Who else got tricked into voting against their own interests by corporatist shills?
Who else got tricked into voting against their own interests by corporatist shills?
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not me, because I actually read, and knew this would happen. stupid fucks.
Trumplets have the average IQ of an illiterate redneck from the south. They are social outcasts so they flog together in 4/8gag. So many in this board.
Except for the fact that I got gigabit for $80/month a month after net neutrality was repealed. Take your made up bullshit AT&T payments up your ass. The fact that you have invent bullshit to convince yourself that Trump’s evil even when it's blatantly obvious we're finally making progress as a society is why the other 80% of America thinks you're not right in the head.
NN hasn't been repealed yet, dummy. Educate yourself.
For a lteral Jew, he's pretty dumb and non-sneaky.
>net neutrality enacted like forever ago
>still nothing
>net neutrality was repealed
Small price to pay to get illegal spics out and to destroy the communist agenda.
I get tricked every 4 years so it doesn't really matter
The entire movement has been coopted by neocons
Dude, it was always run by 'em. They love the hell out of using pseudo-patriotism.
>Gets an extra shiny nickel on his paycheck
>Yea, Trump is working guys.
>Meanwhile corporations get billions in tax breaks. Might give back a couple of percent to workers in goofy PR stunts.
>Trump for the working man!
Son, they were never working for you.
>gigabit for $80/month
>Who else got tricked into voting against their own interests by corporatist shills?
He said, as if Hillary fucking Clinton was going to do anything other than sell out the common man for a dollar.
Also, technology.
the entire Jow Forums but they are used to be cucks
all that niggers fucking their wives and shit
I don't vote so I'm not sure. Did someone trick me into doing that against my interest?
The true test of the Honest Politician is if he stays bought.
I had gigabit for $80/month before trump was elected.
>I don't care about percentages, just take money away from large businesses and give it to me or it's not fair!
The scary part is that some people actually think like this.
>forever ago
not even a year
>still nothing
wow, it's like things take time to change.
lets pay homage to all the unionized people who voted for trump
kinda strange since Trump did exactly the thing you were afraid of Hillary doing
>implying NN has been repealed yet
If Shillary got elected, we'd be in much bigger trouble. She literally wanted war with Syria and Iran, open borders with Mexico and Central America, white male persecution, and hated the average American.
Okay. And?
kill yourself shill rat
The whole goal of society is to improve ourselves as a whole. We're working together because being alone leaves us with sticks and stones. Companies are just part of that. It's a balancing act between making people want to run companies that generate revenue and taking part of that revenue away.
If you don't assist the lower class in merely surviving the lower+middle class will riot. Not to mention it's cheaper to assist them than to imprison them for whatever reason or even being homeless. Or you go full Hitler and implement the final solution but that didn't work out so well.
Just think what would happen if the lower class simply refused to play along with any laws and just looted everything, because there isn't enough room to do it the old-school way. You can't go around chopping down trees, keeping animals and grow food for a living anymore because of that same society. And that makes society automatically responsible to provide the basics.
My own interests are of the white race, so it tickles my funny bone when cucks say "hOw cAn yOu bE vOtInG aGaInSt uR iNtErStS" as if they know what my interests are.
>My interests are of the white race, which is why I'm going to vote for authoritarians whose interest is only themselves
>wahhh everyone in a suit is an authoritarian
Kek, I see bernie bros have assimilated into the chans quite well
This is why Hillary lost the election. Keep up the great work!
>authoritarianism is the ending of the enforcement of an Executive Order without any congressional or other branch's approval
I bet you think DACA is authoritarian too because all of the "poor" "children" who just want a "better life."
>I like them because they want authority over everybody else and they tell me they're going to grant me privilege
>but they're not authoritarians.
This I mean seriously IT WAS HER TURN!
You keep using that word, you don't know what it means lol.
Trump bomber Syria, is pulling out of the Iran deal, hasn't closed the borders, hasn't done anything to stop "white male persecution" (because blue haired feminists calling you gay doesn't count as persecution), and he doesn't give a shit about the average American.
Is that it?
He does, and he's using it perfectly accurately, which makes me question your knowledge of the subject. Check yourself before you wreck yourself, retard.
Seems like common sense, dipshit. You sound like someone who voted Trump the way you're preemptively denying it.
>ending an executive order (net neutrality) from a few years ago is authoritarian
>look at all these authoritarian executive orders that were made
Ok, you've earned 1 last reply, you're the only one left in this thread now
>shill rat
The state of Trumpites - he's shilling for individual rights and they get butthurt about it.
Why was AT&T paying him?
Name 1 thing Trump has done that is authoritarian, you can't because you're an angry and dumb powerless fuck lmao
Cohen talks to Trump to get ((( their ))) man to head the FCC.
Have we all died from the NN repeal yet? I was told that the internet shouldn't even exist right now. What gives?
>voting at all
Let me show you how it is done, young grasshopper. Hold my beer.
google drones btfo
convincing half the country that news that is critical of him is fake and insinuating that he is going to "silence" them by revoking their credentials
people not knowing net neutrality vs title ii
go back to plebbit, mong
The media are a bunch of liars, what else is new?
>We all need to work TOGETHER or the lower classes will revolt!
Holy shit, it's a real communist.
People that voted for Trump are really just unbelievably stupid.
You wanted a someone who speaks the truth so you elected a guy that literally never speaks the truth.
You wanted an pro-consumer candidate so you elected a businessman.
You didn't want another pointless war so you elected a guy that campaigned on leaving the Iran deal against the recommendation of basically everyone because it could lead to a war with Iran.
>you elected a guy that campaigned on leaving the Iran deal against the recommendation of basically everyone because it could lead to a war with Iran.
oh boy
>Leave Iran deal
>Don't help Israel
We all know this is the real best solution.
>Who else got tricked into voting against their own interests by corporatist shills?
>not me, because I actually read, and knew this would happen. stupid fucks.
what would have been different with hrc in power?
a different set of corporations would have benefited.
I wanted someone who wasn't Hillary. Got what I wanted.
At least he never killed an ambassador like Hillary.
>destroy the communist agenda.
trump is destroying the liberal agenda, communists all over the world are actually happy he got elected, instead of clinton. trump is a clown that is destroying the US govt from inside.
u mad br0?
I'm really happy to see trump as president of the US
r/politics would HATE me for saying this.
also, I guess you just outed yourself there :^)
Don't think I'd describe him as a clown, I think he's just plain corrupt and evil. Pretty much all of his appointments are terrible and it's far too common for it to be a coincidence.
Betsy Devos an incompetent dumbass who shills private schools. Has no formal educational experience at all and the charter schools under her guidance made student grades worse on average compared to public schools in the same location. Appointed to head all public schools in America.
Ben Carson wastes tax payer money on expensive dishware or something.
Scott Pruitt a guy that is currently suing the EPA because his businesses aren't in compliance with its regulations, appointed to lead the EPA even despite the obvious conflicts of interest, also apparently takes private vacations on private jets using tax payer money.
Rex Tillerson guy was literally given an award by Russia for how friendly he was to Russian oligarchs, spent his entire tenure crippling the state department by removing many long time diplomats and then implemented a hiring freeze while we had many extremely important positions left vacant.
Michael Flynn was apparently corrupt enough that Obama specifically told Trump not to hire him so Trump immediately hired him and let him handle classified information as his national security advisor.
It was thus or WW3 with Russia and the individual mandate still in place. Also no tax cuts. You do the fucking math.
what does this have to do with trump?
meanwhile, Obama bombed and practically destroyed some countries in the middle east and killed hundreds of thousands of people, perhaps millions, yet liberals still love him.
if we will talk about evil and corruption, who's worse? some dumbass who knows nothing about politics, or a politician that paints himself as a sort of angel, yet manages to DESTROY the lives of MILLIONS of poor people who live at the other side of the globe?
I had 800up/800down for $60/month before Trump was elected.
Will trump uninvent nuclear weapons next?
Something like 74% of American's polled said the Iran Deal was fine as-is. granted these are not all political scientists. Just saying that the propaganda is obvious to even the common dumbfuck.
>It was thus or WW3 with Russia
That's still coming; it is being made more likely due to diplomatic missteps.
>and the individual mandate still in place.
Enjoy your expensive ER bills due to lack of insurance if you get injured.
> Also no tax cuts.
The cuts were to withholding; you could have done the same thing by changing your withholding yourself. You'll have to pay most of it back when you file.
The Iran deal thing baffles me. Was it perfect? No, probably not. Was it better than not having an Iran deal? Absolutely.
The TPP would be signed. No nafta negotiations. No future hope of a McDonald's in Pyongyang (and the US purchasing NK rare earth metals for semiconductor manufacturing)
>As long as the jews and arabs kill each other it doesn't matter to us right?
Why do retards always ignore the fact that anyone working actually has health insurance, and that all the world's best hospitals and cutting edge medical research are from America?
I'm pretty sure Trump continued the targeted strikes if not increased them. Obama used them to avoid putting US troops in harms way and starting another conflict. I don't think he ever presented himself as an angel, he started off hoping to get out of all conflicts in the middle east but over the years I think he found it was easier said than done.
Trust the plan, based trump always delivers.
unironically this
It matters to us because we are going to fight another war for Israel.
Israel did not want the Iran deal in the first place.
I don't understand why people want America to police the world.
Why is it that you fucking faggot liberals can't go two seconds without whining about Trump in every board you go too? Take this shit to pol you cry baby retards
Because the health insurance payments are several times higher than the amount of tax people in real countries pay extra for healthcare, and you get a worse service for your dollar several times over.
In short, people spend less money on healthcare and get a better service in places with nationalised healthcare.
However there are some exceptions, and that's if you have a fuckton of money. If you have a load of money you get the best healthcare in the US, no question about it. But if you're not one of the richest people in the world, you probably appreciate spending less money for better quality care.
But the Jews said Iran wasn't living up to their party of the deal. Ben Shapiro said n his show that BB personally raided a top secret Iranian base and secured documents proving Iran is just months away from a nuclear weapon. Why would he lie? BB is the most honest politician on the planet, he's been saying Iran is months away from building a bomb since 1988, nobody else is anywhere near that consistent!
I don't give a shit. at least trump isn't directly destroying the lives of millions of people in the middle east or elsewhere. he hasn't intervened/invaded any countries yet (as far as we know, at least)
you are implying that those things somehow affect me. they don't, or if they do, they don't even change things much, the damage done by the US government to my country is there already.
at some point of his government, obama was bombing 8 countries. obama didn't roll back on national security policies implemented by the bush admin, he deepened them. he also prosecuted journalists and whistleblowers. his admin invested a LOT of money into ukraine, to defeat the pro-russian government there.
you have to be a fucking retard to believe his government wasn't evil.
trump said he would take US troops out of syria. think about it for a minute.
also, watch this video: youtube.com
Shut the fuck up faggot, never seen such a whiney shitstained buncha of hipocrite baby retards than you right wingers. Go fucking kill yourself if you can't take it.
Individual humans don't pay for individual health care. Insurance companies do. You can legislate forced coverage without the individual mandate. They mandate is not compassionate, it is fascism.
This is a load of shit, and any middle class worker with a decent PPO gets top notch care. Making a regular salary, my insurance covered elected procedures to get ultrasound guided cortisone shots by some of the best sports medicine specialists that exist as well as PT to prevent inflammation from returning just so I could lift heavy weights. I didn't even need a referral, I just called in on my own. My dad chainsawed his leg open once and had it put back together for almost nothing. You don't get better care for your money, no matter how many Michael Moore documentaries you watch and want to believe.
He did aid Saudis in bombing Yemen. But at this point in Obamas career he was kickstarting 3 individual middle eastern revolutions so there's that.
It matters because a nuclear war of any scale anywhere on the planet could not only spark a larger one, but even if that doesn't happen will have serious environmental consequences for everyone. If Iran nukes Israel, we might not get incinerated but we're gonna get sprinkled with fallout in the jetstream and everyone in the near vicinity is going to get the worst of that even if they had nothing to do with the conflict at all.
oh, since you mention the saudis...
explain why neither obama or bush did ANYTHING against saudi arabia, when they KNEW that saudi arabia did 9/11 : 28pages.org
they attacked and destroyed: syria, libya, iraq and afghanistan. also attacked yemen, somalia and pakistan. and let's not talk about the obvious "covert" interventions elsewhere (brazil, ukraine, honduras, venezuela, ...)
granted, trump hasn't done anything about the saudis... but that's my point: as much as he talks about lots of shit, he doesn't give much of a fuck about anything other than the US.
>If Iran nukes Israel,
Literally the one thing that won't happen. Worry more about india and pakistan you fool. Firstly israel has like 400 nuclear weapons, and will turn Iran into a smoldering crater and Iran fucking knows this. The whole 'we hate israel' thing is because the iranian people hate israel. But it's all politics, no-one actually gives a shit about starting a war. Iran is looking at something else; their oil reserves. They want to turn them into pharmaceuticals and shit instead of burning it. And so they want to turn to nuclear power, and then of course nuclear weapons. It's about being respected as a world power, not using them.
you americans deserve what you got
>Who else got tricked into voting against their own interests by corporatist shills?
Every single person who ever voted in a democratic election.
>for americans, this is acceptable