Sup Jow Forums

Sup Jow Forums
So I've been stuck in the past with antiquated ~2005 era tech for most of my adult life, and don't really know or follow what the newest best high end tech for a standard home is nowadays. So can I ask for a cheatsheet and some recs?

I'm looking for:

>A computer with good specs, preferably win 10. capable of running minor gaming and major program functionality like UE3
>A good router, I've had a linksys for years, and nowadays I see all these sea-urchin looking ones with like 9 antennea, are those any good?
>A TV/Bluray with good visual fidelity, HDMI hookups, and adequate size. (I don't want a 60 inch monster.
>A sound system for said TV that is more complex than 2 magnavox 2001 speakers
>A cellphone with a touch screen. Any will do.
>A good printer with fax capabilities, preferably one with wifi instead of cords
>And while maybe not so much Jow Forums and /ck/ related. A decent coffee maker thats more than $10.

Money isnt really an issue, I'm just in dire need of a serious upgrade, but I have no idea where to start or what markets to look into.

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Worthless thread

? I don't follow. I'm asking for assistance, how is this worthless?

You poor bastard I will help you because I feel sorry for you. I'll assume you're new here. Special note before we begin: you will always be insulted regardless of what your thread is about. I guarantee someone soon will come in and call you a nigger
Okay so let's begin:
>A computer with good specs, preferably win 10. capable of running minor gaming and major program functionality like UE3
You gotta build it yourself sadly. But if you can't then you can buy a prebuilt computer. Look for keywords "cannon lake" or "ryzen 5/7" in the processor and "gtx 1050Ti or 1060" in the graphics card specifications

>A good router, I've had a linksys for years, and nowadays I see all these sea-urchin looking ones with like 9 antennea, are those any good?
Sadly they're just a meme, don't buy them. Just use the one your internet company gives you.

>A TV/Bluray with good visual fidelity, HDMI hookups, and adequate size. (I don't want a 60 inch monster.
You can buy a 4k TV from best buy but it might cost you a pretty penny.

>A sound system for said TV that is more complex than 2 magnavox 2001 speakers
Logitech Z623 speakers, they go for $50 on craigslist and are the best bang for your buck if you know nothing about audio

>A cellphone with a touch screen. Any will do.
Get the Note 8, seriously. Now the S9 is out it'll be cheaper.

>A good printer with fax capabilities, preferably one with wifi instead of cords
Just use any inkjet printer, printers haven't advanced much

>And while maybe not so much Jow Forums and /ck/ related. A decent coffee maker thats more than $10.
Go to an electronic store and buy one, they haven't changed much either.

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Hello fellow time traveller from the past! Everybody uses gnu/linux now. Gentoo is the most popular and easy to use thing ever! Windows an osx doesn't work at all. And computerviruses now can infect your toaster and fridge if they use windows or osx.

i would like to interject for a moment and repeat that we need a separate consumer electronics board

however i would also hope that mods would kill this thread there too, instead of promoting such blatant spoonfeeding request

This is not your fucking tech support nigger

Thank you, Note 8 looks decent. Do I need to sign up with a service provider for it?

? I'm not asking for tech support tho. I'm asking for reccomendations of new age tech that a common 2018 household should have. Why is that wrong?

You can buy it outright from places like facebook for half its value or enter a plan with your provider. I would unironically do that so you don't have to worry about credit

>computerviruses now can infect your toaster and fridge
this is actually true

you need tv with more than 60 fps you can buy stuff from where ever even stuff that is at good will is still pretty useful

>but I have no idea where to start

I did, it only talks about building a PC. That has nothing to do with what I want. Please re-read my post.

>preferably win10
Boy do I have bad news for you.

>Hp envy, last version
>Your internet provider's one
>Go to your local mall
>Xiamo redmi note 3
>Go to your local mall
>Italian one's, basic ones are ok, more expensive ones get really nice

I have win XP right now. I don't think you know the meaning of the word bad. 10 would be a godsend rite ow.


>I did, it only talks about building a PC.
Fucking hell.

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Install gentoo

I'm not trying to install anything. I'm asking about basic techological advancements for everday appliances, not high end PC maintanence or installation. I'm asking about things like microwaves and blenders, NOT computers.

I live in a literal windmill for 28 year. I need to improve my home just for the sake of my sanity.

ASUS AC-RT68U is a good sea-urchin router (only 3 antennae). I like mine, at least. Insane coverage and signal strength in a crowded apartment with overlapping wifi signals.

Do you really have to be spoonfed? You do realise that wiki contains alot more than just a guide on Personal Computers?

The page you posted had a download link. I'm not looking for download link thank you tho. I don't get why you cant understand.

Win10 is a keylogger and scans your files for illegal content. Remember Jared the Subway pedo? That's how he got caught.