>compress file 20 times over
>it stays the same size
Compress file 20 times over
Other urls found in this thread:
>clean a window 20 times
>its not cleaner than after the first time
if (isCompressed(file)) {
return file;
return compress(file);
That's not how entropy works, you idiot.
Even Silicon Valley mentions this at one point. OP could have literally learned why this doesn't work by watching a comedy on HBO. The absolute state of Jow Forums
>Can't zip the rar
if ( !sufficientlyCompressed(file) ) {
return file/2;
I can compress 20 GB chunks in up to 256 kB. I'm still working on decompressing them.
>came up with a compression algorithm so good it created a black hole that is now slowly consuming this planet
compress the black hole
link me some reading material so I can understand pls I am dumb fuck.
and that's how big bang was made
>encrypt all my files with sha256
>still can't figure out how to decrypt them
>lets eat breakfast 7 times today to save time every morning this whole week!
You could try to generate all possible files that can be generated with that hash and then using an AI to filter out (gigglamesh
>compress a 0 byte file
>it becomes larger
I appreciated this
redpill me on gz vs bzip vs xz
Usually compressing a file once w/ the default settings is the best way to go right? Isn't default default for a reason?
No, not necessarily.
They defaults are normally a good balance between compression ratio, and resources (CPU, memory usage, time) to decompress.
They just use compression algorithms.
As far as I'm aware, xz has the best compression ratio.
you can do it, i believe in you
CSV and Excel files?
why don't we see innovation in compression algorithms anymore?
We do; there are constant improvements in compression techniques. Look at some of the tools that can produce zlib compatible bitstreams that are far more compact than have ever been possible before.
For new compression families, look at rzip and then lrzip investigating preprocessing techniques, zpaq with the ability to include bytecode defining custom decompression techniques, and ztandard showing how to scale a compression system from fast/light to slow/compact.
Long range deduplication is also going in an interesting direction, with packages like bup that can efficiently deduplicate segments of files over a huge corpus.
Just because you aren't paying attention, doesn't mean things aren't happening.
there's new algorithms coming out all the time, what are you talking about?
i don't know, it used to be a much bigger deal back in the day, probably because hard disk size was so limited
thanks for bringing me up to speed
i just recently switched my btrfs volumes over to zstd
I can compress chunks of up to 4GB into 8 bytes and also decompress them.
get some compression socks
>unzip file
>turns from 180 MB into 2.5 GB
Fucking this
>try to do this yourself
2.5GB turns into 2.4GB
I use CRC-32 compression. When I want the file back all I have to do is test all the possible entries until I get the same hash back. This also makes file sharing WAY easier.
Here's a copy of my favorite french secret sex pervert movie.
That 0 byte file is a self extracting archive already. chmod +x and go.
>compress aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa to a15
>compress a15 to a15
>compress a15 to a15
>compress a15 to a15
>compress a15 to a15
that spurdo face is so cute
Does anyone know who created the Arg image?
idk but you can have it
>compress a15 to a11151
>compress a11151 to a1135111
>compress a1135111 to a112315113
>compress a112315113 to a112213111511231
this algorithm sucks
>not achieving 100% compression
You guys are retards
That will work only if Pi is normal, which haven't been proven: math.stackexchange.com
>not using infinity compression
>make a simple program which stores the value 5 at position 0
>it's unsafe
>not using pifs to store your files as indexes of pi
Does Pi contain itself?
If so it's not fully compressed
If it doesn't it doesn't hold all series of numbers
>using a byte to store the index of a byte in pi
You'll need to use at least two-byte chunks to compress anything, but that will drastically increase (de)compression time. I'd like to see a form of movie piracy where everyone shares indexes of pi instead of torrent hashes and people run this decompression algorithm for months to find the movie.
I suppose it only holds all finite series of numbers.
It only contains all finite series. Pi is fully compressed, it's just that this number with this algorithm won't result in any meaningful compression.
really dumb. you have to use the golden ratio, because that mathematically uses the least compression cycles to achieve the greatest compression.
Could a hash of CP considered illegal?
How did you acquire this hash?
What makes you think I'm the same person who posted the hash?
compress another thing to create another black hole and throw it in the direction of the other black hole. this will probably not solve the problem but it will be cool to watch both black holes colliding.
You have to be 18 or older to post here.
>have cp
>hash of cp is illegal
>change one pixel
>hash of cp is now legal
>have a ton of cp
>change one pixel on all of it
>have hash collision
>hash of cp is now illegal
>realize the cause of the everything is a birthday problem
dont get it
Big, if true.