Which c++ IDE works best for Linux?

Any ideas Jow Forums?

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I just use Atom and GCC, but I recommend Code::Blocks and QtCreator. Maybe Eclipse is good?


Text editor of your choice and Make.

Currently just using sublime + gcc.
Works fine for me, but there are probably more convinient setups.

Attached: kagamisicp.jpg (675x476, 83K)

Your favorite text editor with g++ and make.

Emacs for competent programmer
Vscode or clion for vegetable

I use Kdevelop with Cmake

Typically for building projects on linux no IDE is used. For a standard build across major OS's: Windows -> Visual Studio, Mac -> XCode, Linux -> text editor + gcc + make.

vim + all lot of plugins + make + shell

I'm a fan of Code::Blocks and GCC 8.


Fpbp. Emacs and vim are fine, but jetbrains IDEs are industry standard and there are damn good reasons why.


Is blushing like that a normal reaction to SICP?

Here's your (you).
Thank me later.

vim with no plugins and C++ specific inoremaps defined in the .vimrc

normal shit

Attached: Popularity-of-normal-shit.jpg (1266x851, 374K)

not sure of OS as basis but overall
*pic related*

Attached: Text-Editor-Performance.jpg (671x645, 79K)

y-yes, it's very lewd

For all languages the following holds true:
good IDE (e.g. Jetbrains or VS if available) > good text editor with appropriate plugins > shit IDE (most freetard ones, such as Code::Blocks)
So for Linux C++ development, it's CLion > your favorite text editor > freetard IDEs.

NeoVim + enhancedcpphighlight

Visual Studio Code