>Don't plug power strips into power strips
>Don't press the keys so fast
>Don't press multiple keys at once
>Don't be a virgin
Shit normies say
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>open source
>>Don't plug power strips into power strips
I used to believe this was a meme too, until the cable started getting really hot and the carpet caught fire.
Seriously, don't be a virgin. How do you know relationships and sex suck if you haven't done it?
sounds like you drew too much current and stressed the thin as fuck cabling
if you're just running something lower powered you could probably hook up as many strips as you like
Not to mention this would never happen with proper circuit breaker
Amps nigger, learn to count them. A fuckton of 10 Watt chargers aren't going to cause a problem. A couple of 1000W space heaters will.
>sounds like you drew too much current
>Not to mention this would never happen with proper circuit breaker
lern to electron fagget
Not wrong, a circuit breaker prevents too much current to be drawn
A 15/20amp circuit breaker won't protect you from a 18AWG gauge wire pulling more than 10A
>don't use qtips to clean your ears
On the circuit, yes. But you still need to dimension the cables accordingly. Most cheap strips are under-dimensioned for 10A because the chink children that assemble it don't give two fucks about safety.
I use tooth picks to clean my ears.
Normies would probably sperg out if they saw me do that.
What kind of 3rd world country do you live in where it's legal to sell power strips with electrical wires that are rated below domestic circuit breakers?
I was in a LAN party 10 years ago, power strips plugged to power strips to computers. At some point one of them burned in flames and sparks near my leg. Beware of normies and power strips.
Dude, that's legal in the entire EU.
You wouldn't buy a 20A power strip because the cable would be impossible to bend.
It's legal everywhere, because your circuit is dimensioned for several rooms, while your powerstrip is indented for low powered appliences. Of course it's going to catch fire if you hook up fucking everything to it.
It's ok if you don't shove it too deep and get impacted earwax.
other cable types than solid core alu exist
This is true
The point is still what this user said: Powerstrips are almost never dimensioned for 10A or 16A or whatever your circuit breaker is, because it isn't intended to draw that much power in the first place.
multistrand copper a best 99% of the time
tinsel would be great too but you can't solder the cunt of a material
All the power strips I have have cables that are harder to bend than the cables that make up the circuits in the walls.
Yeah, that's such bullshit.
First thing my otologist does is ram a big q-tip into my ear.
That's because they are shielded, not because they are dimensioned for higher amps.
>your powerstrip is indented for low powered appliences.
No it isn't.
Some people will use them in the kitchen and plug a washing machine, dryer, espresso machine, two refrigerators and a kettle (deal with it, Americucks) in the same power strip.
If this was somehow an issue it would say so because, again, we don't live in a 3rd world country.
this is legit but well we are on Jow Forums so figures
>they are shielded
No they're not.
Why the hell would they be shielded?
I replaced the plug on one of them, it's just regular (but fairly high quality) cable.
Here in Germany, even the cheapest power strips are rated for 16A. Which is the max rating for every normal indoor circuit.
>Why the hell would they be shielded?
Because I assumed you were a retard and bought outside strips and used them inside.
"I don't want a big heavy computer, just a tablet so I can see my Facebook."
rated for != dimensioned for
Take picture of backside.
power strips are rated for wattage, not amper
What are you talking about?
All strips I looked at have 16/250~ embossed on the back. One additionally says "Max 3680W/ Max 16A"
At 10:05 - Did he just poke around with his finger while it was powered?
And yeah, that crap would never be legal in Europe.
Just multiply it by the 230V
Look at the power meter, it was off so he must have powered it down.
the voltage being the same everywhere you're supposed to use the power strip, it's all the same..
americans use virgin 120v
Well spotted.
how the fuck do you clean your ears then
do you just let the wax build up in the ear canal or what? those dinky ear sprays and oils that supposedly dissolve it don't even work for me
the only way to do it that somewhat works is washing them while showering but even then just scooping it out with a q-tip is way more effective
the only and I mean only reason why q-tips are discouraged is because some retard is inevitably going to shove them as deep as they can and pierce their ear drum, that's literally the only real danger
yeah but they don't use the same plugs so they won't use a european or japanese power strip unless they have a lot of adapters laying around...
I clogged my ear canals because qtips pushed wax inside and my ear got swollen and infected so hard that I couldn't get out of bed for 2 weeks due to pain
Your ears will clean themselves and no wax should stay inside under normal circumstances and even if it does just go to a clinic and they will clean it for you in 2 minutes (for free if you live in a 1st world country)
Only "normies" say normie newfag.
Your ear canals don't require cleaning.
Ear wax is there for a reason and should just be left alone.
And the problem with using qtips isn't risk of piercing ear drums, but causing a blockage by pushing ear wax deep inside the ear canal, which could lead to an infection.
btw: if you do get a blockage you can dissolve it with vegetable oil if it's not too bad yet.
Hydrogen peroxide.
Not all people produce the same amount of ear wax. For some it's necessary to clean it out, or you'll get a blockage at some point.
Still, using something to dissolve it is the best way to go
>get your ear cleaned by a doctor
>it's blocked again a week later
Yeah, I'm not driving to the clinic every fucking week
>Still, using something to dissolve it is the best way to go
No it isn't but I'm sure you know better than doctors and the majority of population
>downloads torrent
>becomes a pirate
Tfw you don't have a boat
Not him but the majority of population does use q-tips to clean their ear. Except Asians who like their metal ear picks.
What do your doctors say then?
>you click around the screen during something loading
>"let it think"
Q-tips are what actually caused my wax to be compacted.
I don't have a problem with it being compacted.
I have a problem with having a fuck ton of it in my ear (and out of my ear, I have to remove disgusting dried earwax all over my outer ears every morning).
>For some it's necessary to clean it out
Only if you had some genetic defect in which case you should be removed from the gene pool.
>implying you shouldn't be removed from the gene pool for browsing Jow Forums
Did it occur to you that your ears are producing too much wax BECAUSE you keep irritating your ear canals?
Ear wax is there to protect your ear canals and prevent them from drying out.
If you remove it your ears will react.
This all depends on the load you're drawing.
Yeah. I also produce a fuck tonne of it and I always used Q-tips, ignoring my doctors advice, until I couldn't hear our of one ear then he had to remove it. The thing was like the size of my fucking toenail and different shades of brown.
>implying I'm not already an incel just like everybody else on here.
Why do you think I'd try to clean my ears in the first place? I didn't start doing it for fun.
And I experimented with other methods, like flushing it out with salt water.
>I didn't start doing it for fun.
Yes you did.
It feels nice, that's why people do it.
It doesn't feel nice, though.
>>Dude, that's legal in the entire EU.
Literally third world tier.
>don't settle in third world country
thats literally only because a lot of people seem to be braindead idiots who don't know how to use them properly.
Then you fucking used them wrong, you big idiot.
You are supposed to scoop the wax OUT in a gentle spinning motion, not fucking shove it down.
>>Don't plug power strips into power strips
There's a reason why they say this.
Yes, if the entire draw along all the strips is less than what the first strip is rated for, you're probably fine, but this requires an awareness of what your strips are rated for and what all the devices you are plugging into them draw, which most people don't think about.
>And the problem with using qtips isn't risk of piercing ear drums, but causing a blockage by pushing ear wax deep inside the ear canal, which could lead to an infection.
Only if you are retarded and use them wrong.
It's like saying don't use Toothbrushes because people fucking ram them in their throat.
No part of the human body requires cleaning.
If you are a disgusting piece of shit.
/q tips general/
And they mustn't be above the power draw the power strip is rated for, unless they turn them all on at once.
Your power strip will have on it what it is rated for.
>he doesn't clean his colon daily
>implying I'm not engaged
Your anus doesn't require cleaning.
The shit smeared around it after taking a dump is there for a reason and should just be left alone.
Did it occur to you that your ass is producing too much shit BECAUSE you keep irritating your anus?
Shit is there to protect your ass and prevent it from drying out.
If you remove it your asshole will react.
What a fucking waste of characters.
he's right though. lets all stop fucking showering and cleaning the dickcheese from our cocks, because its all natural and supposed to be like that.
>t. normie
According to wikipedia 'q-tip' is just a brand name for cotton buds. Why do Americans always do this?
It's normalfags, you normalfags.
this but unironically
a lot of stuff is deemed "dangerous" because of retards
>t. pajeet
It's a good thing to tell people who have 0 understanding of electricity
>proceeds to chain three power strips and run three desktop computers, two tvs, portable ac, a tv, home theater system and peripherals from a single outlet
What's next, an easy way to make cool crystals with a few household chemicals and a straw?
They are slaves to the brand.
I actually did that years ago. That is I do shower, but I don't bother with any dick cheese. No problems so far.
It probably would be a problem if I were to have a blowjob, but my chances of being offered one of those are slim. Also blowjobs degenerate as fuck.
>"don't move the cursor, it will slow down the pc while it's working"
painful to watch
hey stupid, the circuit breaker doesn't magically know when you plug in thinner cables. only way it would work that way is if you had the exact same gauge wiring in your walls as the extension cord and the breaker was specifically sized for that, and only kinda
honestly that whole setup probably pulls half the power of your microwave or toaster or less
tinsel? hmm. never considered that. i wonder how well that would work in an application using all crimp/clamp connections. i think it might be slightly more resistant to corrosion+enbrittlement but there's probably a very good reason it's not more used
This might have been true back in the 90s, with weak CPUs and PS/2 mice sending interrupts.
>the latest windows will run faster in my +5yo laptop because it's the newest so please install it
I second this, sex is overrated
Nice digits btw
You know it's time to stop being a voltagelet and go 240V.
High voltage, low amps for that precious clean electricity.
You never see a 220-240v power grid blow up.
It's always some third world 110v or American transformer.
Schuko>>>>>>>>The rest.