First time on this board

What are the biggest Jow Forums redpills for a tech newbie to swallow?

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off we are full

Intel = jews

>install gentoo
many newfags think this is a meme but in reality it is solution to many problems

Scrap the phone.
Scrap the computer, unless it is a Thinkpad.
Install a GNU/Linux distro into the Thinkpad, if you don't have one, buy one.
Read the fucking Wikia:

So you want lies and memes?

This guy has it covered.

Apple = faggot
Linux distro = pedophile

Why the interest on Jow Forums? It's a fucking dead board.

No, truths that might not seem obvious or logical to the newcomer and the reasoning behind them

curiosity for non-mainstream opinions on technology, the same as with all the other boards to be fair

a thread died for this shit. read the fucking wiki or lurk more.

Windows 7

a redpill is by definition the truth, dumbshit.
if you want to make fun of Jow Forums-brand 'redpilling' however then just just say so.

Cry moar fagut

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what a fuck is this! I am going to move to Indiana and marry this woman.

Also, buy a bike if you live in an urban area, it is often faster and certainly cheaper than car, or public transport.
It's also good cardio.

get fucked cuntbucket
>muh read the wiki
this isn't a "how do I build pc pls help" or "tell me what new gadget to buy" thread

>hurr durr I guess every board has redpills bcuz i heard of Jow Forums

I want to play with that chemistry set

> What are the biggest Jow Forums redpills for a tech newbie to swallow?
Everything is botnet.

1. On your PC: To escape the botnet you'll have to buy something like a TALOS workstation for $10k or whatever they go for, and install an obscure distro because all the major Linux distros are full of systemd. That being said, NSA probably got some backdoors merged into the kernel too. Maybe OpenBSD is still good. Anyway if you use Intel or AMD or nVidia or anything not open source or systemd and select other botnets, then you're fucked.
2. On your phone: but the shitty Librem 5 scam or get a burner dumbphone, take your pick. You can get rid of GApps and install a FOSS rom and only use apps from F-Droid but you'll still have the baseband processor, which is similar to the Intel ME on your desktop except physically separate. Librem 5 isn't out and is woefully underpowered. A dumbphone is genuinely the best choice.
3. Online: just give up. There's five billion ways to uniquely fingerprint everyone online and if somebody wants to track you using that fingerprint, they will. And if you manage to comprehensively block it, you'll stick out like a sore thumb because almost nobody else does this, defeating the purpose.

Ok, sounds good? Now do the following:
>get an old thinkpad, X230 recommended. Flash coreboot and me_cleaner, install free OS of choice (preferably without systemd)
>get a burner dumbphone. Ditch the smartphone completely. Thinkpads often come with WWAN cards if you want data while traveling.
>if you can't live without a smartphone then flash a GApps-free ROM and use F-Droid as your app store, Yalp if you really need it. Bear in mind that smartphones are basically tracking beacons.
>install ublock and more importantly umatrix on every browser, use them strictly and whitelist stuff sparingly. You can't be tracked if the tracking script never gets loaded. If a website complains just leave

Then you have the obvious stuff like full disk encryption, DNSSEC, etc

linux is gud

this basically just a spoonfed version of: Sad.

terrible advice

Is it possible to go completely AWOL from the internet, as in deleting your digital footprints? Or will someone always know what websites you visited back in 2005?

>And no argument was detected upon this day.

>Or will someone always know what websites you visited back in 2005?
That purely depends on whether those logs still exist, things were also logged less back then.
>Is it possible to go completely AWOL from the internet, as in deleting your digital footprints?
No, unless you have access to those company/government servers (which you don't and never will).

You can't delete what others store. If you weren't careful and fed your data to the botnet, tough luck. Though in 2005 things weren't quite as bad (in particular online), stuff like google and facebook hadn't matured into the data hoovers they are today, javascript was much less omnipresent online, stuff like that.

Also with gdpr maybe you can ask companies to delete you

> tfw have an electric bike
> fly by everyone on their $3k bike on my $400 squeaky machine

>Not getting as good cardio.
Lazy mofo.

My goal is getting there fast without dealing with bad parking
The bike folds up nicely too and can fit in the trunk of my car. Literally a backup car if my car breaks down

this. also, not getting sweat all over the clothes you wear in public seems to be a better idea than getting sweat all over the clothes you wear in public

Yeah, but I still get there faster than most other modes of transport.
Get great cardio.
AND also avoid having to deal with bad parking.

>What is antiperspirant?

>what is the rest of your body other than your armpits

the software that you are writing is useless

Sweat by itself is odorless. What causes body odor is a lack of hygiene.

I had another folding bike without a motor but I was too sweaty in the summer riding up hills and shit so I got an electric one. It tops out at like 25 mph
Won't get there faster than me :^)
> actually bathing and coating your whole skin in antiperspirant and then dieing of overheating

>what is bring a hand towel and dry yourself

Thank goodness I'm not writing any software (unless you count my day job, but you're probably correct about that)

>Not spraying it on your sack.

> hold on boss I need to wipe down my ass until it stops sweating, give me 15 minutes
By then you'd lose all the time you saved

Richard Stallman is your friend. He fights for freedom.

How the fuck do you expect to dry your clothes with a hand towel

Richard Stallman is a jew. Don't listen to him on most things

>Not bringing a change of clothes.

> all this effort
> implying I want to do 2x laundry

There are people in this thread defending cycling to work, spraying antiperspirant all over your body, bringing a towel to clean your body and change of clothes to avoid the hassle of riding an electric bike

Let that sink in

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You're not meat to sweat that much from a 10 minute bike journey, bro.
Maybe if you didn't use the cheat-bike so much, you'd have better cardio and sweat less.

>Not using the cleaners with the money you saved from not having a car, or paying for the maintenance of the cheat-bike.
>Also dying at 70 because you've awful cardio.

>Being so obese you leak like a faucet from 10 minutes or minor exertion.
Fucking hell Jow Forums.

10 minute bike journey in 110F through hills is a lot different than a nice city ride
> dying at 70 because you've awful cardio
> wanting to live to 70 posting on Jow Forums

>that 30 year old boomer who cycles to work, sweats like a pig despite the copious amounts of antiperspirant he puts on his disgusting body to make up for the lack of a shower, then perpetuates the foul stench of BO and antiperspirant by drying it with a towel

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>through hills
>I did say URBAN AREA.

>wanting to live to 70 posting on Jow Forums
Bro, I want to live to 1000, like Aubrey de Grey promised.

>dead board
its actually the 15th or 16th most active board on the site.

that /pol is full of incel faggots less capable than niggers

At least I'm fit as a fiddle.

>30 year old boomer

fucking sticky

>he doesn't know

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install gentoo

Attached: what_generation_means.png (1705x455, 213K)

lurk moar

I do, but not Jow Forums.
And yes, that is a Jow Forums meme, just because they ACT like boomers, doesn't make them boomers, unless you're spouting some post-structuralist shit and thought you Jow Forumsacks didn't like postmodernism?

>intel and nvidia
Poo in loo

Windows sucks
Linux is holy grail
Install gentoo
Give it back jamal

>/pol meme
lurk moar

They cut down the tree in the Indiana University Chem Building :(

But it is, or at leas was before the 2015 Jow ForumsDonald flood that made Jow Forums leakier than before.
>Being newer than 2015.
Lol, ultranewfag.

>its actually the 15th or 16th most active board on the site.
Which means that is a dead board.


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Keep on mind than all the best Intel architectures (Merom/Conroe and Sandy Bridge) were developed by their Israeli team in Haifa.

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This generation's "epic fail"


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First of all, the person you replied to isn't me.
So, that's a strawman.
Secondly, even if that was me, what you just posted would be a non sequitur.
Thirdly, you responded to my argument, which contains a valid counterargument with an invalid counterargument.
So, if anything, that meme actually fits your invalid counterargument, more than mine.
So, which is it: are you an idiot, or just ignorant?

join the botnet.

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you're not cool for wasting your time with garbage
one good example is desktop linux

Everybody says they use Linux; they're lying or running it in a VM.
Everybody is actually running Windows 7 or 10, never 8.
AMD is more popular not because it's better than Intel, but because we're all worthless NEETs with no money and AMD is cheaper.
Nobody here has installed Gentoo.

>It's a reddit newfag gets buttblasted by an old rather shite meme from Jow Forums that's ubiquitous on the site like kino from /tv/
Kill yourselves

No it's not, you don't even know why this meme exists.
Gentoo is a awful non-free distro.

if you want to program faster buy a 240 hz monitor

>First of all, the person you replied to isn't me.
>So, that's a strawman.

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big boobs == thot
flat chest == good programmer

see your own meme: .
You Jow Forumstards really need to up your argumentative game, this is pathetic.
Don't be such a boomer, amirite? :^)

If you know anything about tech you don't belong on Jow Forums.

Hi bby show bobs pls I love u

Jow Forums is dogshit

A typo doesn't mean a completely wrong statement, misusing the concept of a straw man. That's two words you need to look up now. Up your vocabulary game, boomer :^)

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90% of "women" programmers are trannyfaggots and that's a good thing.


just leave already

>projecting this much

nice jugs
wonder how much of that is bra stuffing

>A typo doesn't mean a completely wrong statement
Never mentioned a typo, you did in your meme.
>a completely wrong statement
Where is my statement wrong, you didn't say? Instead you attacked me, not the argument, literal ad hom.
>misusing the concept of a straw man
>giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent
Literally what you did, as isn't me, but you "refuted" that argument as if I'd posed it.
So clearly, you don't know the definition of strawman, well done for showing everyone how retarded you are.
>That's two words you need to look up now. Up your vocabulary game, boomer :^)
Lol, the irony and hypocrisy.

>recommending a dumbphone
All cell phones, of any kind, are botnet. You can still be tracked via GSM. The only way to completely avoid it is not using a cell phone at all.

This, and if you must, don't leave the battery in.

>newfag calling out oldfags for being newfags
user I...

Are you sure? Her eyebrows have already hit the wall

>see your own meme
>I never mentioned a typo, you did in your meme

>Where is my statement wrong, you didn't say?
Literally here (You)

>board with no ID's
>replying to someone who quotes you is now a strawman because someone else quoted you

I suggest taking an English class

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Only newfags give a shit about whether someone says "redpill me on X" or "tell me X" when the rest of the post is on topic and not even close to something that belongs on Jow Forums.

white males should let go of job after they make product for company because we don't want white supremacy. and that's a good thing.

*newfags from reddit

you're so fucking new it stinks