

Attached: discord.jpg (900x900, 22K)

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the voice quality is shiiiiiiiiit

If I can't host my own instance then I'm obviously not going to use it.

Absolute botnet only cucks use.

What do you think about it OP? I'm assuming that you have well-reasoned opinions of your own and didn't just make this thread to bait autists.

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the program's fine, the community sucks

I wish there was a more respectable platform with any insentive for my normie associates to move. As of now the suggestion of IRC or Riot for muh privacy isn't very persuasive.

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You assumed wrong.

Discord better give me hypequad for all this shilling, my client is running in the bg so they can find who I am

Botnet/You're the product/censorship/Don't use

>desktop app is bloated electron meme literally running a whole chrome instance
>web app is bloated js hell, intentionally slow to force you to install desktop app so they can collect more data
>ui is a mess
>dubious voice quality
>cant host a server yourself
even if it wasnt a botnet, its still terrible software

Matrix (Riot) has a 100MB upload limit and better formatting. Thats something that helped me convince my normie friends to switch. I also just refused to continue using discord.

not to mention the chrome instance they are running is outdated to the recent version, so all the vulnerabilities are out in the open

botnet af

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It's the best messaging and VOIP program and that's all that matters. No one actually gives a shit about privacy. Defending "muh privacy" paranoia while posting on Jow Forums is hilariously stupid anyway.

No one is going to leave Discord, stop being that weird outcast kid you've been since middle school and just get with the program. Download Discord or accept you're not going to be able to talk to your internet friends.

>msn messenger is the best messaging and voip program
>no one is going to leave msn messenger
>download man messenger or be a castout
i laughed a little

They fucked up text rendering for Bionic Beaver, and I found a css mod to fix it and got in trouble for violating their tos, so back to irc with me

so this.... is the power of ubuntu

Except if you said that at the time MSN was at its peak popularity, you'd be absolutely correct. And when I say that about Discord now, I'm also correct.

Discord is the new best standard and it's what everyone uses, you can't boycott the platform everyone uses to communicate then complain that you can't communicate with anyone. You look like an idiot. Just get Discord or accept being a loner. Whining about it won't change reality.

Ouch. But yeah other user is correct when MSN was popular. All the other messengers were absolute garbage at the time.


It's not whining. It's an explanation for the decision of not using the service. Discord won't die unless people stop using it. Me not using is a +1 in that direction.

Like others have said, by being stubborn fucks and refusing to use it forces their friend groups to use alternatives. Don't be a sheep.

Not using discord because reasons, lmaoing at you

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>by being stubborn fucks and refusing to use it forces their friend groups to use alternatives
No it doesn't, it just excludes you from the group. No one's going to go out of their way to downgrade for the sake of "that one weird guy" who always has some kind of problem. There's a person like you in everyone's friend group, that one guy who has to be contrarian about everything or do things a very specific way and never, ever admits when he's wrong or gives up on anything. And I guarantee you that everyone finds you insufferable when you do that. No one feels bad for the people left behind by the switch to Discord because most of them are shitty people we didn't want around anyway.

Like really, "don't be a sheep", lmao do you even hear yourself? How gigantic is your ego? Yeah congratulations, you're a hero, a maverick fighting for our rights. You do you, just don't get Discord so I don't have to talk to you.

Seems like your taking this quite personally. I guess that weird kid in your group really gets to you huh? How come? Is it because you're annoyed at someone doing things differently to you? He is judging you. Just by not doing what everyone else is doing, he is saying "I am better than you" and that just sticks in your craw doesn't it? Sheep.

Look up the minority rule. It's a principle of how things change. I don't care how the fuck you or anyone else sees me.

I'm laughing so hard right now. The reason I got so specific about that is because it's absolutely true, there's one kid in our group that everyone laughs at and makes fun of all the time, and I shit you not, if they were posting ITT they'd be saying exactly what you're saying right now. If you're actually him I'm gonna piss myself, but if you're not I still nailed your personality perfectly, this is too perfect

Never change, man. There always has to be someone like you so everyone else can feel better about themselves. Thanks for your service

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bunch of fags( literal fags) with daddy issues, violent households, huge LARPing, and fag mods. what else is there to debate?

imagine being such a loser that you get excluded from your friend group just for not using software of which you know it's only there to screw you in every way it can. I told my friend why I don't wanna use discord and they were like 'makes sense' and switched apps. If discord makes you happy than have fun using it but don't go bully some user on an autistic image board just because you're weak and lame.

wow, this is a pretty one sided debate.
Seems like Discord is doomed, eh?

>Our Services currently do not respond to “Do Not Track” (DNT) signals and operate as described in this Privacy Policy whether or not a DNT signal is received, as there is no consistent industry standard for compliance.

>Business Transfers: As we develop our business, we might sell or buy businesses or assets. In the event of a corporate sale, merger, reorganization, bankruptcy, dissolution or similar event, your information may be part of the transferred assets.

But I can't see where it says they have the right to sell your data without the whole company with it, can you guys pinpoint it?

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its a fad, it will pass

>>use discord because otherwise we will peer pressure you.

You're an idiot.

I used it once for an online D&D campaign.
It has the most obnoxious startup window I've ever seen.
Otherwise, no opinions.

>The Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates (the “Related Companies”) may also use your information collected through the Services
>The Company and its affiliates may use this information to contact you in the future to tell you about services we believe will be of interest to you.
also literally in the second quote you posted, what do you think assets they sell are?

Argument against discord:
1. It sells your data
2. Subjectively Shit layout
3. Bloated app.
4. No direct control/can't host server yourself.

Argument for discord:
1. It just werks.
2. You will be a "cool" kid, like everyone else.
3. It's convinient.

Am I missing anything?

against discord
5. bad voice quality

riot and the matrix are complete ass

Friendly reminder that Discord has a literal shill team.
Sage, report and hide shill threads.

As much as I wish it wasn't, riot is actual dog shit as of now.

They ban political servers they don't like, if you care about that kind of thing.

its for normies
voip quality is shit
botnet approved

good thing is the friends list / server list + chat

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So what data does it actually collect then? Is this a case of it scraping info from connected accounts or is it a full on botnet looking through your PC's files?

it's not getting better, matrix itself is shit.
hopefully wire can become something good, there is currently no documentation for self hosting.

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>people reposting my rants
Feels good mane

it's serviceable
or do I have to remind you about cellphone audio quality?

too bad Jow Forums has shitty devs and couldn't make a functional application

>see: tox

Discord is hot garbage. Nobody worth talking to uses that spy application.

Wire, I’ve gotten both normie and tech friends onto it. Has a web client so a download isn’t required, also has mobile and desktop clients. Very aesthetic.

I dislike it, but theres no convincing my friends to move. I've tried. Every time I explain it to them they turn off. Brainlets.

they ban customization of the lame looking client

Ok so let's review

1. Sells data
2. Shit layout
3. Bloated App
4. No control/inability to host server
5. Shit audio quality
6. Inability to customise client

1. It just wekrs
2. It's popular
3. It's convinient
4. No real good alternatives

Pro or Con depending on how you see it:
1. Normies use it.

7. fag users

This makes sense to me, but is there any proof of this?

>Mind in knots? Skip de bait.

Teamspeak is better in every way besides the fact that servers are paid.

Despise the UI, meme shit that is way over-designed. I honestly prefer teamspeak than this, at least that isn't an assault to my vision.

Been running teamspeak severs for free on my own hardware since I was 15

>Business Transfers: As we develop our business, we might sell or buy businesses or assets. In the event of a corporate sale, merger, reorganization, bankruptcy, dissolution or similar event, your information may be part of the transferred assets.

their examples make you think it only happens in extreme events, but as the first scentence says; They're free to do it anytime.

also the text about their partners whom trade in user data.

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>i'm addicted to video games
that's kinda sad

It's shit but everyone else uses it so I have to use it too.

I'm gonna hazard a guess and say that they only do this when you're big enough.

or when you insult a dev.
personal assault is apparently a reason to ban in {current year}

Imagine thinking a private company doesn't have the right to host content they don't want to on servers they own. Lmao

nobody here said that though

Judging by the amount of people I see with custom and/or animated emojis, I'd say Nitro is a lot more common than whatever that user thinks. Maybe it's a matter of what types of servers you get yourself into, maybe that user got himself into servers filled with broke foreigners and kids.

Yeah here's a debate. Discord faggots shill their shitty servers on every board I visit. That's reason enough for me to loath it and never want to do anything with it.

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Honestly this is true. All my friends use it, normie friends use it since it's so easy to link and they can try it out in browser. Have written tons of bots for it including hentai bot. Just wish I could host it myself. After the shit with the banning of Alt-right severs (not the ones that were witch hunting or doxxing) and the recent bans of servers for having shota / loli in it I'm not sure if I like the power they have over communities that have taken a lot of time / effort to build.

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it's useful and convenient. most of the people who complain are fags who have nothing

I only use it for Games so who gives a fuck about "much privacy." Half you niggers used IRC or Ventrilo which were worse.

Objectively better than Skype for hanging with your friends and gaming. And unless you're functionally retarded, you understand that trying to convince your normie friends to switch to some meme free software with 10x shittier interface and setup is impossible.

I mean for fucks sake, my friends didn't even want to use mumble. And yeah, I'd prefer it to not sell my data, but considering I'm already balls-deep in google and every other datamining swamp, the channel where I exclusively shitpost isn't my biggest concern.

Selling advertising works because idiots buy stuff they don't need. If you want to get rid of Facebook's model, the focus should be on not buying things, not trying to stop data selling.

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>Selling advertising works because idiots buy stuff they don't need.
The idiots are the company managers who sincerely believe that people read their pop-up ads and base their purchasing decisions on them.
If they didn't there would be no WWW as we know it. Almost everything is paid for by advertising.
The next model on the list is Subscription.

they have the right to block and ban all they want;
doesn't make the argument that doing such a thing is a bad thing less valid

Works on my machine (:

How do you convince people to spend money when team speak exists, and discord

is there official Jow Forums irc channel?

Literally read the first sentence of your second quote, friendo.