How do you remember your passwords?

How do you remember your passwords?

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it's burned into my brain

nice try fbi

No, because all my passwords are auto generated by robots, so i dont have to worry about bruteforces attacks.

No wait wtf-

On the contrary, a randomized eight digit password is far easier for a computer to remember than for a human. Whereas if you made it something like say 1sillyBrazilian, that is much harder for a computer to guess, and extremely easy for a human to remember.

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I don't I always have to click the forgot password option

I use my own mathematical formula to generate passwords, making them impossible to brute force and easy to remember.

I generate them with something like dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=512 | sha256sum
And then save them in encrypted text files with keys stored on a removable device I keep with me all the time.

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Actually no. Bruteforce is a way of cracking by doing math. As you said, a pass (a example) like cockHarder123 is more probably to be cracked by the fact to portrait three numbers, one uppercase letter and repeat letters than a pass like vfGZ2#*QLb%2L9kB. You can verify the strengh by sites like

short phrases with leetspeak and symbols to replace the letters

I memorize various amounts of 12 character randomized passwords

Just install KeePass nigga
easy peasy

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use sticky notes

For passwords that matter, procedurally generated values from a master password and input variables. For everything else, permutations of an old password I've been using for ages.
You need both components to access your passwords. Risk of permanent loss is fairly high unless you've got proper redundancy in place.

my name typed on keyboard in english, It is basically a random sequence of alphabet. like whwRk

haha xdd my password sopademacacaobrazilniggermonkey


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I'm planning to put the files themselves on a server so I can access them from wherever but haven't got around to writing something to automate it yet.

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haha pretty funny, but you are from poland bro, feels bad

I just save my password when prompted to that way I don't have to remember it.

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i have a thing
its called
ᵃ ᵇʳᵃᶦᶰ

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