Me and a HR person are interviewing five candidates for a C++ job. One of the candidates is a Poojeet born and raised in the US.
I don't want non-white colleagues. What are some hard C++ questions that will confuse and upset the Poojeet?
Me and a HR person are interviewing five candidates for a C++ job. One of the candidates is a Poojeet born and raised in the US.
I don't want non-white colleagues. What are some hard C++ questions that will confuse and upset the Poojeet?
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hahahaha, as a non-white & and non-pojeet.. you're a retard.
> I don't regret not taking any music or languages
What a fucking brainlet pleb.
ask him to write code without "using namespace std"
"what is a diamond problem"
Smart pointers
Usually pajeets writes C++ as plain C or OOP sintaxis like java(abuse a lot new operator).
>Why can't you put std::string into a union?
>Why can C++ be faster than C?
>Why are headers shit?
>Why are templates a clunky way of metaprogramming?
>What are the differences between struct/class?
>Are arithmetic operations with floating point values pure?
these, desu
>I don't want non-white colleagues. What are some hard C++ questions that will confuse and upset the Poojeet?
"Are you white?"
>Are arithmetic operations with floating point values pure?
Depends on the compiler options desu.