What's the best NoSQL DB to store JSON, Jow Forums?

What's the best NoSQL DB to store JSON, Jow Forums?

Attached: cosmos.jpg (242x226, 21K)

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This but unironically.

Excuse me while I goto barf
Excuse me while I goto barf again
Will it ever end?

Attached: snek-mongodb.png (792x306, 176K)



this, if you want to randomly lose data

XMLfag pls leave.



Mongo is for mongos

haha very original pun XD

Microsoft excel


Someone explain the point of nosql to me. Every time I look at a guide the first thing they do is install a library that uses schemas, so what's the point?

NoSQL is great for what it was created for - distributed databases so large that transactional integrity/data validation breaks the system. NoSQL is basically abandoning the benefits of RDBMS and offloading data sanitation to software layers further up in order to scale larger. That's fine if it's needed, but it's fucking stupid where it's unnecessary.

Attached: iTxPW.jpg (499x448, 50K)

why wouldn't you destructure your json into its fields and dump it into a SQL table to let you do things with it

> 2013

Again, 2013 tier meme.

BoltDB is pretty sweet. It's embedded.


There are definitely better embedded KV stores.

I don't understand embedded key value stores.

Just use a HashMap?

this. stop with the useless nosql wankery before your fancy non-ACID-compliant db loses all your data, and use something that actually works