What's Jow Forums's favorite language?
What's Jow Forums's favorite language?
I like slavic languages a lot, maybe Russian.
English and Japanese
Cyкa влeт
mah nigga
It has the highest productivity to performance ratio.
Can any other language match Java? Let's see:
C# -> close, but mostly a Windows thing, although Microsoft has ported .NET Core to Linux
C++ -> ten times the complexity of Java for a tenth of the features. Deprecated.
Rust -> Rust is the new C++, and not in a good way. Virtually no one will ever use it.
Go -> if err != nil all over the fucking place, get some exceptions
Haskell -> meme language
Maybe Kotlin?
>get some exceptions
I'm not trying to defend Go, but exceptions are fucking retarded.
I don't know why you would defend a retarded invisible goto.
Look at how Go developers handle errors. They're pretty much doing the same thing, except they propagate the errors manually. I'd rather have checked exceptions.
Hivemind confirmed.
TI basic
System.ReallyLongClass.AndPackageName.LongAssFunctionName("too", "many", "damned", "arguments", "for", "what", "the", "function", "does");
Python is pretty nice for doing mundane shit.
oooo savējais
natural: attic greek
programming: standard ml
Church Slavic
>They're pretty much doing the same thing, except they propagate the errors manually
So not the same thing?
I mean the language idk, but the script is beautiful
I also unironically like [spoiler]hebrew[/spoiler] script
Athensfags gtfo
Scala is my favorite language that I use in work.
C is cute! CUTE!
Python is easy to write fucking anything with.
Verilog cause it makes me look smart.
>not lisp
never used it
>eww hardware lang
This is such a brainlet complaint.
Blame whoever wrote the function, not Java...
lisp is gay
I like Scheme, but I prefer statically typed languages
scheme is a dead language and used only in sicp. Noone should learn it outside sicp because it has zero real world applicability and no jobs for lisp devs.
> no one should learn anything if it does not earn you money
Latvijā kāds tiešām skatās anime?
t. wagecuck
some of us do what we like
English when it is spoken by Portuguese people, it's fucking hilarious
(((lisp))) is kosher
Oy Vey! (((lisp))) is the best language Goyim.
C is my personal favourite
Python is pretty neat too
C++ is an unreadable clusterfuck and Java is Java
C# is alright, but it sucks because its mostly a Windows thing
Haven't really used anything else too much
LISP makes you suspect everything of being Jewish.
I8086 assembly
This. Russian definitely
C# can run in Linux.
you'd be surprised
fuck off weeb
Rust has the right idea with this one. returns Result is basically the same thing as returns T throws E, except the control flow is made explicit by operators like ?.
Explicit control flow is a good thing, so I don't mind multiple return values that much when the language is too weak to offer sum types.
Java, it is comfy
Kys commie
Conceptually I like lisp the most, but for actually getting things done nothing beats python.
i fucking hate python programmers and commies
I hate commies, too. I hate people who hate things irrationally more, though.
toki pona
You might want to look into Guix. It's an entire package manager written in almost entirely guile scheme.
>writing retarded functions
Clojure. It's not perfect, but it's better than anything else I've tried.
Lua is decent
Functions shouldn't have to declare what kind of errors they can throw. All the caller needs to know is that there can be an error.
Retarded comment.
Disagree. As the consumer of an API, it helps tremendously to know exactly what its interface is.
I had to use Fortran for a job in college working with high performance computing.
It seemed very unremarkable and old-fashioned. Is there a particular reason you like it?
Sure, especially when compared to shitting in the street while starving to death.
My main interest in programming was crunching numbers and I flocked to it as an easy to learn HPC language. I don't really know what it is about it but it's just more fun to program in than C and friends
where do you think we are
You confuse starving with having a nice salary with benefits
python, c/c++, asm
ελλάνιkα and css
Jow Forums
unironically PHP, I acknowledge that its shittyness but it's comfortable for me
Python is the only language I can truly enjoy working in
t. possible brainlet
I think Greek and French sound the best, Japanese and Arabic are beautiful in complexity
Objectively shit language, saying it's good because everyone uses it is like stating that JavaScript is good.
Maybe this is the place for the question:
>need to manage 20-30 employees and their payrolls
>need to follow the 10 trucks they drive and manage expenses and earnings
>need to manage driver rostering
>need to produce reports on every employee, and trucks (profits and losses, downtimes)
Currently I've been doing it with a shitty excel spreadshit. As to make it easier to use I was designing an 'UI' with userforms. Instead I decided to make it a project to learn to program and make a custom software that me and my employees can use.
I asked a few engineering friends and they told me that I could go with php+sql or with grails and react js to build the database and make the user interface (preferably web based but used locally, just for me)
Any other suggestions? I know very little of C++ and mathlab
Someone tell me what's the easiest language to learn, willing to take some time to learn anything really.
>t. Retard who doesn't know shit about coding
Maybe you could actually read the documentation for once you lazy piece of shit
go with php and sqlite. making froms should and connecting to the database will be super easy, even for a beginner.
Just kill yourself
Either PHP, Ruby or Python aka the triad of normie languages
>grails and react js
do not do this part. its a meme