Just bought this. Now what do I do with it?

Just bought this. Now what do I do with it?

Attached: 1421139415597.jpg (1920x1440, 174K)

Hotglue it and post results.

Whatever you want

Why do you fags buy stuff just to be one of the boys and not use it how you need it...

install gentoo

what eastern european shithole is this?

Get uplink and a black hood.

>Why do you fags buy stuff just to be one of the boys and not use it how you need it

I just want to be a Jow Forumsentooman

I even bought a casio F-91W too

sweden, look at the keyboard

they sell used B and C grade old thinkpads with nordic keyboards all over eastern europe as "refurbished" for > $200, this is why I asked.

>behold the average ThinkPad user
Turn it on, put it on your lap as close to your balls as possible and perform some mildly demanding task on it. Let the shitty cooling system do the rest.
>I just want to be a Jow Forumsentooman
Why would you want to be a bitter, negative pseudo-intellectual that confuses their obsession with nerd fashion for genuine tech literacy?

>Buys product without already having a use in mind
The current state of Jow Forums

buy more then make a really shitty cluster

>charge the battery
>install a Operating system
>update the drivers
>update bios
>install speecy
>install programs , games etc

Only upgrade if you can't get programs to go/install or use.


Ah yes the Jow Forums voluntary sterilization procedure

why do you people buy this stuff only to ask what to do with it? put it under your bed and forget about it.

I impulse bought an X61 without having a specific use case. So far no regrets, it's a good Linux machine and I might bring it on vacation this summer.


mount it inside your car and make it your GPS navigation.

One suggestion...

Attached: ThinkPad.jpg (500x500, 46K)


Another neckbeard poser

> t420
I use mine for business trips. Keep it on a shelf if you have no tasks for it.

Install gentoo obviously

Throw it away and buy Apple Macbook.

clean the previous owners cum off the chassis and install gentoo

spill coffee on it like i did with my laptop

Attached: faketx.jpg (460x257, 26K)

download tpfancontroller and set up a custom fan curve so your cooling system does its job.

I can smell the reddit on you

install and use arch until you're 1337


>everything I don’t like is leddit
mods please nuke this entire board

Take those stickers off

Stupid windowsfag.

>Jow Forums shills - buy a thinkpad buy a thinkpad.
Spend the next few months slowly coming to the realisation that Jow Forums has memed you yet again. As each day passes that shitty screen begins to bother you more and more.
>Jow Forums shillmemes - buy a new screen, buy a fire hazzard screen mod from Russia user trust us.
Jow Forums memes you yet again the screen still looks like shit.
>now buy an exploding chink battery user it'll be safe, we know what we're talking about.
House burns down killing everyone inside.


S-source pls?

Clean the cumstains out of it.

shave legs

Wrong, that's danish or norwegian.

Its a norwegian keyboard

Sell me the keyboard pls, its impossible to get a nordic one these days for my X220

F-fuck off to Jow Forums pls?

Install gen2


Attached: file.png (600x600, 368K)

It's literally written at the bottom of the fucking image, god damn.

That may be true. Personally, I love the way it's portable af.

>my X200
>no trackpad to click under my big fat hands
>not as memed as the T420 blaze it
>work on it
>come home
>pop in dock
>werks, everything plugged in

It's a meme, but I fell for it and I'm thankful.

Put Debian on it.

>charge the battery
>install Ubuntu based os
>Drivers updated at install
>update bios
>Type hardinfo in terminal
>install programs , games etc via APT

> get the OS broken at the next log in.

Download porn like everyone else

install libreboot

Dual-boot W10 and GNU/Linux so you have a normie machine and a serious workhorse. From there, enjoy the trackpoint's precision in text and image editing, art, gaming, and tons of other use cases. The build quality is also tops, so feel free to bring this thing where you may not take other laptops. If you get a good battery for it, you can also make it your roadster. That's about where I'm at with my X220. Glad I fell for the meme.

Install GuixSD

>Install GuixSD
Install NixOS

Gentoo, then become a trap.

QubesOS, then configure it to hop through two VPN providers (the first being homemade on a VPS) then something like airvpn then route that through tor for anything private also make it have a kill switch if connection is lost

>t. newfriend


how do you make the battery last forever or find chink ones that work?

>how do you make the battery last forever
don't use it unless you need to, i.e remove the battery and run off a plug unless you can't as for chink ones just check the TPG thread

Turns out it doesn't work so well if you use the whole laptop.

Attached: split.jpg (960x504, 91K)

>that shitty screen
Do people actually care about that?
I've never owned a 1080p display in my life and every single one of them is shit. Never bothered me in the slightest.

Install Qubes

why are you like this

This and ssd.