You could always try fulfilling your fantasy and become a trap programmer camslut with real projects. People could donate to your patron and you could pay them back in lewds
Parker Bell
I'm considering leaving my gf and all my normie friends, leave the country and become a trap programmer.
maybe I'm just depressed. idk.
Xavier Brown
maybe you are depressed because you never realised your identity user.
Hudson Hughes
my dream is to amass enough money so that I can pay to have myself engineered into the perfect shota trap.
well, relistically speaking you can't keep looking young forever, you will age, but depending on your dedication you can keep a feminine aestetic going regardless of your age, its just that when you get old you will look like an old lady. wheter or not you should actually go through all the effort to get a feminine aestetic depends more on if you actually want it for yourself or if its just fetish thing of the moment, experiment with what you can do RN (crossdressing, shaving, makeup etc.)
Jonathan Turner
fix yourself while you still can
Chase Hughes
Cross dressing while programming made me more productive. Now as well as wasting money on tech I waste money on girl clothes.
Who the fuck is running this account? I saw them yesterday tweeting out the prostate orgasm memes I post to [s4s]
Charles Gray
i'm talking about full body transplant type shit brah.
Henry Sullivan
trying to be a trap is harder than being an Olympic athlete. You are bound to your genetics, you can only do it while young and very few people have the body frame and genetics to pull it out
Harder than being a professional athlete.
Hudson Thomas
well you can futurama'd yourself and tell the doctors to wake you up x years later
>download all muh animus n vidya >cryogen myself >wake up several hundred of years later >get a unvierse simulating computer and load all my animu and myself into it >become anime forever and kill myself when im done with it or run a script that makes you forget the feeling that you lived for too long and live forever
Tyler Walker
this picture makes me horny, and want to shave my legs