How does Jow Forums position her monitors?

How does Jow Forums position her monitors?
Is sitting in the centre of 2 monitors facing the bezel superior or is a tilted monitor superior?

Attached: file.png (900x600, 590K)

one monitor for each eye

i use direct neural stimulation

One "main" monitor in front of you with the screen aligned orthogonally to your neutral line of sight and one secondary monitor next to you slightly angled from your main monitor.

for you

Attached: index.png (640x480, 7K)

Portrait+landscape, facing me

Large monitor in front, large monitor on the left, small monitor to the right.
If I only have access to two, I have one in front and one to the side. Which side is irrelevant to me, it depends on the room.

Attached: 991fd300b75fa89eb53fcf3ecbc27ae9.jpg (634x480, 66K)

I usually have a monitor in front of me, a cup of tea to the right of me and my loli school uniform, bag and toast to my left in prep for my day at school at my elementary girls school.


Attached: IMG_20180503_183223.jpg (4640x3480, 3.13M)

1080p portrait left, 2160p landscape main.

Attached: 1523183311923.jpg (512x508, 52K)

Left portrait, right landscape. Right monitor is centered with my (60%) keyboard, left monitot is offset slightly to the left.

but whats the angle between the monitors/your lines of sight?

Attached: cyberpunk.jpg (1280x1256, 411K)


single ultrawide because i'm cool

>using monitors

Attached: AB8B9117-7CFF-4F4F-8029-42EC7479F430.jpg (660x495, 99K)

Primary straight on, secondary to the right at about 30 degrees or something.

45 degrees

2x 1920x1200 in portrait surrounding a 40" 4K monitor.

Do you have a braille wallpaper?

this p much

stacked vertically

I am not retard.

Attached: CS01-1.jpg (800x600, 243K)

One in the middle of my vision.

The other to the right of it.

Only retards put the bezel in the middle of their vision.

horizontal and vertical is the best setup for dual monitors but if you have 3 monitors just use them horizontally

Attached: _1000206.jpg (2765x2074, 1.06M)