Will you fall for the meme?
Other urls found in this thread:
>faster speeds
How about I get actually working 4G with VoLTE first.
>muh Jow Forums
Imagine falling for the bandwidth Internet meme, ha ha.
muh reddit
t. r/the_donald
if 5G kills us all, that'd be okay
Or the computer meme
I mean every child knows that they literally grow arms and legs and then try to kill you lmao
>le Jow Forums boogeyman
I see summer is early this year.
can the morons who believe this explain why exactly whoever your favorite bogeyman is would want sterilization and murder to happen
Ah hello, I too nrowse r/Jow Forums
oh us channers xD
had to search the video,
I'm spooked, why don't phones have ethernet ports?
Illuminaty reptilian pedophile psychic vampires wanting to get Earth's oil supply for themselves. Do your research and you will know it's true.
Using Jones' way of thinking, ethernet is healthier because the data stays in the wire and isn't propagated everywhere as microwaves, and smartphones are globalist spying pandora boxes of death.
Using a more common way of thinking though, it would be a bit inconvenient, and there aren't exactly a lot of free ethernet ports and cables everywhere.
Using reddit-tier logic, muh wireless.
You sure are fitting here.
sure y not
forgot.... sound disabled. Why is Jow Forums so outdated? I want fucking sound.
Wifi routers already operate on the same frequencies.
I still don't get who Alex Jones is and what is infowars, what the fuck is he talking about?.
>using manjaro
>implying lack of sound is not a feature
I'd be perfectly happy if Jow Forums didn't even allow animated gifs or webms.
alex jones is a radio guy that talks about politics, america and the world. He is from texas.
He made a site called infowars and he hosts his stuff on there
being a suburban white person is mental. nothing bad ever happens to you, you never do anything of importance, but you're still very well off. by the time you're sixty your psyche has been utterly wrecked and you're extremly insecure so it's very easy for people like Jones to ramble batshit and appeal to the racism you're absorbed having grown up in white suburbia to make you buy his garbage
you also happen to be pretty fucking wealthy so the grifting is good money to boot
He seem to be the typical tinfoil guy obsessed with conspiracies, at least that was the impression he just gave me. Is he a /tv/ or Jow Forums meme? I see him posted everywhere.
Jow Forums, since he's a radio talk show host that talks mostly about politics
>made in israel
Kill all goyim
>mfw we live in a police world where at any one moment there's a dozen satellites tracking your position through infrared and RFID-enabled microplastics but it's okay because I can watch porn from the peak of Mt. Everest and the middle of the Gobi desert at 8k with no buffer time
earth is way too overpopulated
further, spreading ones own genes while eliminating competition is something that most life on earth, especially humans, have been doing and geting better at for several billion years
my Jow Forums has sound. lemme guess, youre an iphone or mac user
>sterilize humans
then i guess i won't need that vasectomy
i don't even know what a 5g is. i don't own a cellphone. I am not a social fag
Or working rcs
Actual true story inbound:
>be me
>17 at the time
>beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
>pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me
>have a younger sister, 16 at this time
>my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone
>announces that she's "seeing someone"
>father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>few days later, brings the dude home
>tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses
>visibly nervous
>my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
>discuss for a few minutes
>they go out
>dad tells me "it isn't going to last"
>sis comes home
>announces it was "fun"
>around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated a college girl
>she's worried that he secretly wants this college girl back
>about a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother
>"We're not a thing anymore"
>tell my father this
>laughs uncontrollably
>mfw my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down
nice blog faggot
sounds like you have some problems to work through user
>Jow Forums - Technology
Autism: the image
>not using lynx
>not using wget
>not using telnet and sending your own http requests
get out
Alex is a lot less tin foil than you think, it's just the stuff he reports tends to be insane - but true.
Type C to ethernet, brainlet.
>alex is racist
Every fucking day he goes on a diatribe about how he's not racist and how sandy hook happened, yet you fucktards keep parroting this shit.
>Operates on old analog TV channels.
>Causes cancer.
>faster speeds
>still the same data limits
Great. Now that shit I got sent on WhatsApp only takes 4 seconds to download and not 8.
Alex himself is controlled OP. He's even mentioned he has "FBI sources" which means... well, come on.
Not to say lots of stuff he says isn't true (it is) but there is an agenda, and a handwaving of whom the real perpetrators might be.
Alex is also a walking meme, and is somewhat responsible for the negative stereotypes of conspiracy theorists. He too often says something true only to act like a complete clown in his mannerisms and speech.
That said, I'll always find him comfy.
I disagree, but I can understand why you might think like that.
so this is the consequence to live faster. we die faster too
i bet you're still 17
This is the only thing worth mentioning about 5G
Well, fair enough then.
Meanwhile, we've had 5G all along
Bloat. Use curl.
Old pasta is old. Isn't this from /b/?
back to your containment board
The Alex Jones meme? Been down that road before, never again.
i forgot Jow Forums is for keyboards and shitposting about keyboards