How do you organize your reaction pics folder?

How do you organize your reaction pics folder?

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kill yourself frognigger

dumb frog poster

I throw all of my dank pepes with all of the rest of my pictures. It's too much of a hassle to organize and I kinda like it being all jumbled together.

I go on Google and find it there.

in my reactions folder, i have subfolders titled with vague emotions. I put corresponding pictures inside each of those subfolders.

except for pepe, helper, and wojak images: those are in their own separate folder (for easy access).

I save all my pics on my desktop.
When I run out of space, I put all the pics in a new folder on my desktop.
Once the desktop fills up again, I put all the new pics plus the folder of the previous pics in a newer folder.
I just keep repeating this.

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by the filename they downloaded as

Attached: 1467944242109.webm (894x500, 2.99M)

I don't

I don't

Attached: Untitled.png (1098x522, 516K)

I have a folder called Reaction for the epic faces haha. They're all thrown in there, but if they're part of a big meme like the nazi frog or le feels man, they get their respective folder if there's enough.
Then there's a general folder for things that are not 'reaction' things,but just funny things from here in general. They're sorted the same way.
I name them sometimes. It sounds autistic but if you do it picture by picture and don't save them often it's not that bad.

Attached: mentos pepe.jpg (225x225, 9K)

i have everything categorized by calendar years (read: the year i downloaded that picture)

>[current year: 2018]

it gets kind of tedious since each folder contains 5000+ images (mostly JPG and PNG) but I memorize where the most used pictures are

i save it by the song i'm listening too.

>[current year: 2018]

Attached: qh2E21n.jpg (955x951, 127K)

I have pepe, brainlet, pink wojack, pol, and dank memes folders

but i dont actually save any pics, i just google them when necessary.


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GTFO frogposter

Attached: shtpstngfldr.jpg (156x889, 44K)

Who the fuck stores reaction images? Just google them when you absolutely need them then delete, or just don't post images with your post at all and write a good post instead.

Attached: disgust.jpg (400x300, 28K)


back to plebbit essayposter

Attached: 12bda0c37f078a101da922e2710d2d22.jpg (512x512, 35K)

post 2b7

>back to plebbit
>posts reddit's mascot
>t. fresh off the boat redditor

>>posts reddit's mascot
redditors actually believe this

>not posting images with titles you autistically remember and search

>back to plebbit
>literally posts reddit: the frog


Attached: Untitled.png (1950x840, 764K)

Upload that shit user, that's a fucking gold mine.

how big is the apu folder

upload apu folder
also, what do you do when a pic belongs in two different folders?

Only 62 files. When saving pics from Jow Forums I just select the ones I like instead of downloading everything. My pictures folder is the result of years of browsing Jow Forums several hours per day.

I put it in the one I think fits the most. I have a lot of duplicates by accident, even sometimes in the same folder.

>a fucking gold mine.
It's also embarrassing as fuck looking back at it all sometimes. The entire folder is 733MB with all subfolders included

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>31k files

Do you save thumbnails? See mine.

>not even 1GB

Attached: pathetic.png (601x701, 407K)

Hope you're making backups

Attached: b55793b2ba0260837d52bf406a5b9483a7e1697e887c98e4621d379257fced6d.jpg (800x600, 25K)

I don't save reaction pictures and I don't keep them. I don't really see the point, posts that depend on them are never interesting.

My reaction folder alone was like 2GB, too bad it was on an external HDD and I dropped it last year. Now I have a 250GB meme HDD with broken heads and basically no memes to post.

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This, I can never use folders again.

reddit is strong here

I do but I haven't done one in a while. Thanks for reminding me.

>unpopular opinion is bait

Early content was small in size. The last 3 files I saved are dated as such
>GMT: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 3:28:04 AM
>GMT: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 11:14:15 PM
>GMT: Saturday, April 11, 2009 2:15:30 AM

The first ones date to 1973 so I'm not sure how that happened. But the first one that isn't messed up is
>GMT: Saturday, October 22, 2005 11:15:28 AM

I don't save anything besides the occasional webm now. It is fun to spam select images on "oldfag only" threads to see if anyone actually catches it

Attached: 1177507706224.png (180x180, 54K)

there you go friend

I don’t have one

>Jow Forums with frames
>image macro instead of memes

Things like this I find interesting when I look back however

Attached: 1164613898446.jpg (876x768, 333K)

I'm recognizing most of those images. I've been here since 2007. Honest, there's no way I'd use any of them now. It's weird how those images become obsolete.

>inb4 dolphin porn

Attached: 2b7.png (680x962, 65K)

apus! Thank you user

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post yfw this still exists in the world

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next to pingu there are 851 pics from which i only use like 10

Attached: IoWj86m.png (667x121, 82K)

>tfw memes were actually fun

Attached: 1260863866575.jpg (355x342, 30K)

i've been here all summer myself

Attached: 1164936733583.jpg (553x511, 119K)

dump it in /all/

>It's weird how those images become obsolete.
newfags happened

memes were interactive and inspired true creativity

Attached: 1205630519605.jpg (540x675, 226K)

what website is that?

good frogposter


>now all Jow Forums does is complain about SJWs and Jow Forums
I want to go back :(

>renaming your reaction pics

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Attached: 1245428398228 -FIXED INSTABAN-.jpg (900x1200, 642K)

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Attached: 1392528773309.jpg (745x565, 139K)

pretty fucken autistically
everything is named but there is only about 400mb so not really overwhelming

Hydrus network tags
I use a meta tag for specific memes, then tag as "reaction," then as a general positive, negative, neutral, or "what," then if it's anime or not, finally if I offhandedly recognize a character or series then I'll tag that too, but it doesn't take priority

And you keep telling yourself you'll organize them all the next time, but you never do. I'm just guessing that's what happens. I-It's not like I do this, too.

Attached: u_baka.png (498x283, 224K)

Oh and I'll also tag smug or not

It's possible the only reason I haven't yet killed myself over not being a girl is because that reality doesn't exist.

mein nigger

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Attached: 2018-05-05.png (1583x809, 884K)


>Copy and paste the following to Notepad, save with the filename "Jow Forums.js", open the file you created and shit bricks.

Attached: Untitled.png (400x400, 1K)

I just stuff em in a folder called "4chanshit" since 2014
Now I have a bunch of folder called "4chanshit" across all of my computers. I'll probably merge them at some point


Attached: 42.jpg (800x640, 85K)


Attached: 1515023545378.jpg (250x182, 7K)

In a bunch of sub-folders in a folder named reactions. And a bunch of other pictures that I've been too lazy to sort into said sub-folders

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Attached: 1501504526120.jpg (657x527, 38K)

I didn't know you could do that

3 layers deep: Subject --> Topic --> Data

Some examples:
Jow Forums --> g --> humour
Jow Forums --> ak --> thread_screenshots
Reaction Images --> Emotion --> Anger
Reaction Images --> Memes --> Baitfish
People --> Internet_Famous --> Nevada-tan
People --> Twitter_Users --> 73__photo

I also upload them to a self-hosted booru where I tag them. Creation date was because I moved everything into the Infinitychan folder since it had better organization.

Attached: 1525562029.png (343x178, 6K)

I just keep everything I download from Jow Forums in one folder

deder, voleo bih a vidim sta ima u tom folderu ex-yu


I have autistic memory so I remember where the specific pic I want is
my reaction folder is around 2k pics, not too big

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Can I get this folder? This looks pretty nice for a reaction image set.

I save them all by name because I'm autismo. I don't even use Dropbox anymore, I just had the folder saved there and never moved it

That's pretty fucking impressive holy shit

Attached: ss (2018-05-05 at 01.45.03).png (1784x708, 548K)

>every reaction is renamed

Attached: 1350751402213.jpg (740x740, 190K)

like this

Attached: 1524774571715.png (525x571, 168K)

Forgot I had another folder of Jow Forums trash

Attached: Untitled.png (1724x842, 1.48M)

Go outside jesus christ user

>pedobear, spurdo, and gondola are all the same thing
that's apu

a frog never reveals all his secrets

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why is laughing not the same as laughing people