Emacs thread

What do you use pic related for?

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Programming, silly billy!

I want to learn how to use it but I struggle to see how it's better than just using the default apps on my mac.

org-mode for notes and organizing
evil-mode so i can act superior to both emacs and vim users

does evil-mode integrate well with org?
my knowledge of the emacs keys is... rusty, and I haven't used org-mode in forever.

what's the point of org mode? why not just use Google Keep?

>What do you use pic related for?

It means "to fucking stupid to use VIM."

To press tab on my ascii tables and go back to vim.

I'm doing translation in the humanities. I use this to write up markdown/latex.

Making a nice comfy set up right now.

I use vim bindings on firefox and I'm thinking of switching to evil-mode.

vim is used by retard sysadmins. real intellectuals like rms and knuth use emacs

I don't think I've ever met anyone with an IQ above 60 that's ever used emacs.

It's particularly useful for lisps, with the way the repl works and paredit. I wouldn't use it for anything else

I use both
easier to just run vim filename while ssh'd into something than to use tramp to open it on emacs

orgzly is a good note taking app and can be synced with org-mode

I use it for almost everything.

For background I've worked as a "malware research engineer" for a security company developing anti-virus products and now work at a company doing static and dynamic analysis of critical infrastructure for the military industrial complex.

I use org-mode to implement a getting-things-done (gtd) system for myself. As such it's my calendar, todo list, and task manager. I also have a personal wiki that I keep for myself in org. All of this is syncronized on all my devices with git which magit (emacs git frontend) makes easy. I do a lot of C/++, Java, and Python development using flymake, semantic, gtags, and yasnippets. I use a terminal in emacs as well. I use dired for my file management.

The only things I do outside of emacs heavily are web browsing (firefox), email (thunderbird), and chat programs (skype, lync, zoom: all for work). Situation tools like IDA Pro, Wireshark, etc are used as well.

Before I switched to emacs I used vim+screen/tmux throughout high school and college. Worked great back then but having a real job made me have to be much more agile doing many different tasks at once and carpel tunnel started to set in. Switching to emacs sounds for carpel tunnel sounds nuts but evil-mode and evil-leader combined with the ability to remap keys readily helped and winner-mode with eyebrows (window configuration history and tags allow for rapid task switching) really helped. Having everything in one program helps especially with completion. Type something in a terminal or other file and auto-complete it in something else.

Honestly, I know people who are great with vim and having using it for years I know it's useful. I just prefer emacs way of doing things. Maybe I'm just a lisp addict but it's working for me and it's the tool I use the most everyday.

I'll trip for this thread and answer questions or whatever in hopes of maybe encouraging people to understand it or try it.

how's the c++ auto completion in emacs? really finding it hard to believe that a professional would use anything that isn't VS + Visual Assist for it.

You can string together a few different tools into one completion system. Right now I'm using semantic (emacs lisp parser), gloal gtags, and clang together as my completion backends. I present them two me using company-mode, company-cursor, and company-quickhelp.

This has been useful enough completion to me. It can scan my current project directory and complete from my classes. It can scan my includes and complete from those. company-quickhelp shows a little documentation from doxygen, info/info, or clang as available.

Is it better or worse then VS? I dunno because I never used VS, I do most of my work on and for Unix and what Windows stuff I did was malware analysis which was just using windbg for dynamic analysis and all my static analysis in linux. It beats the hell out of Eclipse's completion.

Seems good enough. VS autocompletion for C++ is shit out of the box btw, I don't doubt for a second that your setup is better than that. It's the Visual Assist plugin that turns it into an actually good IDE.

I've been looking into emacs recently even though I use neo vim when I don't use VS because I wanted to get into Clojure. But the learning curve is off putting to me

company + irony mode works pretty well, and it even supports all the fancy modern C++ features. Flycheck for error checking.
Semantic refactor is also decent for stubbing methods and renaming things.
VS is pretty good, but it is not friendly to my existing toolchain and workflow.

>Visual Assist
thanks for mentioning. So far i've avoided VS by just calling the VS compilers from the command line and writing make files.

>I use neo vim when I don't use VS because I wanted to get into Clojure. But the learning curve is off putting to me
That's what I like about sticking in emacs or vim because you get it setup well for editing/autocomplete/etc and you can learn new langs quicker.

>VS is pretty good, but it is not friendly to my existing toolchain and workflow.

Pretty sure it is a default on Macs, type emacs in console

that version of emacs is old as fuck, build it from macports when i'm on osx.

No i know that. I've used it before but I just don't see any advantages to using it over the stock apps that come with any mac (reminders, calendar, notes, etc.)

Ensime and company for Scala and java development is not bad. Also python Jedi mode,lisp, and basic text editing of course. Its not really good for much else.

org mode for note writting, papers, everything.

I also use it to program in Haskell.

Reading RSS feeds, email, IRC, notes, and programming.

>not running vim inside Emacs when you need it

screenshot or webm of your setup/use?

an OS which lack of text editor

>The only things I do outside of emacs heavily are web browsing (firefox), email (thunderbird)

real Emacsist use eww and mu4e or gnus

you can't post on 4chin with eww tho

i use it because i don't care about starving children in apefrica

>i don't use it because i am incapable of grasping what it is

>muh children in africaaa

Currently editing and document reading
evil-mode so i can act superior to both emacs and vim users
there's already kakoune for that

Using Spacemacs for
Taking notes with org mode
Reading email with mu4e
Writing code in different languages
Writing LaTeX documents

>evil-mode so i can act superior to both emacs and vim users
not possible
the only legit way to act superior to vim users is to not use autismal modal editing or at least neovim and the only legit way to act superior to emacs users is to use an editor that implements its source view/text-buffer better or uses native plugins instead of this scripting shit

Is there anything that emacs can't do?

Will use it for supporting my own languages.
It's the least bad choice.

Good question. Can a mode draw custom lines and boxes for special semantical emphasis?

Edit text well.

Not a programmer but to writing in plain text (markdown, latex) is it worth learning emacs bindings or just go evil mode? I say this because firefox, lc-im and a bunch of other things have vim bindings.


Unless you access computers with headwands, you could and should learn both.

display video natively

It is preinstalled on mac. There is also a special version (aquamacs) for maclets

If it doesn't exist it can probably be made

Org is a markup language. You can make presentations, websites, spreadsheets, calculate and even program in it

I'm currently working on a small package for i3 like buffer switching, looking forward to learn (lisp)

Shut up vimlet. Vim is for retards.
Just look at vimscript, what a fucking joke

>to stupid

Emacs keybinds work better with the whole ecosystem

That's the joke, newcomer.


Reading news, typing college reports, programming (obviously), and sometimes IRC.

I want to use emacs. Next semester I'll have to ssh into lab machines for submitting CS homework /labs, so even though I want to use a windows environment, I need to learn emacs or vim. Also want to use org mode because it looks cool. I'm afraid of developing RSI from emacs though.
Tips on learning emacs or using it through ssh? Isn't there something extra you need to do, unlike vim? Also, suggestions on avoiding RSI? I know evil mode exists, is it worth? Any meme keyboards I should look at?

I've been considering picking up Emacs after sticking with Vim for quite some time. I love the vim keybindings and modular editing and I don't want to get an RSI from my text editor. I've heard spacemacs is pretty good for that.

Try it out or just glance at topics in the documentation for a few minutes.
You'll see why.

I just did, thanks for the recommandation.


Programing, TeX and Org

I'm not going to implement a new editor for this.
this. More amusing, Bram """designed""" another language after that and - what a surprise - it's shit tier.