Can I learn programming even if I haven't done any maths outside of arithmetics in 10+ years?

Can I learn programming even if I haven't done any maths outside of arithmetics in 10+ years?

Attached: 19868-sakura_matou_128.jpg (800x598, 111K)

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yes just ease into it with something simple like bash scripting (i never left and i dont need to)

no, you're fucked

you can be a webdev

>Can I
Yes you can. Now go fucking do it

>Now go fucking do it
This. Less thinking and more doing is how you progress.

Attached: web-page-size.png (2048x1024, 48K)

>can you
>will you
Probably not

yes, python is barely a programming language but it's very powerful and you can develop a strong foundation from it

You can do anything once you stop sucking dicks

if you're happy with ending up like pic related, then sure

Attached: webdev.png (1848x2018, 420K)

Python and C# are literally made for brainlets like you. You won't make a lot of money, but at least you can do it.

yes, I beat my head against C for awhile but after learning assembly and realizing that C is just an abstraction of assembly it clicked, I can now hack my way around most languages after figuring out what ever peculiarities the language has to offer, like the white space bullshit in python.

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Yeah, it's fucking easy. Math, from the simple to the complex, can be learned-as-you-go just with google searches and wikipedia and shit. Don't listen to the fossils here; the days when teachers, professors, schools and universities had a place is long behind us.

Teach yourself.

From StackOverflow's founder blog.

I have high school level knowledge in math and 0 knowledge in programming, but all he should have done was something like divide by 3 and 5 and if one or both didn't return a number with decimal print one of the three option, right?
Or am I wrong and not seeing something that I should?


This. Get an interview prep book and work through it over six months. Build some projects on the side for fun to keep it interesting. Bingo, you're better than half the CS grads I hire who fail to fizzbuzz.

Universities, in the US at least, are a fucking joke. Yeah, if you want the real deal you go send someone to scout at Cal Tech or MIT, but outside of the Cream of the Crop situations there's a jungle of shit candidates with what should have been meaningful degrees.

most languages have a simple operator such as x % y, and you can determine if there is a remainder or not. Really simple shit, not sure how this guy fucked up this hard.

It's fine unless you plan on writing some hardcore science or game physics shit right off the bat. You just need to be able to construct and deconstruct ideas in a way that's extremely logical because that's all that computers can understand.

Just get shaums basic maths or something faggot come on dumbass you dont need advanced math to do most programming, just know your algebra and a bit of discrete math and you're good.

What's a good interview prep book user?

yeah but you probably wont.

Top three books on amazon are generally what we will use to pull ideas from.

I think I figure this out

0. 0 is starting value for X
1. Adding 1 to value X
2. Divide X by 3 (for value A) and by 5 (for value B)
3. If A has no decimal point, write fizz, if B has no decimal point, write buzz, and for all of the numbers that give nonwhole answers, write value X

I can get job in America for knowing this? I don't know programming but this is like a test from when I was a child in the elementary school.

Yes if you have the logic

Cracking the code interview is considered the best afaik

Most programming has very little to do with math. Sure, computer science is an applied math field, but programming isn’t computer science (yeah yeah, it’s got a bit). In fact, most programmers never get to do any actual computer science. As for me, the only math I’ve ever needed to use was some linear algebra and some trig. And both of those were for a very brief time doing graphics.

yes, but you should hope to improve your logic skills.

>using floats for an inherently an integer operation
>what is modulus?

I don't know how program, I just think of the rule for solving the problem

I am a house painter

Yes but learning it will be the most insufferable thing in your life. I mean the fact that you had to ask means you aren't all that interested and learning anything that you're not genuinely interested sucks.