Am I the only one that sees that most consumertards never take care of their technology besides spending the vast majority of their income on it? >unreasonably large percentage of people walk around with cracked phone screens >when I see someone's smartphone it typically has scratches, no case or screen protector >most devices are at most 1 year old, no older, everything is regularly replaced even if working fine >fans are covered in gunk, keyboards are covered in fucking fungus, etc. Reminder, these aren't chink devices that cost $10, these are $600+, so longetivity isn't something you can disregard like with a cheaper device.
>unreasonably large percentage of people walk around with cracked phone screens accidents happen >no case or screen protector >>>>>making your phone look really uglly but having control over when it looks ugly to prevent it from becoming permanently slightly ugly and spending (((money))) to do this retard >most devices are at most 1 year old, no older, everything is regularly replaced even if working fine poorfag >fans are covered in gunk, keyboards are covered in fucking fungus, etc. show me a keyboard with a mushroom
Luis Adams
But why? This isn't even a question of money, you're literally just wasting your time. >break it >order new thing >it takes a week to arrive >can't use your device until it arrives >time has been wasted Or. >go to store >waste time driving to store >waste time standing in line >waste time driving back >waste time unboxing and setting up new device >time has been wasted
David Martin
>mfw this is the state of nu/g/. Accidents only happen to those retarded enough to permit accidents to happen. >hurr durr i want my device to look cool because i'm too insecure about my social status to just use technology that i like I pity you.
Eli Scott
>hurr durr i want my device to look cool because i'm too insecure about my social status to just use technology that i like Making things look nice is just a social thing, right?
John Ramirez
Why do you care about the looks of something that's built to be purely functional? You're supposed to be looking at the display, not the device itself if you didn't know before.
Because so far as I've been getting it, your only arguments are "POORFAG" and "IT DOESN'T LOOK AESTHETIC", neither of which are adequate enough to refute my previous points.
Plus, there are screen protectors that're barely visible and cases that look better than the actual device.
Mason Brown
Ive never dropped my phone and had it do damage do it. Making my phone look ugly and the touchscreen feel like shit is not worth protecting my phone from maybe being damaged if i drop it. You only need a case/screen protector if you are a 25 year old boomer with parkinsons. If it does happen, ill just get another one because im not a retarded NEET
>hurr durr i want my device to look cool because i'm too insecure about my social status to just use technology that i like What the fuck do you mean
Jackson Evans
If you've never damaged your phone without using a screen protector or case, all the more praise to you. But if you haven't noticed, my argument was about those that fuck up their devices and clearly aren't competent enough to not-damage them. In the case of incompetence, it's better for people to sacrifice the looks of their device for the long term benefit of not fucking breaking the device.
Michael Gomez
It is simple,i m just filthy rich so i buy new device every 3months,then i have someone to set it up in single day,while it is setting up i use my new device.
^not really tho,just wanted to make the rich argument stronger.
I never broke or damaged single electronic device in my life. Someone stole my GPS tho.
Connor White
'i use my old device Typed new for some reason
James Brooks
Imo it is all in the mind. If people have to pay the full 600 up front then they will take better care of their shit and protect it. If you pay 30 a month you become more careless cause you think well the majority is for the plan and not the system, also ignorance since they either think the provider will replace their shit when they fuck up and knowing they can get another just by hanging onto it for another year.
Cooper Bennett
It's just bad design. It's a device that's supposed to be on you wherever your go, and frequently taken out. And it breaks when it accidentally falls on the street. Look at old watches, they come with a chain or a wrist strap for a reason.
To make people buy and use extra cases or screen protectors, which ruins their heavily advertised thinness and looks is such bullshit only Apple could have started it.
Never broke a screen because I use small light plastic Android phones that can be tossed around without breaking.
Alexander Lopez
What do you anons think of the Fairphone? I've been thinking of getting one and a shit-ton of spare parts with it since it seems pretty based.
Jacob Reyes
>not barebacking your phone
Juan White
Imagine a person of average intelligence. Next, realize that (roughly) half of people are even dumber than that person.
Elijah Collins
>Why do you care about the looks of something that's built to be purely functional? There's no reason for function to preclude form. Having things around you look nice increases quality of life. Walls are just made to be functional, so why paint them or clad them with wallpaper?
>Plus, there are screen protectors that're barely visible and cases that look better than the actual device. If that is so, I have seen neither. Also, the absence of them reminds me to be careful with my phone instead. To wit, it has neither scratches nor bumpmarks.
Samuel Flores
>fans are covered in gunk, keyboards are covered in fucking fungus, etc. americans...
Julian Flores
>In the case of incompetence, it's better for people to sacrifice the looks of their device for the long term benefit of not fucking breaking the device. So why can't they "sacrifice the looks" by having a crack in the screen, then?
Oliver Baker
>based >envirocuck Pick one.
Ian Gomez
People can't repair their phones even if it would be easy with a $15 replacement part. But of course they can spend $600 again, soon.
Robert Stewart
You sound like a very boring, empty person. I mean this honestly.
Gavin Lee
I want to agree but then I remember I go through hundreds of dollars of good quality earbuds every year because i'm careless with them and always bend them to where they short and only go to one audio channel. It's easier for some people to just keep fucking buying new shit instead of taking minutes each day putting things into cases.
Jack Ward
Thats a quote from someone right?
Gabriel Stewart
>muh freedums and death to le corporations >FUCK HIPSTERS AND ENVIROKEKS THEY ARE TEH EVIL Pick one.
Mason Edwards
I use a case but one thing that annoys me is my phone (iphone 6) is the perfect size for me with NO case. Wish they made phones just a bit less wide.
Mason Bennett
If these fags didn't want me to break the screens then they wouldn't make the screens so big.
Brody Miller
>he fell for the phablet meme Heh kiddo.
Jordan Rivera
Sure, it's a paraphrase at the very least.
Benjamin Kelly
Because by sacrificing the looks in the form of breaking the screen, they impair the longetivity and functionality of the device instead of just looking ugly.
Parker Morris
>they impair the longetivity and functionality of the device instead of just looking ugly. I've seen lots of smartphones that work perfectly well with broken screen and have lasted for many years afterwards.
Jack Stewart
You are stupid. Let me, non-exhaustively, list some of your errors. >Corporations are not intrinsically evil >Envirocucks are among the foremost causes of loss freedom >Envirokeks and other communists, despite their rhetoric to the contrary, in practice love big companies and use all their products, pic related >The vast majority of envirosucks are urban-dwellers who don't live what they teach
Only normies crack their phones. Stop associating with niggers
Ian Stewart
God the part about cracked phone screens is spot on. I've been using smartphones since 2011 and I've NEVER broken a screen. I seriously don't get how so many normies can do that. I mean, it's not hard at all to take proper care of your electronics.
Brody Brown
I haven’t broken a screen since 2007 until a year ago and a month ago. I swear its the larger phone sizes, but unlike normies I fix it myself.
Ayden Reyes
>no case cuz I pay money for a nice phone design so it feels good in my hand, why the fuck would I wanna ruin that by wraping it in a condom?
Lincoln Turner
The main reason I've been very close to breaking my screen is because the new phones seem to be actively slippery. Compared to my old HTC Desire, the new phones are like soap bars. I tend to keep my phone in my breast pocket, and they start slipping out if I just bend forwards like 45°. To make matters even worse, the disappearing bezels make the phones more difficult to hold too, since you can't wrap your fingers around to the front side anymore.
Julian Morgan
Yeah, I mean, I understand that breaking a screen CAN happen, the problem is that they don't fix it. Come on, I refuse to believe every single normalfag with a broken screen had broken it the exact same day I sae them. Sometimes they keep them like thst for months. Not only do they look fucking ugly, sometimes the touchscreen doesn't even work properly, so it's also a perfectly valid functional concern. If I ever break a phone screen, I'll get it fixed ASAP.
Grayson Williams
Speaking for myself, I didn't repair my phone screen for 4 years, the reason simply being that the crack in it didn't impact its function at all. I'm not going to pay for a minor aesthetic fix.
Daniel Green
Good for you if it's minor and you don't care. Something like OP's pic, however, would be inexcusable.
Levi White
When did this "am I the only one ?" facebook trend started on Jow Forums ? Yeah, of 7 billion people on the Earth you are the only one who does that.
Luke Gray
I'm sure it's perfectly possibly to live with the damage in OP's pic too, if you just squint hard enough when using it. Is your main point here really just the exact quantitative point of when you should or should not care?
Jose Price
>nice phone design so it feels good in my hand Bullshit, every high end phone is either brushed metal or ceramic and those are slippery as fuck.