>want to install updated powershell
>greeted with this
How does Jow Forums explain this?
Want to install updated powershell
Not an official package by Microsoft would be my first guess.
lmao enjoy your malware
i want to FUCK powershell
r34 when?
Is that a fucking pony?
What the fuck
Feminism is cancer.
>it's actually real
Is there something useful in the newer version?
Based MS keeping the normie redditors away from PS.
She's a cute girl (male) with taste for femdom and cyberpunk. Can't go wrong with that.
Based MS keeping sane people who can think for themselves away from their shit proprietary OS, software, and wrong-side-of-history ethics.
isn't that the whore from overwatch? microsoft fucking their own products since ever
>Femdom Trap Cyberpunk AI Waifu
We're reaching levels of boner that shouldn't even be possible
fucking BASED
>wrong-side-of-history ethics
You operate under the assumption that the right-side-of-history has won so far because their ethics are right. Have you considered that you were taught to consider some ethics as right because the side pushing those ethics 'won' certain portions of history?
>bane jacket
the fire rises
that's it I'm going back to windows
One noteworthy item is theyve changed how to opt-out of telemetry. Deleting the file no longer works, gotta set the env var.
> PowerShell Core 6.0 added telemetry to the console host to report two values (#3620):
> the OS platform ($PSVersionTable.OSDescription)
> the exact version of PowerShell ($PSVersionTable.GitCommitId)
>If you want to opt-out of this telemetry, simply delete $PSHome\DELETE_ME_TO_DISABLE_CONSOLEHOST_TELEMETRY or create POWERSHELL_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT environment variable with one of the following values: true, 1 or yes. Deleting this file or creating the variable bypasses all telemetry even before the first run of PowerShell. We also plan on exposing this telemetry data and the insights we glean from the telemetry in the community dashboard. You can find out more about how we use this data in this blog post.
Fixed him.
Why does (s)he have a buldge?
How does Jow Forums explain this?
her name is PoSH-chan and she(male) is beautiful empowering women(males) around the globe
This man added PoSH-chan to power shell, say something nice to him.
The fuck
Blizzard should sue
nice malware faggot
you fundamentally misunderstand what he was critiquing about your 'wrong-side-of-history' ethics. Get a clue, roastie
>based rinposter likes PoSH-chan
well it's fine by me then
>powershell core
since when PS is crossplatform? holy fuck i wanna learn PS now
>namefagging on Jow Forums
>calling anything shit
wtf i love windows now.
When does Tux get an upgrade?
isnt powershell updated via windows update ?
are you just downloading viruses ?
You're one to talk, "normie"
She looks so manly, her jaw line is better looking than mine
Should you just run the .msi or use the .ps1 to install?