shouldn't, no.

Attached: holy trinity.png (671x444, 6K)

If there were actual Vega M GH laptops, we could have all 3.

Is it worth it to buy a 280X now at a second-hand price? Or should I be waiting for another offer. Saving up cash isn't an option. I wouldn't be spending on a full priced gpu anytime soon. I have a Ryzen 5 1600x setup. Change my mind.

depends on the price

I've got $400 to spend on Amazon. I've got a case, PSU, HDD, and 1050ti. Last thread I was looking at a 2200G and B350 motherboard, but the person I'm buying for said they would rather pony up more cash than deal with flashing a BIOS, so we're thinking about going with a X470 board with a 2400G. See link. Thoughts?


Attached: 51vTU2sdReL._SL500_AC_SS350_.jpg (350x350, 27K)

It's still a good GPU.
About 10% better than 1050Ti performance on average but +100watt power usage.
If it's $100 or something, still good to go with.

>random pic from /m/'s forgotten shows thread

If you already have a GPU just get a 1600 or 2600 for the more cores.
Also get 2933 memory at least.

Get B350 board and a 1600/X instead of X470 and 2400G.

With a 1600, mem compatibility isn't always good enough for 2933. Really only gauranteed 2666 so may as well go with 2800 if it's cheap.

Look at the file name and the bottom right m8.

2600X out of price range ($60 more than 2200G). but... what sort of performance hit will a 1600X have versus a 2400G?

>With a 1600, mem compatibility isn't always good enough for 2933.
A year ago maybe

Did I say X? 1600 non X costs the same as 2400G
For ~$25 more you can get a 2600 non-X for its slight improvements.

do you pay for your own power?

Oh hey, thanks. Yeah +$25 for a solid performance boost is worth it to me.

Is it worth buying an i7 8700k if I'm not going to overclock it? I'm a software developer and definitely want an i7 for the thread count, but I'm not sure if the 500mhz extra stock speed is worth it or not.

1600 will outperform it with an overclock.
1600X will outperform the 2400G stock
2600X is about 10-15% better still, but more money.

But if you're only buying from amazon, they don't have the best prices on the 1600/1600X. Better off getting a 2600/X and making sure your motherboard is ready for the 2000 series... Or have a local shop update the BIOs.

It's not worth it compared to the 2600X, no.

here, leaning toward 's suggestion, see pic related. How are we looking?

Attached: pc upgrade.png (1161x326, 36K)

You could save ~$50 getting a b350 board that you know has Ryzen 2000 series support. But otherwise good.

Also some motherboards you can BIOS flash without a compatible CPU to update them for Ryzen 2000 series.

The guy I'm buying for told me he doesn't want to have to bother with possibly flashing a BIOS so he'd pony up the extra cash for an X470 board. I figured it isn't the worst decision in the world if he wants to upgrade on this platform down the line.


So basically it's worth it if I'm not paying my own bills? and yes, I live in a family apartment that is all mine for now so I'm not paying any bills as of yet.

What good monitor that have 4K resolution and have thin bezel?
Will use it for works.

In that case, the only cheaper X470 boards I'd recommend are the ASUS Strix, Pro, and the ASRock Master.
The cheapest of those is $160 on Amazon, but the Master one is $140 after rebate on newegg.

Gigabyte has shit BIOS.

At $100, it's an ok deal. It's a much better value if you're not paying your own electricity, though. It'll could be like $5 more per month in electricity at 12cents per kwh. Over years, it starts costing a lot more than a cheap new more efficient card.
If your alternative is a $200 1050Ti, then it just depends if you plan to have the graphics card for more than a year or two before upgrading.

Also depends if you're in a cold climate. In that case the energy cost doesn't matter since it's the same as heating costs.

How's this mobo fambly
amazon.com/MSI-Performance-GAMING-X470-PLUS/dp/B07CF31C1Q/ref=sr_1_2?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1525389667&sr=1-2&keywords=x470 motherboard&refinements=p_36:-15900

Anything that isn't 24" or 28".

MSI is even worse than Gigabyte m8.

If you can only buy from Amazon, it looks like your best option is one of those ASUS boards that I named.
Why can't you just order from newegg tho? I don't get this autism. You should order each part from where it's cheapest so long as they have a good return policy.

Gigabyte is better

Asus is bottom of the barrel

I know it's autism but it's the clients specification and I've got to adhere to it. There is an ASUS board that - should - be back in stock in 10 days, but again the client wants the parts by Monday. So with that and the budget being stretched as it is (were $30 over budget right now) which would be better between the MSI and Gigabyte? I'm leaning toward MSI desu

Just get the original Gigabyte one then lmao.
Maybe Gigabyte will actually start improving their BIOS like they said they're trying to.

I just got my 1070ti and I installed it real carefully then grabbed drivers. I'm not very good at things, how can I tell if I did it all right?

Attached: 1525195889032.png (411x371, 137K)

compare your graphics result on benchmark to others.

Thanks user, I ran the steamVR benchmark and I'm good. Installing parts freaks me out, I'm convinced they'll somehow get ruined.

So my 250GB SSD that had my OS finally died and I'm looking to get another SSD. Any recommendations?

I'm just looking at getting a 500GB SSD. That's all one really needs, and I've already got 7+ 2GB+ HDDs (internal and external).

I'm considering the SAMSUNG 860 Pro 512GB

Attached: 1524796868997.webm (1280x720, 262K)

860 Pro is good if you need autistically long endurance. It's like 600TBW on the 512gb.
But any of the mainstream choices today like the 860 evo, MX500, and SU900 are fine and all have around 200TBW endurance on the 500gb models. Don't let the quick death of your probably crappy 250gb model deter you from the average endurance models.

Some example builds if anyone wants them

My bad, I was too busy getting laid to start a new OP

What's the best build for a non-gaming office PC? Preferably with an SSD, less than $500 (including monitor). My mother's pre-built touchscreen piece of shit finally kicked the bucket.

I already built a gaming PC for myself a while ago but I'm not sure what the minimum specs should be for someone who only cares about web browsing/streaming and word processing.

Probably a locked current gen i3 with a cheap mobo. Or a 2200g.

Stop shilling the 8700k argggggghhhhhhhhh. I hope you realize that phones released a year ago were 10nm

Attached: 1524982517055.jpg (689x757, 50K)

Here's a pretty rough build. I'm not really into budget stuff so you could probably make that even cheaper.


Motherboard may need BIOS flash to support the new CPU. Sometimes this model comes ready for Ryzen 2000 but some don't.

Is the upcoming generation of new GPUs a meme? I’ve been reading stuff thats over a year old saying “volta” and other shit is right around the corner. Will there be a point in waiting? Will it actually be some groundbreaking thing that I’ll hate myself for not buying?

How's this build look? I already have ram. Historically is there better quality or more features on the high end B350 motherboards when compared to the low end x370? I'm wondering if buying the lower end x470 boards is worth it or to wait for the new b450 boards.

We don't know. It's possible it'll incorporate some raytracing features that would otherwise be bruteforced by an older GPU.
Future stuff tend to be better but it's perfectly correct to buy what you need when you need it.

You must be new.
There's always hundreds of completely baseless and made up rumors that start within a year of the last generation launching.
2.5+ years between GPU architectures is not uncommon.

If new consumer Nvidia or AMD GPUs come out before Q4 this year, they'll largely be refreshes.

>We don't know. It's possible it'll incorporate some raytracing features that would otherwise be bruteforced by an older GPU.
You're clueless.
It takes 4 $3000 GPUs to do that UE4 raytracing demo. That's $12000 total. And the Titan V isn't even that overpriced compared to the previous Titans giving its massive die size.
It's just fucking marketing to make people think they'll have that in consumer GPUs soon. It would cost too much to put capable raytracing hardware in consumer GPUs.

You could look into a better PSU for the same price or lower. Didn't really educate myself on that specific mobo but MSI tends to go with doubled phases to cheap out on VRM controllers, so consider going for a Strix something instead. Also, what's up with the case?

>You're clueless.
Just like everyone else, that's why I said "features" to keep it vague. Actual raytracing isn't happening anytime soon and we both know that.

This is a good response thanks. I wouldn't say the death of my ssd was that quick. It was an older samsung pro and lived for about 5 years I think.

My only question though is what would the benefits of having an SU900 be if it has a lower TBW than the Samsung Pro? It seems more expensive too.

$600ca for a 1070 is a waste of money. I wouldn't pay over $325 US for one.

>'m wondering if buying the lower end x470 boards is worth it or to wait for the new b450 boards.
idk depends on price.
As mentioned, the ASUS pro, strix, and the ASRock master boards are pretty good and sometimes on the cheaper end.
With b350 and x370 boards, yes some of the higher end b350 boards are better than some of the worser x370 boards.

Rosewill aren't that bad now days other than that they use wattage sensors instead of heat sensors to shut it off.. but yeah I'd get a Seasonic 550w or something if possible.

The UE4 demo mixed raster and raytracing. It used raytracing "features" not full raytracing. And it still took 4 Titan V graphics cards to render.
The other demos, using a single Titan V, looked like hot garbage. They were full of artifacts and just terrible.

Tensor cores take up die space and do NOTHING for games if not used for those denoising and grounding algos. If Nvidia dedicated half the cores to tensor cores they'd greatly increase their costs while benchmarks for current games would be no better. Nvidia are greedy nickle and diming jews who would not do that. Are you insane?
Especially when AMDs solution uses their regular more flexible cores instead of needing more dedicated die space. They'd just surrender a ton of market share to AMD and give them way better margins in such a move.

Oh shit I thought I changed the power supply to a evga.
The strix and motherboards at those price ranges are too expensive here. This is already over budget. I couldn't really find any decent information on the two lower priced boards when I was look earlier in the week. The case was just to get an idea on the price. What's wrong with it?

Stay mad poojeet

Attached: pcgamer.png (600x774, 164K)

Huh? su900 should be cheaper than an 860pro. Though not by a whole lot now days.
The 860pro is a pretty good buy now that prices for it have come down.

Thanks. But I don't see GPU prices dropping anytime soon. I do have a very old gtx280 I could put in it for the time being, but I don't know if such an old video card will work in new systems.

Ugh maybe I should wait for the newer b450 boards then.

Canada prices are fucked

Yeah the Pro seems cheaper now.

I'll do a little more research, but I think I might end up with the 860 Pro

>>R3 2200G - Bare minimum gaming WITH/WITHOUT a graphics card (Low end)
>>R5 2400G - Consider IF on sale & closer to 2200G price
Wait, IGPUs are good for gaming now? How well would these perform versus something like a GTX 560 TI or GTX 550 TI? The most graphics intensive games I have are Deus Ex Human Revolution and Red Orchestra 2, both from 2011.

Raytraced effects in games aren't exactly uncommon. I'm not talking about tensor cores, just hardware-level design changes since Nvidia is already investing time in raytracing and should be pretty aware.
But you're probably not an engineer either, so both of us really don't know at this point.

Why are you only searching on newegg? There's your problem.

Igpus used to mostly just do like 30-45fps at 720p. The iGPU in the 2200G and 2400G are a massive step up from previous ones. Like over 50% the performance of previous gen. Though the 2400G with just a very mild overclock gets bottlenecked by even 3200MHz RAM.

>How well would these perform versus something like a GTX 560 TI or GTX 550 TI
Much better.
2200G with a heavy overclock or a 2400G with a mild overclock is close on average to a 750Ti.

They're good for like 60fps+ at 1080p medium in Overwatch, for example. But for more graphically intensive games even on low you might be closer to 30-40fps at 1080p.

I'm a graphics programmer.

>GTX 560 TI or GTX 550 TI?
Way better

for a benchmark Vega 11 that is in the 2400g is somewhere between a gtx 1030 and a gtx 1050

What's the quietest cooler that still has a fan these days? Trying to cool a 3570K from an old build that's now being used for a NAS, noise is the primary concern.

Anything Noctua that doesn't use a smaller fan than 120mm. Alternatively, any cooler with a lot of fins if you're willing to replace the fan.

>somewhere between
As in... a bit above the 1030, but the 1050 is like +80% as good as the 1050 so it's still pretty far from the 1050, man.

Look for ones with 140mm fans which'll still fit in your case.
Or something like the Thermaltake HR-22 which only optionally needs a fan.

Summer is coming, and the temperatures here can reach 100F.

What's the best way to make sure my parts are always cool regardless of ambient outside temperature.

Would water cooling be better here?

The best way is continuously dumping liquid nitrogen or dry ice on your processor. Anything that's not that won't reach sub-ambient temperatures so your parts won't be "cool" regardless of what you use.
Jokes aside, either really high fin density or water cooling.

Is a 1070 Ti worth 150 bucks more than a 1060? My R9 390 died and I'm looking to buy an upgrade. Any other cards to look for in the price range of 300-600$?

It's like 30-35% higher performance than an RX580 8GB on average. Is price 30-35% higher or more? I'd think a lot more.
Maybe you should just try and catch those RX580 sales which have been happening lately. It's a bit better than the 1060 6GB.

Now's just not a good time to upgrade. Polaris and Pascal are 2 years old yet prices are still high. If you absolutely must get something, an RX580 or RX570 on sale makes the most sense. They've been dropping to more reasonable prices than 1070/Tis and 1080s have.

make sure your AC is working or else it can easily get 90 inside
you might want to lower voltage or overclocks
clean out dust often
get a big cooler

where's the 8600k?

Can someone help me? I'm making my first build and I need to pick a case, but I don't know how to choose it.

first you want something that will fit your motherboard, then focus on hard drives and SSD mounts, then clearance for PSU, GPU, and CPU cooler, then looks

I don't know how to calculate all of that. If I put all my components in pcpartpicker, and the case shows as compatible, will that be enough?

havent checked pc parts in nearly a year.
have the prices went back down? im afraid to look

should be might want to make sure when it comes to GPU length and CPU cooler height

I have 400 USD to spend including shipping, and 2x 1080 60hz displays.

What GPU do I get? Games I play are DOTA 2, Fortnite, Rainbow 6 Siege.

... so minus at least $180 for the 2 monitors, you have at most $220 to spend on a GPU?

RX560. Or wait and look for RX570 on sale for $200 or less.

you could get a gtx 1060 6gb unless you have to buy the monitors

The case says
"Height limit for CPU coolers 155mm"

And the website of the cooler says that it is 152 mm, is that too narrow to fit properly? Can there be problems out of only having 3mm left of space?

Btw, thanks for the help broski

I already own the monitors, I'm asking which GPU can drive it.

should be fine
I have a clearance like that with my cooler and it stops me from using a second fan due to ram height but other than that it isn't an issue

Uhh... you want to run two games simutaniously? I don't get what you mean.
It doesn't take much power to render a browser in the other window.

So really you just need a GPU that can power those games at 1080p @ 60hz. Which would be an RX560. Those are very low requirement games. An RX570 or 1060 would be overkill, but you could get one of those since you have the budget.

Anyome ever bought oem windows key off ebay? I just bought a pro key from a big key seller for 6 dollars. Waiting for the email back with the key

Thanks user, just ordered a sapphire pulse 580 for $370

yes, twice
first one worked fine
second gave me home when I paid for pro, in refund process now.

lmfao I hope you didn't. There was an RX580 8GB on sale earlier today for $250.