Supporting anti-competitive garbage company like AYYMD

>Supporting anti-competitive garbage company like AYYMD


Attached: ASRock-RX580-Phantom.jpg (1200x900, 93K)

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>blocking competition to screw you out of your money
Not surprised AMD would do that.

As stated before, Asrock is using rebranded Colorful cards. Why would AMD have have two board partners making the same boards in the same area? Asrock is the US version of Colorful.

Polite sage

Oh no, now I only have a choice of 20 different custom cards instead of 22. :(

I assume we can expect a bunch more FUD over the next couple of weeks to try and deflect from the GPP backpeddling.

Hate this shit. Reminds me of when I tried to buy a Gainward 680.

>I assume we can expect a bunch more FUD over the next couple of weeks to try and deflect from the GPP backpeddling.
do you remember when XFX was the preferred noVidia AIB?
I 'member.

fan fukt: AMD looks after its partners.

102 from the idiot.


Of course. They started making ATI cards and Nvidia threw a hissy fit and refused to send them any Fermi chips, which meant they had to go ATI-exclusive (or cave to Nvidia). Nvidia have always been a garbage company.

AYYMD is a garbage anti-competitive company, so glad I don't buy junk from them

That's bad,
they could be today as big as BFG or Point of View are.

>it's ok when AMD does it

Nvidia's still blocking other companies from selling in specific regions. AMD never tried to do GPP.

>amd wants certain suppliers to specific regions
>literally the same as nvidia blocking competitor's products.
as smart as a macfag consumer.

Freedom is freedom. AMD limiting a little bit of freedom is bad. Just because nVidia does similar (or worse) things, does not mean that AMD should do this without criticism.

AMD's always done this though. The difference is that only AMD gets criticism for region limiting card manufacturers and nobody ever mentions Nvidia refusing to sell GPUs to large customers.

>It's another tripfag being retarded

What are legal obligations anyway

Attached: 1468456308665.png (491x585, 56K)

>comparing this to gpp
>not selling your cards in specific regions is anti-competitive

>ITT: whataboutism
B-But muh GPP

lmao Falcon went full Nvidia shill

>not understanding why some things can be sold in US but not in EU
>comparing "a company that doesn't sell a variation of it's own product in a region" to "a company that indirectly tries to stop other companies from selling their products"

How the fuck are you still alive and not dead because you forgot how to breath, you fucking autist.

>another tripfag
Hello newfag, that's falcon who's been here for nearly a decade. Yeah he goes retard once in a while but you're a fucking newfag.

i thought ayymd were the good guys? i just upgraded from zen to zen+ and got a whole 7% increase for $200 guys!

>Yeah he goes retard once in a while
Absolutely, I do. But ITT? Is it wrong to criticize AMD for doing this?

Do you also criticise Nvidia for not making Colorful cards available outside of Asia?

>The decision to block ASRock from entering European market is not necessarily that controversial. Regional sales bans are actually quite common. For the same reason, you are not able to buy Colorful or Colorfire graphics cards in Europe. There are simply too many board partners in this region.
It's just business, nvidia's GPP was far from "just business" though, it was borderline malpractice.
Either way this incident won't affect customers in any way.


How boy...

Freedom is freedom but it isn't binary for fucks sake.