
Am I essentially guaranteed a software dev job in the current year if I become fluent in Python? I started doing basic Java a long time ago but it seemed to meme-ey and I didn't stick with it. If not Python, what is the best language for a high-paying wagecuck position?

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>couldn't grok Java
>chose Python
Not going to make it.



When the fuck did I say I couldn't understand Java? I said it was a meme language. Everybody makes fun of it.

Is C going to hold it's relevance in the next decade or two? I've never even dabbled in any of the C variants, nor know anything about them.

>Everybody makes fun of it.
Who cares?

Learn C++. It's most likely going to hold its relevance until it gets destroyed by some meme language like Rust or Jai

>guaranteed anything above a minimum wage shitjob no matter how much experience you have

You naïve kids are so going to get buttraped by the real world.

>real world
doesnt exist mang

Dont focus exclusively on python, dabble around. Py is nice, and a lot of machine learning stuff is in Py (and C++ because thats the only language Masters students use).

And dont mind those java humpers, they are just mad that they will have to learn Kotlin in the next couple years or lose their jobs.

Learn Kotlin too, btw. Its fucking great. Way better then Java or C#

you should choose either C# or java for wage cuck software development

I already have a stable job my elder, but 13$/hr to sit in a dungeon all day loading government shitware onto 92 desktops at a time isn't what I want to do for the rest of me loyf.

>real world doesn't exist
I fear for our future if you kids can't even recognize that things are actually real. God, we're all fucked.

Ha, I am almost 50. Been doing this long and well enough to retire, and I am tell you, from someone who has been there, that "real world" does not exist. It is an illusion. Learning a lesson the hard way does not mean you have been to the "real world" it means you are as dumb as the children you mock.

Python is best for data science, not programming.
So not a software dev job, but a data science job. Which IMO is cooler, but if you want software python isn't the thing to use.
Learn C, C++, or Java for actual software development.
Python, R, or Julia for data science.
Javascript for web dev cancer
Learn C#, Go, or Swift if you want to work for one of the big corporations or some firm they work with.

>Everybody makes fun of it
you mean neet larpers on Jow Forums and microsoft shills? great models for yourself you've choosen there

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Java will get you fed regardless of what others say.

Java is the least meme language of all. It's actually used by serious companies and not only by expert fizzbuzzers, and the reason it's used is not hype or good PR (it has neither) but because it works.

Barring some meteoric change c will always be relevant to people that value performance speed over everything else. It also is what just about every compiler is written in

Not quite, you should also learn some additional packages:
* webdev: Django/Flask+SQLAlchemy, some JS framework(s)
* data science/analysis: numpy, scipy, pandas, maybe some machine learning frameworks, like sklearn
Then you'll have a guaranteed job in (((current year))).

>Everybody makes fun of it.
No, people make fun of js for certain reason but with java they make fun of people using it and the culture around it. There are a lot of things to make fun of java but they are real "issues" be it intended or not and every language has them, not memes.

>seemed to meme-ey and I didn't stick with it
It's literally the opposite of a meme, it's mature, safe and trusted that's why it dominates enterprise and your credit card runs off of it.

>Kotlin in the next couple years or lose their jobs
Yeah ... not really. The only thing Kotlin is gonna replace java in is Android and pretty sure every java developer can learn Kotlin.

You're not gonna get a data science/analysis job by only knowing the tools.

no. knowing someone willing to give you a job will guarantee you a job. wrong subreddit, btw

that's a big snake

>what is the best language for a high-paying wagecuck position
java, it's high-paying wagecuck position - the language

What can I do with haskell?

anything you want, just like with any other turing-complete language

Only faggots on this site and smartass CS first year students make fun of java.

php is the meme language, java is related to work and this is why it's hated among people who lost sanity.


So I can reimpliment the JVM in Haskell and then reimpliment Emacs LISP on the JVM?

Go learn Haskell!
What a world of opportunity awaits! : DDD
>*asking drug dealers are vitamins really necessary*

Hence it's massive popularity, utility, and timelessness (v7).
I guess Haskell should be overtaking it any time now!

Actually, I hope that MS boosts F#


I have bad news for you

>I have bad news for you
go on...

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After you finish your Haskell study,
I will have just one question for you:

"Is it too late to add fries to my order?"

Uh, what do the colors mean?

>everybody makes fun of it
>choose python
>ignore that the whole enterprise is basically Java.

have you ever watched olympic games?

python is gettin pretty popular in enterprise

Yeah so is C# etc.. A language becoming popular in an area it's not a guarantee that it will replace the language that dominates the area already.

>Yeah so is C#
not nearly as much as python
>A language becoming popular in an area it's not a guarantee that it will replace the language that dominates the area already.