Modded Consoles

What's your opinion on modded consoles? Looking to pick up a ps3 and 360 to catch up on missing that era of games, along with the classics. Cheap as hell it seems now too.

Attached: RGH.jpg (600x600, 96K)

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Hey hey HEY....
you buy the right to use it the way the company wants you to use.
You don't buy it to ise it the way you want it to use it.
Modding your own property or tweaking with intellectual property that you paid for ist verboten

Sir I swear on the reliability of all my hard drives that I own em' all

Bought a PS3 for this exact reason. Tons of great games. I also flashed the NOR with a Teensy 2.0++ to save money + learn about how that stuff worked. Was a fun and neat experience.
Solder a lot of wires to the NOR pads, flash it, install cfw, and then you're good to go. Get a big hard drive and install all your games on it. Can even play iso's through the network on a home server.

RGH is mandatory

Do you know of a reputable online seller of modded consoles? Mainly PS3, pretty sure I have a 360 picked out right now.

Attached: turok_n64.jpg (1920x1440, 1.91M)

Hmmm, no. Everything I learned was through the ps3hax forum. I'm sure you could find someone there willing to do it for you.
The newer ones aren't capable of being modded, so I'd make sure to get the latest possible one that can be downgraded, because those had two 45nm chips. The PS3 suffers from the YLOD where the solder on the chip cracks, so you want to keep it as cool as possible, and the newer chips run cooler.

Get a ps3. Don't bother with a 360. You'll be paying out the ass to get an older console or you'll be jumping through hoops and buying expensive hardmods to flash the drive. With a ps3 you can just load isos onto a ntfs hard drive and load them. Easy peasy. Ferrox 4.82 on PS3 doesn't actually work with PS2 iso files (and those can only be loaded from the internal drives) so install rebug

You can buy a downgradable PS3 then downgrade with software.
No soldering fuckery or jew flasher fuckery.

wait what modded 360 are expensive atm? I have one I'm not using should I sell it? imo by the time I want to use 360 again a emulator will exist.

I'm using rpcs3 to catch up, great games, unfortunately emulation isn't perfect but weeb games that run in the same engine does run great so plenty of hours and 'til there the emulator should mature plenty.
Poorfag here, of course. If I could I would just pick the console and cheap used games for $10 or less.

I've bought a broken ps3, somehow I've repaired it but still I need to change the power supply. the main problem is this error about the Bluetooth (can't remember rn). do you think is it possible to flash a cfw bypassing this error? I can't update, it reboots every time

He doesn't know what he is talking about, glitch-hacked 360 are dirt cheap atm. I'd say OP should get both consoles desu, Xbox had some really nice exclusive titles and overall slightly higher quality multiplatform ones because early on in the life cycle it was usually the priority hardware

Will it not start up? Also, do you know what revision it is? Not every revision is able to be downgraded.

can you explain OPs pic i only flashed psp and few custom android roms but no soldering there.

>Modding your own property or tweaking with intellectual property that you paid for ist verboten
No? A recent European law allows you to fully own and mod things you buy in any way you want.

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PS3's don't require hardware anymore to be flashed CFW.
They have software only exploits now.

> Will it not start up?
I think a new power supply is necessary, once it worked and I tried to update (I didn't have any ps3 hdd so I used one of mine) probably to last one but that error showed up and nothing then no red light and nothing.
> Also, do you know what revision it is?

OPs pic is actually an Xbox 360. The PS3 is different.
Basically, on the PS3, you have a NOR chip. Depending on the method, you attach to it's address lines and data lines and program it's memory yourself. There are some clips that attach to the pins so you don't have to solder, but if you decide to solder, there's a bunch of circular pads on the bottom of the motherboard. Pic related.
Also, the ps3 dev wiki has lots of info on it:

Attached: 800px-DYN-001_NOR_-_E3-dual-boot.jpg (800x576, 136K)

Do they? I haven't paid much attention. If that's the case, then it's probably super easy, and not dangerous.
Hmm... Yeah, not enough info to know what's wrong with it. Bluetooth errors generally wouldn't break it on startup. You could try hooking up a spare PC power supply if you've got one lying around.

You want it, come and take it.

I took a picture last year when it was working
it says error 8002F1F9

Hmm, dev wiki says it just needs firmware to be reinstalled. Might be able to use a USB stick to do it instead of downloading it and get around it.

>Do they? I haven't paid much attention. If that's the case, then it's probably super easy, and not dangerous.
Yes, go to

Neat. Well OP, time to get a PS3.

Fuck, I should try to make the power supply work. I don't want to buy a new power supply, for the same price I can get a working ps3

Well, like I said earlier, if you can't get it to work, or if you just want to test it, you can always use an old PC power supply. Look under "Externalising the power supply" in this article:

thank you, I'll read it later
do you think it works on slim models?

Power supply stuff, or flashing? I had to do it with my power supply, and I've flashed slims, but it doesn't seem they need to be flashed anymore. So you should be good.

Well, time to get a PS4 actually, it has working mods too now.

pc power supply on slim model

Yeah, it'll work.

>modded consoles?
You won't be able to connect to Xbox Live. The service looks for modded consoles and bans them.

You can do whatever you want to the hardware, but the software...

Now, that said, I wouldn't mind an Xbox One X dev kit and access to the AMD JTAG system...

a recent jury verdict in north europe have claimed that changing your broken iphone's working screen with your working iphone's broken screen, violates the apple term and conditions and your iphone is now counterfeit.
Laws mean nothing if they are not enforced.

>You can do whatever you want to the hardware, but the software...
Yes, modifying and exploiting software is okay, as long as you are not profiting from it or selling it. Normal software licences apply.
But nobody can put you to jail for screwing with Sonys or Nintendos or Microsofts game console firmware to exploit it for your own code execution.

You do realize Norway is not part of the European Union? Dumb Amerimutt. We are talking about European Union laws.

>modifying and exploiting software is okay
Not in the EU, so I can't comment on this.

What I can tell you is that a modded Microsoft console will be banned from Xbox Live. Attempts to circumvent that ban could result in legal penalties.

Though turning an Xbox One into a Steam Machine could be fun.

>European Union laws
you are talking about the one that says "you don't have to pay taxes in ireland"
or "VW did nothing wrong, they are germans and we don't strike germans"

I've Glitched my 360 with a Coolrunner Rev C. I would only do it personally if I had a 360 lying around unused, they break real easy if you aren't careful and you can waste money buying consoles.

sorry guys this thread is very interesting but I'm not a console gamer and have never even thought about modding a console. Can anyone tell me why people mod a console and sites where I can read more about the subject. I am genuinely interested but now nothing about it so cant follow the thread properly

Read on PS3 linux, and maybe the Air Force's PS3 cluster. People hack them to play game backups, and in the early days of the PS3, it was for the Cell processor's computing capabilities.

thanks - VERY interesting reading
I just bought a PS3 to see what I can do with it

Nowadays they're not so powerful, but the architecture is still interesting. It's one regular powerPC core surrounded by a ton of SIMD if I understand it properly.

Probably not what you're looking for, but go and read 'hacking the xbox' by andrew huang (a free ebook.) It's an intro to hardware hacking by reverse-engineering the original xbox.

Now you can soft mod the PS3's (slim & Fat) pretty easy withouth special hardware or open the console.

I soft moded mine. Took me like 20 minutes

how bro ?

I'm Brazilian. Those normative forms of control don't apply.

>gitch hacked 360s
I should look into that. I wonder if a modded 360 would read my HDD as normal. Can't get it to cooperate with mine normally.

>What's your opinion on modded consoles

I like performing console mods and repairs, although I tend to stick to to the older stuff. Recapped and RGB modded a couple of DUOs recently, bringing them back from the brink. Feels good man.

What PS3's versions are capable of this? I heard some Super Slim versions aren't viable for this.

If you can point me to any resource, please.

It's the same with the old hardware dowgrade method.

3DS hack when

nigga, there's been a hack for ages now.

>mfw half german and half irish