Mint or Debian?
Mint or Debian?
Women on average tend to have a retards cognitive capabilities so I suggest you just buy an Ipad OP.
Debian ofc because no botnet.
Mint XFCE, it just works.
debian is the OG distro
women (male) tend to be smart tho
it also "features" systemd and apt
mint has systemd and apt too silly goose
did i say mint was good?
fuck no
not ever
op asked debian or mint, obviously debian is better because it doesnt use a frankenstein repo
and op clearly asked wrong
so we're all agreed on gentoo then?
are you installing a server or a desktop?
Jow Forums content goes in Jow Forums
lol orbiter
If you have to ask, then you're probably better off with mint.
openbsd is a meme
Just start with Mint. If there is something you do not like about it, then you at least know what to look for.
i3 is best
Debian Xfce